OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 6.06 SequencesQuick View

OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 6.06 Sequences

A 10 question test on Sequences, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Generate terms of a sequence: Generate a sequence by spotting a pattern or using a term-to-term rule given algebraically or in words. Find a position-to-term rule for simple arithmetic sequences, algebraically or in words. Generate a sequence from a formula for the nth term Find a formula for the nth term of an arithmetic sequence. Use subscript notation for position-to-term and term-to-term rules. Find a formula for the nth term of a quadratic sequence. Special sequences: Recognise sequences of triangular, square and cube numbers, and simple arithmetic progressions. Recognise Fibonacci and quadratic sequences, and simple geometric progressions. Generate and find nth terms of other sequences. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 8.06 Three-dimensional shapesQuick View

OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 8.06 Three-dimensional shapes

A 10 question test on Three-dimensional shapes, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: 3-dimensional solids: recognise and know the properties of the cube, cuboid, prism, cylinder, pyramid, cone and sphere. Plans and elevations: interpret plans and elevations of simple 3D solids. Construct plans and elevations of simple 3D solids, and representations (e.g. using isometric paper) of solids from plans and elevations. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 6.03 Algebraic equationsQuick View

OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 6.03 Algebraic equations

A 10 question test on Algebraic equations, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Solve linear equations in one unknown algebraically. Set up and solve linear equations in mathematical and non-mathematical contexts, including those with the unknown on both sides of the equation. (Examples may include manipulation of algebraic fractions.) Interpret solutions in context. Solve quadratic equations with coefficient of x2 equal to 1 by factorising. Know the quadratic formula. Rearrange and solve quadratic equations by factorising, completing the square or using the quadratic formula. Set up and solve two linear simultaneous equations in two variables algebraically. Set up and solve two simultaneous equations (one linear and one quadratic) in two variables algebraically. Use a graph to find the approximate solution of a linear equation. Use graphs to find approximate roots of quadratic equations and the approximate solution of two linear simultaneous equations. Know that the coordinates of the points of intersection of a curve and a straight line are the solutions to the simultaneous equations for the line and curve. Find approximate solutions to equations using systematic sign-change methods (for example, decimal search or interval bisection) when there is no simple analytical method of solving them. Specific methods will not be requested in the assessment. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 5.03 Discrete growth and decayQuick View

OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 5.03 Discrete growth and decay

A 10 question test on Discrete growth and decay, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Growth and decay: Calculate simple interest including in financial contexts. Solve problems step-by-step involving multipliers over a given interval, for example compound interest, depreciation, etc. Express exponential growth or decay as a formula. Solve and interpret answers in growth and decay problems. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Section Check In Test 9 Congruence and similarityQuick View

OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Section Check In Test 9 Congruence and similarity

A 20 question test on ‘Congruence and similarity’ in Foundation GCSE Maths, comprising: 10 questions on procedural calculations; 5 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 5 problem solving questions. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a half term assessment, a homework or for revision. The topics covered correspond to the first two columns of subject content from section 1 of the OCR GCSE (9-1) Mathematics specification J560. 9.01 - Plane isometric transformations: Reflection; Rotation; Translation 9.02 - Congruence: Congruent triangles; Applying congruent triangles 9.03 - Plane vector geometry: Vector arithmetic; Column vectors 9.04 - Similarity: Similar triangles; Enlargement; Similar shapes Further details and other resource ideas can be found by visiting Teach Cambridge.
OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 8.03 AnglesQuick View

OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 8.03 Angles

A 10 question test on Angles, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Angles at a point: know and use the sum of the angles at a point is 360°. Angles on a line: know that the sum of the angles at a point on a line is 180°. Angles between intersecting and parallel lines: Know and use vertically opposite angles are equal. Know and use alternate angles on parallel lines are equal. Know and use corresponding angles on parallel lines are equal. Apply these angle facts to find angles in rectilinear figures, and to justify results in simple proofs. Angles in polygons: Derive and use the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180°. Derive and use the sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is 360°. Find the sum of the interior angles of a polygon. Find the interior angle of a regular polygon. Apply these angle facts to find angles in rectilinear figures, and to justify results in simple proofs. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 7.02 Straight line graphsQuick View

OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 7.02 Straight line graphs

A 10 question test on Straight line graphs, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Straight line graphs: Find and interpret the gradient and intercept of straight lines, graphically and using y = mx + c. Use the form y = mx + c to find and sketch equations of straight lines. Find the equation of a line through two given points, or through one point with a given gradient. Identify the solution sets of linear inequalities in two variables, using the convention of dashed and solid lines. Parallel and perpendicular lines: Identify and find equations of parallel lines. Identify and find equations of perpendicular lines. Calculate the equation of a tangent to a circle at a given point. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 8.03 AnglesQuick View

OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 8.03 Angles

A 10 question test on Angles, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Angles at a point: know and use the sum of the angles at a point is 360°. Angles on a line: know that the sum of the angles at a point on a line is 180°. Angles between intersecting and parallel lines: Know and use vertically opposite angles are equal. Know and use alternate angles on parallel lines are equal. Know and use corresponding angles on parallel lines are equal. Apply these angle facts to find angles in rectilinear figures, and to justify results in simple proofs. Apply these angle properties in more formal proofs of geometrical results. Angles in polygons: Derive and use the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180°. Derive and use the sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is 360°. Find the sum of the interior angles of a polygon. Find the interior angle of a regular polygon. Apply these angle facts to find angles in rectilinear figures, and to justify results in simple proofs. Apply these angle properties in more formal proofs of geometrical results. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 2.01 FractionsQuick View

OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 2.01 Fractions

A 10 question test on Fractions, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Equivalent fractions: recognise and use equivalence between simple fractions and mixed numbers. Add, subtract, multiply and divide simple fractions (proper and improper), including mixed numbers and negative fractions. Carry out more complex calculations, including the use of improper fractions. Calculate a fraction of a quantity. Express one quantity as a fraction of another. Calculate with fractions greater than 1. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Initial learning for GCSE - Check In Test 9.04 SimilarityQuick View

OCR Maths: Initial learning for GCSE - Check In Test 9.04 Similarity

A 10 question test on Similarity, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. The initial learning required for GCSE is based upon the subject content of the KS3 Mathematics programme of study and as such these resources could be used as a year 9 assessment, checking in to the GCSE topics. Likewise, they could be utilised as a recap tool with KS4 learners to introduce Foundation topics. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Similar triangles: identify similar triangles. Enlargement: enlarge a simple shape from a given centre using a whole number scale factor, and identify the scale factor of an enlargement. Similar shapes: compare lengths, areas and volumes using ratio notation and scale factors. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 3.03 Exact calculationsQuick View

OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 3.03 Exact calculations

A 10 question test on Exact calculations, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Use fractions in exact calculations without a calculator. Use multiples of π in exact calculations without a calculator. Use surds in exact calculations without a calculator. Simplify expressions with surds, including rationalising denominators. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 7.03 Transformations of curves and their equationsQuick View

OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 7.03 Transformations of curves and their equations

A 10 question test on Transformations of curves and their equations, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Identify and sketch translations and reflections of a given graph (or the graph of a given equation). [Knowledge of function notation will not be required] Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 12.02 Interpreting and representing dataQuick View

OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 12.02 Interpreting and representing data

A 10 question test on Interpreting and representing data, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Interpret and construct charts appropriate to the data type; including frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts and pictograms for categorical data, vertical line charts for ungrouped discrete numerical data. Interpret multiple and composite bar charts. Design tables to classify data. Interpret and construct line graphs for time series data, and identify trends (e.g. seasonal variations). Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 8.04 Properties of polygonsQuick View

OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 8.04 Properties of polygons

A 10 question test on Properties of polygons, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Properties of a triangle: Know the basic properties of isosceles, equilateral and right-angled triangles. Give geometrical reasons to justify these properties. Use these facts to find lengths and angles in rectilinear figures and in simple proofs. Use these facts in more formal proofs of geometrical results, for example circle theorems. Properties of quadrilaterals: Know the basic properties of the square, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium, kite and rhombus. Give geometrical reasons to justify these properties. Use these facts to find lengths and angles in rectilinear figures and in simple proofs. Use these facts in more formal proofs of geometrical results, for example circle theorems. Symmetry: identify reflection and rotation symmetries of triangles, quadrilaterals and other polygons. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 12.02 Interpreting and representing dataQuick View

OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Check In Test 12.02 Interpreting and representing data

