End of term excel activityQuick View

End of term excel activity

This activity takes students through some commonly used excel functions that I used all the time in business. It isn’t colourful or flashy, but students remained engaged, using a small amount of demo from the front and mostly self guided learning. I wrote it for my Y9 who have not opted for GCSE Computer Science as an assessed piece of work, but then reused it with Y7 as it worked so well. Students work through the worksheets at their own pace. Using the marking grid allows for rapid marking if you choose to take the file in, especially if you have 2 screens. I used it for 25 minutes per lesson over 3 lessons. The rest of the lesson set aside for the free and very good iDEA.org.uk. I hope you find it useful. Pete
Circular Motion Physics A Level (AQA)Quick View

Circular Motion Physics A Level (AQA)

I use this powerpoint to teach circular motion, from the intro on speed when travelling around, through radians, centripetal force and then lots of examples. At the end, i link the ideas to the next topic, SHM. One of the old nuffield experiments which gives excellent results is included, with a url for technician notes.
Force and Motion KS3Quick View

Force and Motion KS3

Powerpoint, some worksheets and a test that can be used at the start and/or end of topic. I try to get the basics of describing forces. Then hookes law, pressure and speeding up.
Uncertainty: A Level Physics GuideQuick View

Uncertainty: A Level Physics Guide

This looks at estimating uncertainty from single and multiple measurements and then combining these. It was originally written for a colleague, but then adapted for students as it was so popular. It gives advice on when to increase uncertainty estimates because of common experimental issues. It explains how to deal with uncertainty for quantities that are raised to a power. It is a generic resource for all exam boards, but has the AQA spec references.
AQA A Level Physics ParticlesQuick View

AQA A Level Physics Particles

Spec ref 3.2.1 Quarks, leptons, 4 forces, specific charge etc. There is a free sample of the ppt available. Also included are some questions and further notes on forces. There was an issue with the ppt last year, leading to 2 poor reviews. I have made the item £1 (previously £4.50)and would appreciate some positive reviews if you like it.
Circuit building/electricity for non-specialistsQuick View

Circuit building/electricity for non-specialists

A step by step guide to avoid the horrible situation where half the class can’t get their circuit to work. PPT has photos to allow students to see what is required and strategies for them to fix it themselves with a step by step method of testing. Plus a selection of worksheets and experiments described.
Introduction to algorithms and python (free sample)Quick View

Introduction to algorithms and python (free sample)

The lesson begins with a discussion of a pre-written flow chart (algorithm) for making a cup of tea. Students are then provided with the template and asked to add an option for a sugar lump (extension: multiple via a loop). Finally students link this to a set of instructions for adding up numbers. The python code is included and can be copied directly into an editor - i suggest IDLE, available free from python.org. By saving the file in a folder accessible by students, they are able to interact with code in the first lesson.