<p>Module 3 introduction. Igualdad de sexos. new A-Level specification. AS Book.<br />
Discussing the issue between Rosalia and Spotify links provided</p>
<p>A guide through question 8- grammar base with practices and step to step on how to tackle it.<br />
This Q8 is based on the topic of Environment.</p>
<p>A-Level Spanish AQA AS Oxford Book Module 1 unit 1.3<br />
A series of lessons on the topic of La iglesia católica A and B and additional resources on how Spain colonised and expanded the catholic religion.</p>
<p>Resources for Module 5 Mi Ciudad Viva 1.<br />
All units covered in powerpoints including:<br />
Unit 1: que hay en tu ciudad<br />
Unit 2 que haces en la ciudad<br />
Unit 2 que hora es + project<br />
Unit 3 en la cafeteria<br />
Unit 4 que vas a hacer<br />
Unit 4 near future<br />
Unit 4 video from Viva 1 ppt<br />
Listening skills<br />
Writing skills</p>
<p>This resource is matching the new AQA A-Level specification. This will cover module 6.2 on Patrimonio Cultural.<br />
The lesson is based on the life of Picasso and the analysis of his famous painting El Guernica. It includes a variety of activities for students to practice speaking, reading skills and vocabulary. Videos and links for your students’ independence included.<br />
Also, it can be used as a cultural lesson for KS4.</p>
<p>A-Level Spanish AQA AS Oxford Book Module 1 unit 1.1 Los cambios en la familia.<br />
A series of lessons including los valores tradicionales y modernos A and B and a lesson on La Guía de la Buena Esposa.</p>
<p>Introductory lesson to la influencia de los ídolos. Module 4 AS Spanish AQA book.<br />
The intro lesson includes article about la vecina rubia iwth reading comprehension questions and generación Z idols in Spain.</p>
<p>A series of lessons from AS Spanish Oxford AQA book on module 3. 2 El machismo y el feminismo (units A and B)<br />
Lessons with videos, research, quizzes and time to reflect.</p>
<p>A-Level Spanish AQA AS Oxford Book Module 2 unit 2.2<br />
A series of lessons on the topic of Los móviles inteligentes A and B.<br />
Lots of opportunities for students to reflect and debate on the evolution of phones.</p>
<p>AS Spanish AQA Module 3. La mujer en el mercado laboral (unit A and B)<br />
A series of lessons on units A and B with lots of opportunities for debate and speaking.</p>
<p>This resource is matching the new AQA A-Level specification. This will cover module 6.2 on Patrimonio Cultural.<br />
The lesson is based on the life of Velazquez and the analysis of his famous painting Las Meninas. It includes a variety of activities for students to practice speaking, reading skills and vocabulary. Apart from videos and links for your students’ independence.<br />
Also, it can be used as a cultural lesson for KS4.</p>
<p>This resource is matching the new AQA A-Level specification. This will cover module 6.2 on Patrimonio Cultural.<br />
The lesson is based on the life of Frida Kahlo and her paintings. It includes a variety of activities for students to practice speaking, reading skills and vocabulary. Videos and links for your students’ independence included.<br />
Also, it can be used as a cultural lesson for KS4.</p>