Year 1 Representing and writing numbers in different ways
<p>**Objective **- Year 1 Representing numbers in different ways</p>
<p><strong>Prior teaching</strong><br />
Prior to the resource being used children need to be exposed to using the following resources to make numbers money, numicon, base ten, part – part whole, bar method.</p>
<p>The work sheet is split into two sections, Task 1 and Task 2 and Now you’re flying.<br />
Task 1 develops children’s fluency skills<br />
Task 2 develops children’s reasoning skills.<br />
Now you’re Flying is a problem solving activity.<br />
Through use of the worksheet you are covering each of the three key objectives of the National Curriculum for Maths.</p>
<p><strong>Task 1</strong> Using a range of pictorial images for the children to practise their counting and writing the number in the boxes provided.<br />
<strong>Task 2 -</strong> Children use their reasoning skills children have to decide which 4 numicon pieces make a given amount, which 4 coins make a given amount and then how to arrange counters on an Ten and Ones abacus to make a given amount.<br />
<strong>Now you’re Flying</strong> Children to try and solve a problem involving numicon pieces. How to make a given amount only using a given amount of pieces.</p>
<p><strong>Assessment</strong><br />
Task 1 – Teachers can assess which children are confident counting and writing numbers<br />
Task 2 – Teachers can assess which children are confident at making different numbers using different resources using<br />
Now you’re Flying -Teachers can assess which children are confident at solving a problem involving numicon and number.</p>