A 10 question test on Interpreting and representing data, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Categorical and numerical data: Interpret and construct charts appropriate to the data type; including frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts and pictograms for categorical data, vertical line charts for ungrouped discrete numerical data. Interpret multiple and composite bar charts. Design tables to classify data. Interpret and construct line graphs for time series data, and identify trends (e.g. seasonal variations). Grouped data: Interpret and construct diagrams for grouped data as appropriate, i.e. cumulative frequency graphs and histograms (with either equal or unequal class intervals). Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 5.03 Discrete growth and decayQuick View

OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 5.03 Discrete growth and decay

A 10 question test on Discrete growth and decay, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Growth and decay: Calculate simple interest including in financial contexts. Solve problems step-by-step involving multipliers over a given interval, for example compound interest, depreciation, etc. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Section Check In Test 3 Indices and surdsQuick View

OCR Maths: Higher GCSE - Section Check In Test 3 Indices and surds

A 20 question test on ‘Indices and surds’ in Higher GCSE Maths, comprising: 10 questions on procedural calculations; 5 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 5 problem solving questions. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a half term assessment, a homework or for revision. The topics covered correspond to the first three columns of subject content from section 1 of the OCR GCSE (9-1) Mathematics specification J560. 3.01 - Powers and roots: Index notation; Calculation and estimation of powers and roots; Laws of indices 3.02 - Standard form: Standard form; Calculations with numbers in standard form 3.03 - Exact calculations: Exact calculations; Manipulating surds Further details and other resource ideas can be found by visiting Teach Cambridge.
OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 8.02 Ruler and compass constructionsQuick View

OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 8.02 Ruler and compass constructions

A 10 question test on Ruler and compass constructions, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Construct the perpendicular bisector and midpoint of a line segment. Construct the bisector of an angle formed from two lines. Construct the perpendicular from a point to a line. Construct the perpendicular to a line at a point. Know that the perpendicular distance from a point to a line is the shortest distance to the line. Apply ruler and compass constructions to construct figures and identify the loci of points, to include real-world problems. Understand the term ‘equidistant’. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 6.06 SequencesQuick View

OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 6.06 Sequences

A 10 question test on Sequences, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Generate terms of a sequence: Generate a sequence by spotting a pattern or using a term-to-term rule given algebraically or in words. Find a position-to-term rule for simple arithmetic sequences, algebraically or in words. Generate a sequence from a formula for the nth term Find a formula for the nth term of an arithmetic sequence. Special sequences: Recognise sequences of triangular, square and cube numbers, and simple arithmetic progressions. Recognise Fibonacci and quadratic sequences, and simple geometric progressions. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.
OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Section Check In Test 3 Indices and surdsQuick View

OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Section Check In Test 3 Indices and surds

A 20 question test on ‘Indices and surds’ in Foundation GCSE Maths, comprising: 10 questions on procedural calculations; 5 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 5 problem solving questions. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a half term assessment, a homework or for revision. The topics covered correspond to the first two columns of subject content from section 1 of the OCR GCSE (9-1) Mathematics specification J560. 3.01 - Powers and roots: Index notation; Calculation and estimation of powers and roots; Laws of indices 3.02 - Standard form: Standard form; Calculations with numbers in standard form 3.03 - Exact calculations: Exact calculations Further details and other resource ideas can be found by visiting Teach Cambridge.
OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 8.04 Properties of polygonsQuick View

OCR Maths: Foundation GCSE - Check In Test 8.04 Properties of polygons

A 10 question test on Properties of polygons, comprising: 5 questions on procedural calculations; 3 questions on reasoning and communicating mathematically; and 2 problem solving questions. At the end of the test there is an extension activity which will allow more able students to stretch themselves. This resource is ideal for either formative or summative assessment and can be used in lesson time as a topic assessment, starter or plenary activity or for homework or revision. Topics include: Properties of a triangle: Know the basic properties of isosceles, equilateral and right-angled triangles. Give geometrical reasons to justify these properties. Use these facts to find lengths and angles in rectilinear figures and in simple proofs. Properties of quadrilaterals: Know the basic properties of the square, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium, kite and rhombus. Give geometrical reasons to justify these properties. Use these facts to find lengths and angles in rectilinear figures and in simple proofs. Symmetry: identify reflection and rotation symmetries of triangles, quadrilaterals and other polygons. Visit Teach Cambridge for more resource ideas.