Quick ViewnuggettInverse Operations (0)New year 4 curriculum Inverse operation worksheets, for students entering year 4.
Quick ViewnuggettRounding (0)Year 5 new curriculum. Rounding Worksheets for students entering Year 5.
Quick ViewnuggettSquare, Cube and Prime numbers (0)Year 6 new curriculum. Square, cube and prime Worksheets for students entering Year 6.
Quick ViewnuggettMean, Median, Mode and the Range (0)Mean, median, mode and the range worksheets for students entering Year 6.
Quick ViewnuggettMean, Median, Mode and the Range (0)Year 6 new curriculum. Mean, median, mode and the range Worksheets for students entering Year 6.
Quick ViewnuggettMean, Median, Mode and the Range worksheets (0)Mean, Median, Mode and the Range Worksheets for students entering Year 7.
Quick ViewnuggettTime and calendar (0)Year 6 new curriculum. Time and calendar Worksheets for students entering Year 6.
Quick ViewnuggettMultiplying and dividing by powers of 10 (0)Year 5 new curriculum. Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 Worksheets for students entering Year 5.
Quick ViewnuggettLong Division (0)Percentage, Decimals and Fractions Worksheets for students entering Year 7.
Quick ViewnuggettFractions of Amounts (0)Year 5 new curriculum. Fractions of amounts Worksheets for students entering Year 5.
Quick ViewnuggettFactors, Multiples and Primes (0)Factors, Multiples and Prime Worksheets for students entering Year 7.
Quick ViewnuggettPercentage, Decimals and Fractions Worksheets (0)Percentage, Decimals and Fractions Worksheets for students entering Year 7.
Quick ViewnuggettMaths Assessment for students in Year 3. (0)A maths assessment for Year 3 students- specifically for the end of the Spring term.
Quick ViewnuggettYear 5 and 6 Spring TermTest (0)A revision assessment for pupils in Year 5 and 6. Specifically for all year 6 students and revision for the students in year 5 who are hoping to take an entrance exams.