Le Futur Simple par une chanson de Zaz et une poème de Victor HugoQuick View

Le Futur Simple par une chanson de Zaz et une poème de Victor Hugo

These resources are destinated for strudents (KS3, KS4, IGCSE, IB, A-Level) to work on the use of le futur simple. These resources are based on of the most popular Zaz's song 'On ira' and one of the most famous Victor Hugo's poem 'Demain dès l'aube'. These exercises can be corrected by watching music clips (information is resources). These resources can introduce an interactive moment in a lesson.
Revision of le Futur Simple based on Mika's song 'Elle me dit'Quick View

Revision of le Futur Simple based on Mika's song 'Elle me dit'

This resource was made to revise le futur simple in a funny way. The resource can be interesting for KS4, IGCSE, IB and A-Level students. It can help them not only revise le futur simple but also work on the structures to advise something in the French language.
Prejudices in France (based on the film "Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait à Bon Dieu?")Quick View

Prejudices in France (based on the film "Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait à Bon Dieu?")

The resources will be useful for the IB topics like Immigration, Customs and Traditions. The main objective is to study some prejudices existing today on the example of a comedy film "Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait à Bon Dieu?". The resource pack includes two resources, exercises based on the trailer and after film activities. Trailer-based exercises can help to introduce the issue of national prejudices and after-film activities (quiz and article about the film) will help students to understand this issue.
Film 'Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis'Quick View

Film 'Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis'

This resource is destinated to intermediate learners of French as a foreign language. The main objective of the resource is to work on the notion of the prejudies existing in France between the South and the Nord.
Direct and reported speech in Frecnh_Le discours direct et indirectQuick View

Direct and reported speech in Frecnh_Le discours direct et indirect

The resource is destinated for strudents (KS4, IGCSE, IB, A-Level) to work on the use of direct and reported speech in French. The resource includes a theoretical part (explanations of the use of direct and reported speech with simple examples), exercices to work on it in the context and keys (it can help your students to develop their ability for self-correction). The resource can help your students to develop their writing skills and to improve their level of knowledge.
Types of shops in France (les petits commerçants)Quick View

Types of shops in France (les petits commerçants)

This resource is destinated to learners of French as a foreign language to learn more about one of the most important elements in the French lifestyle, it is a small shop, a corner shop or a family shop. This resource helps your students to learn more about the French civilisation and to improve their general knowledge. This resource is a complete lesson that can be used as a suplementary resource for the topic "Faire du shopping". It can be interesting for teens and for adults as in the resource a ready-to-use vocabulary is used.
EN+ Present Participle/ Gérondif pour donner la précision sur une actionQuick View

EN+ Present Participle/ Gérondif pour donner la précision sur une action

The resource is destinated for intermediate and advanced strudents (KS4, IGCSE, IB, A-Level) to work on the structure 'EN+ Present Participle/ Gérondif pour donner la précision sur une action' in French. This resource explain in a very simple way the rule and present the exercises to work on this grammar structure. The resource can be use as an additional resource or a main one.
French literature_basic information (Litterature française_les principaux)Quick View

French literature_basic information (Litterature française_les principaux)

The resource is destinated for advanced French strudents (IB, A-Level) to learn the basic information about the French literature (XVI-XX century) . The resource includes the basic information about French authors and their works. The resource can help your students to improve their level of knowledge in general, to learn more about the French culture and to improve their general knowledge.
French idioms (les expressions idiomatiques)Quick View

French idioms (les expressions idiomatiques)

The resource is made for intermediate and advances students (KS4, IGCSE, IB, A-Level) to work on some most used idiomatic expressions in French. The resource includes a Powerpoint presentation (the expressions with their illustrations, their explanations) and an excerse to practice the use of the expressions in the context. The resource helps your students to make their speech more interesting and figurative.
Beauty and the Beast (Reading + Imparfait) with exercises for each chapterQuick View

Beauty and the Beast (Reading + Imparfait) with exercises for each chapter

This resource will be useful for intermediate students (KS3, KS4, IGCSE) to develop their reading skills and to develop their cultural background. The objective is to read a fairy tale 'La Belle et la Bête' and to do exercises after each chapter. This resource helps student to improve their vocabulary and written skills by answering questions. Also after the film Beauty and the Beast (2016) students will be very involved in this task. As an introduction to the resource a teacher can show a trailer of the film.
Describe your town or cityQuick View

