Wolf Brother Simple Chapter SummariesQuick View

Wolf Brother Simple Chapter Summaries

<p>I wrote these chapter summaries of Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver to help SEN and EAL children access the story alongside the rest of the class. They were very valuable and have been used with great success. The whole book is covered from start to finish.</p> <p>An example from Chapter 3:<br /> Torak saw the wolf and at first, wanted to eat it. Torak realised the wolf was alone. It’s family had died in a flood. The Wolf was howling and crying. Torak realised he understood the wolf saying, “Why won’t you play with me brothers?”, “Why won’t you wake up?” and, “I’m hungry.”<br /> Wolf could smell something like wolf in the air. Torak went towards Wolf with a knife, ready to fight it if it attacked him. Wolf showed Torak he was too weak to fight and wasn’t going to attack.<br /> Torak hugged Wolf and Wolf wasn’t scared any more.</p>
Maya Myth Assembly Script: The Hero Twins.Quick View

Maya Myth Assembly Script: The Hero Twins.

This is an assembly script that I wrote and used with my Y6 class. There is enough roles for up to 30 children but it could easily be modified up or down as you require. <br /> <br /> The story is based on a Maya Myth which is found in the sacred book, the Popol Vuh. It is called the Hero Twins. We made elaborate masks with lots of glitter and used balloons for the Maya ball game (because they were easier for the chn to control on the stage than using real footballs). <br /> <br /> The script includes an introduction, fun facts about the Maya and then goes on to tell the mythical story.<br /> <br /> These were the only props we used and it definitely worked with only these however if you wanted to spend more time adding your own props it would be enhanced further too. This is a great resource if you don't have much time but also can be great if you do have the time and resources to go further!
Floodland Marcus Sedgewick EAL/SEN chapter summaries - very simpleQuick View

Floodland Marcus Sedgewick EAL/SEN chapter summaries - very simple

<p>I wrote these chapter summaries of Marcus Sedgewick’s novel Floodland to help SEN and EAL children access the story alongside the rest of the class. They were very valuable and have been used a few years in a row now with great success. The whole book is covered from start to finish.</p> <p>A sample from ch1:</p> <p>Zoe, the main character, ran faster than she ever had before. She could hear the gang chasing her. They were getting closer.</p> <p>Zoe lived on an island called Norwich. It used to be part of England but now it was an island. The whole of England was flooded and things had changed.</p> <p>For a long time now, Zoe had been hiding a boat and fixing it. She wanted to use it to escape the island of Norwich.</p> <p>But somehow the gang had found it too and now they were chasing her.</p> <p>Zoe scrambled to the boat and pushed it into the water.</p> <p>The gang shouted, “take us with you. Please! We won’t hurt you!”</p> <p>Each chapter is on less than a page of A4, some much less.</p>
Oranges In No Man's Land (Elizabeth Laird) Chapter summaries for SEN/EAL - very simpleQuick View

Oranges In No Man's Land (Elizabeth Laird) Chapter summaries for SEN/EAL - very simple

I wrote these chapter summaries of Elizabeth Laird's Oranges in No Man's Land to help SEN and EAL children access the story alongside the rest of the class. They were very valuable and have been used a few years in a row now with great success. The whole book is covered from start to finish.<br /> <br /> An example from chapter 1:<br /> <br /> Ayesha is a 10 year old girl who lives with her mother, two brothers and granny in Beirut. In Beirut a war broke out and one day Ayesha’s family had to leave home. As they were running away from home, a bomb dropped destroying their house and killing their mother.<br /> Ayesha, her granny and her two brothers (Ahmed and Latif) went to a destroyed part of the city to find a home. They were refugees. Refugees are people that have to leave their home because of war.
The history of the river Thames and mudlarksQuick View

The history of the river Thames and mudlarks

<p>I created this powerpoint to support a trip for the children to ecperience mudlarking. This lesson starts with a timeline activity (free to download from twinkl), learning about The Great Stink using videos, an d the history of mudlarks where children analyse a text in small parts. Each part of the learning is assessed with a fun quiz based on historical events/dates, mudlarking and smelly facts about The Great Stink! There is also a slide covering modern day mudlarks and chn get to look at some finds.</p> <p>This could be useful before or after visiting the foreshore or Museum of London.</p>
Holes (Louis Sachar) Key Words and Images cards for EAL/SENQuick View

Holes (Louis Sachar) Key Words and Images cards for EAL/SEN

A large publisher document with 8 x key words on each sheet. Ranging from dig, hot, thirsty etc. to cowboy boots, outlaw, treasure.<br /> <br /> All made for a child with early EAL who had just started in Y6. Easily editable.<br /> <br /> Images on one side, word on the other. If you print back to back they should come out in the correct layout.
Early EAL Resources: Maths: NumberQuick View

