Non chronological reportsQuick View

Non chronological reports

I used this in a Year 4 classroom after watching introduction of 'Blue Planet.'<br /> Children spent one lesson finding out even more research on the internet and by looking at Year 6 reading test 'Ocean Voices' to then plan their own non chronological reports on the blue whale. A fun lesson that all enjoyed.
Chapter 3 Iron Man Ted HughesQuick View

Chapter 3 Iron Man Ted Hughes

I used this PowerPoint to create a writing task for Year 4 after reading chapter three. I first started with some difficult words that appear in the first few pages. As a class we then described what the bat-angel dragon looked like using phrases and then children created a 'Wanted' poster.
Non chronological reporrts- animalsQuick View

Non chronological reporrts- animals

This was used as an introduction to non fiction writing- reports. We discussed what non fiction was and then began to read about the sea turtle, highlighting key features and good sentences. Children were then asked to plan their own report on the sun bear, but this can be adapted.
Rainbow Fish- How to be a good friend.Quick View

Rainbow Fish- How to be a good friend.

Using the story of Rainbow Fish, we used these differentiated sheets to describe how we can be a good friend to others. <br /> <br /> We also had a 'naked' Rainbow Fish displayed in class and when I saw someone doing something nice, they were allowed to put a scale on the fish.
Kensuke's Kingdom Year 6 Improving sentencesQuick View

Kensuke's Kingdom Year 6 Improving sentences

I used this resource as a starting point for the text 'Kensuke's Kingdom' once Michael had arrived on the island. Pupils were asked to describe the island using good nouns, adjectives and verbs. Once this was done, we progressed in the week with extended writing opportunities which worked very well in my class of varying needs.
Ordering decimal numbersQuick View

Ordering decimal numbers

My lessons tend to follow the same format where each slide becomes more challenging. Once children have completed tasks from different sections I can then choose which activities pupils will deepen within lesson.
Rounding decimal numbers year 4Quick View

Rounding decimal numbers year 4

My lessons tend to follow the same format where each slide becomes more challenging. Once children have completed tasks from different sections I can then choose which activities pupils will deepen within lesson.
Division Year 1 Sharing ApplesQuick View

Division Year 1 Sharing Apples

I introduced division by having real apples and a basket at the front of the classroom. <br /> I made this resource to follow up what we had learnt. <br /> Children were excellent at this :)
Place Value- Adding DecimalsQuick View

Place Value- Adding Decimals

My lessons tend to follow the same format where each slide becomes more challenging. Once children have completed tasks from different sections I can then choose which activities pupils will deepen within lesson.