Describe your town or city

This resource is destinated to learners of French as a foreign language (Year 8, 9, 10 or even for IGCSE French revision). The objective is to revise basic adjectives that can be useful to describe a hometown. Firstly, students need to read adjectives. Then they need to use them in a description of their hometown or an area in a city.
Comics in the French culture / la Bande DessinéeQuick View

Comics in the French culture / la Bande Dessinée

This resource is elaborated for intermediate and advanced students (IB and A-Level) to work on the topic 'La culture de la BD en France'. Firstly, a teacher can ask his students what French BD they know and what definition they can give to 'a BD'. A teacher can use the Powerpoint as a support for thus introduction. Then a teacher and students should work together on the worksheet devoted to one of the most popular BD in France 'Chat'.
Les Restos du coeur/ Non-governmental organisationsQuick View

Les Restos du coeur/ Non-governmental organisations

This resource will be interesting for intermediate students (KS4, IGCSE, IB and A-Level) to work on the topic 'Non-governmental organisations&quot; (on the example of one of the most famous non-governmental organisations in France 'Les Restos du coeur'. Students will listen to the podcast and fill the gaps in the text. This resource will develop students listening skills. After listening students need to answer the questions to check their general comprehension of the text and to speak about some topics mentionned in the text. It can help them to develop speaking skills.<br /> In addition to it, I propose you to work on an official song of Les Restos du coeur using a video clip (students need to watch the clip and to fill the gaps in the song).
Accents in French (les accents)_theory+exercisesQuick View

Accents in French (les accents)_theory+exercises

The resource is elaborated for intermediate and advanced students (KS3, KS4, IGCSE, IB, A-Level). The resource includes an explanation of the use of accents in French, exercises and keys. The resource can be used to develop students' self-education as they can work on it by themselves and check their unswers using the keys at the end of the resource. The resource can help the students to improve their spelling in French.
Present a person in French/ Présenter une personneQuick View

Present a person in French/ Présenter une personne

This resource is destinated for beginners (KS3 or KS4). The aim of the activity is to present a person and to give maximum information about him. Each student receive one carte and prepare a presentation during 3-5 min. He needs to tell about all aspects that he has in a card. In some cards they have a point &quot;Friends&quot;. They can describe their friends (like a supplementary task).
Conjugation in French(Revision pack)Quick View

Conjugation in French(Revision pack)

The resource is aimed to revise the main tenses in French (le présent, le passé composé, le futur, le plus-que-parfait, l'imparfait, le subjonctif, l'imperatif, le conditionnel, etc). The resource includes a theory and exercises for each tense. This resource is a wonderful and very useful way to revise the basic tense in French, before the exam. The resource will help your students to improuve their writing skills.
Negative structures in French (les formes négatives)Quick View

Negative structures in French (les formes négatives)

The resource is destinated for strudents (KS3, KS4, IGCSE, IB, A-Level) to work on the use of the negative constructions in French (ne...pas, ne...rien, ne...jamais, ni...ni, ne guère etc). The resource includes the thory on the negative structures, exercises to practise their use in the context and the correction that can help you to introduce an element of self-correction in your lesson. The resource can help to improve speaking and writing skills.
Active and passive voice in French (Voix active et voix passive)Quick View

Active and passive voice in French (Voix active et voix passive)

The resource is destinated for intermediate and advanced French strudents (KS4, IGCSE, IB, A-Level) to work on the use of the active and the passive voice in French. The resource includes a theoretical part with a smple explanation of the difference between active and passive structures, different types of exercices and the keys that can help your students to do self-correction and self-evaluation. The resource can help your students to develop their speaking, reading and writing skills and to improve their level of knowledge in general.
The use of l'imparfait in the context (chanson 'On savait...' - Devenir Grand)Quick View

The use of l'imparfait in the context (chanson 'On savait...' - Devenir Grand)

This resource is destinated for intermediate students (KS3, KS4 and IGCSE) to revise l'imparfait. The objective is to revise the use of l'imparfait in the context. The song will be interesting for the students. A teacher ask students to listen the song and to say what tense is used. Then they listen again and complete the gaps in the lyrics. To correct the task a teacher can find a clip of the song with sub-titles (google 'On Savait' sous-titré). Students can learn the song by heart.