Early EAL Resources: Maths: Number

This resource is aimed at a child who has recently arrived in England and who has English as an Additional Language.<br /> <br /> This resource consists of three documents which make up 16 A4 pages.<br /> <br /> 1. Based around recognising and learning the written words for numbers 1-20 and some vocab for division, multiplication, addition and subtraction. It progresses from a word bank, match up games with a challenge question and then an activity based on using their new English skills to help complete equations.<br /> <br /> 2. Based around recognising and learning the written words for numbers 1-100 using some match up activities and some fill in the gap vocabulary activities. Numbers are chosen carefully to help children distinguish between 'ty' and 'teen'.<br /> <br /> 3. Based around learning vocabulary for place value. This resource includes numbers up to one million and up to with three decimal places. The activities gradually build up to make the new vocabulary manageable. Offers lots of opportunities for practice. I recommend this resource is used with close adult support to focus on how to say the numbers and in which order.<br /> <br /> Titles and key vocabulary are translated into arabic (using Google translate) but you could delete this and replace with another language easily.
The British Museum - Roman Artefact Hunt activity booklet for tripsQuick View

The British Museum - Roman Artefact Hunt activity booklet for trips

<p>A comprehensive and engaging activity booklet to give children a focus during a school trip to the British Museum. Galleries 69 and 70 (Roman Life), room 50 (Britain and Europe) and room 49 (Roman Britain).</p> <p>10 page document - enough for a full day at the museum for even your most beady eyed students!</p>
The British Museum - Ancient Greek Artefact Hunt activity booklet for tripsQuick View

The British Museum - Ancient Greek Artefact Hunt activity booklet for trips

<p>A comprehensive and engaging activity booklet to give children a focus during a school trip to the British Museum. Galleries 13 (Greece 1050-520BC), 17 (Nereid monument), 18 (Greece:Parthenon marbles), the stairs to room 69 (Ideal location for a class photo) and room 69 itself (Greek daily life).</p> <p>7 page document - lots to explore, find, write about and sketch.</p> <p>Just print, copy and go!</p>
Pie Chart intro games/activitiesQuick View

Pie Chart intro games/activities

This is a document containing 4 games/activities that I have used with my Y5 and Y6 LA classes. It introduces them to the concepts of pie charts, looking at halves and quarters, more and less, wholes and parts. They are editable so you can differentiate the questions up or down as you need. <br /> <br /> Page 1 - Questions as in the cover image. <br /> Page 2 - More as above.<br /> Page 3 - True or false? Quick review activity.<br /> Page 4 - Pie chart bingo cards x2. You say 'cross out the pie chart with half coloured pink' etc.
The Story of the Olympics AssemblyQuick View

The Story of the Olympics Assembly

<p>This assembly explores the origins of the Olympic games and links them to the modern day games. There are 26 roles but can easily be increased to 30 or decreased to 20. I planned this for use with a Y5 class but is appropriate for Y3-6. There are a few shards of pottery required (printable from the slides) and slides to show them being put together.</p> <p>Roles:</p> <p>Roles<br /> Narrators (2)<br /> Pierre de Fredy (1)<br /> Archaeologists (3)<br /> Historians (2)<br /> Zeus (1)<br /> Hera (1)<br /> Spectators (6) small<br /> Ancient Sportsmen (4)<br /> Ancient Sportswomen (4)<br /> International Olympic Committee (IOC) members (2)</p>
Column addition and subtraction introduction pack LKS2 (20 documents)Quick View

Column addition and subtraction introduction pack LKS2 (20 documents)

<p>I made these resources over the period I introduced and taught column addition and subtraction to my Y3 class. It was their first time learning about this method.</p> <p>This download consists of 20 word documents that build the skills needed. I have named each document specifically so you can easily identify the document you need and when it will fit into your sequence of learning.</p>
Times Tables Quizzes (100Qs, Y-6 differentiated)Quick View

Times Tables Quizzes (100Qs, Y-6 differentiated)

<p>I needed a set of times tables tests to act as a benchmark test for Y2,3,4,5 and 6 but couldn’t find any that were differentiated to the curriculum (and Camden times tables teaching advice) and also looked uniform across the board so I made these to fill that gap.</p> <p>There are 100 questions on one sheet for each year group in each set detailed below.</p> <p><strong>First set</strong><br /> Y2 - 2s, 5s, 10s</p> <p>Y3 - 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 10s</p> <p>Y4 - all x tables</p> <p>Y5 - all x tables including sqaures</p> <p>Y6 - all x tables including sqaures and also including missing box questions</p> <p><strong>Second set</strong><br /> Y2 - 2s, 5s, 10s with division facts</p> <p>Y3 - 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 10s with division facts</p> <p>Y4 - all x tables with division facts</p> <p>Y5 - all x tables including sqaures with division facts</p> <p>Y6 - all x tables including sqaures and also including missing box questions and division facts</p> <p><strong>Third set</strong><br /> Y2 - 2s, 5s, 10s division facts only</p> <p>Y3 - 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 10s division facts only</p> <p>Y4 - all x tables division facts only</p> <p>Y5 - all x tables division facts only with square roots</p> <p>Y6 - all x tables division facts only with sqaure roots and missing box questions</p>