Christmas Quiz 2024
<p>Non-Subject specific fun Christmas Quiz. 7 rounds (122 slides). Used for FE English GCSE and Functional Skills resit students. Suitable for KS4 and KS3 (differentiate it though).</p>
<p>Round 1 has 25 multiple choice questions on general/obscure Christmas knowledge (there are 50 in total so you can do a mammoth quiz or alternate them year to year, or pick and choose your favourite questions). Round 2 is the Christmas catchphrase section with 10 questions (again there are 2 alternatives that you could rotate and some different clues for the same answers). Round 3 is name the movie round (2 alternatives). Round 4 is name the song and the artist. Round 5 is name the next line of from the Christmas song. Round 6 is a multiple choice of quotes from Christmas films. The bonus round is trivia from 2024.</p>
<p>Essentially, there’s enough here that you can pick and choose what you want to do (e.g. I alternate the Movie quotes and Next Song Line year to year, and use the bonus round only if I have time). It’s no frills, but fun! There is a lot here, so feel to use what you want and discard the rest.</p>