<p>Match the Spanish words with the English translation and find them in the word search.<br />
Nice end of term Christmas task !<br />
Extra worksheet - anagrams based on new vocabulary</p>
<p>Colouful quiz about the El Día de Los Reyes Magos ( The Day of the Thee Kings) in Spain which is also a nice record of this cultural topic.<br />
Additional worksheet where students can follow instructions and either draw pictures or print off pictures from the internet and stick them onto worksheet.</p>
<p>This resource explains how to express possession with “de” in Spanish and compares this to English where we always use the apostrophe and letter s to show when something belongs to someone.</p>
<p>Contents :</p>
<code>1. Powerpoint - explaining how to express possession in Spanish with "de"
2. worksheet - simple worksheet where students can describe a "Marimonda" using this grammar point.
The Marimonda is a popular carnival character with a long nose and big ears and appears like a monkey mixed with an elephant. It originates from the carnival of Barranquilla in Colombia.</code>
<p>This resource contains a range of materials to enable students to describe wild animals in detail</p>
<p>**Grammar and vocabulary covered **:</p>
<li>names of wild animals</li>
<li>body parts of an animal</li>
<li>action verbs</li>
<li>numbers<br />
-adjectives and adjectival agreement</li>
<li>the verb " tener"<br />
-forming questions</li>
<li>making sentences negative in Spanish</li>
<li>making nouns plural</li>
<p><strong>Contents :</strong><br />
1.Lower ability worksheet introducing questions to elicit colour of wild animal,number of feet and description of tail using adjectives ! Students can answer question by putting a circle around the correct answer.</p>
<p>Worksheet for more able students .Students complete sentences by choosing correct answer from list.</p>
<p>Speaking and reading task . Pair work - Guess the mystery animal !<br />
Students A and B work out correct answers to the animals they are going to be describing and circle correct sentences.<br />
Student B asks student A questions about their mystery animal. Student A answers questions using the answers they have already circled. Student B puts a circle around the answer they are given. At the end of all the questions Student B then tries to guess which animal student A is describing. The roles are then reversed .Both students take it in turns to ask / answer questions until all the animals have been described.</p>
<p>4.Worksheet - Match Spanish action verbs with correct English meaning. Choose an action verb for each animal.Match action verb to correct family of verbs ( -ar -er -ir verbs)</p>
<p>Revision exercise- revise animal names, action verbs and numbers.<br />
-Students write English meaning of animals and action verbs under words in first grid.<br />
-Oral repetition exercise to revise numbers and new vocabulary.<br />
This can be completed by teacher to whole class or performed in pairs.<br />
Teacher says number from grid and students say corresponding word. Teacher says a word from the grid and students say corresponding number.<br />
-In pairs students choose 6 or 12 words from first grid and copy them into the second grid . They can number the words 1-6 or 1-12. With a die ( or two dice!) take it in turns to roll die and say word that corresponds to number on die. Students can practise some maths here too by adding up the numbers on the dice.<br />
-Finally play bingo with words on grid.</p>
<p>Revision quiz</p>
<p>Reading exercise- Students can read descriptions and match them to correct animal picture. Descriptions and pictures can be laminated and cut up.</p>
<p>Help sheet - describing a wild animal. Students can use help sheet to write their own description of a wild animal of their choice.</p>
<p>New Year’s lesson based on song by Marc Anthony called " Vivir Mi Vida" ( Live my life).</p>
<p>Spanish Culture :Students have opportunity to find out more about this American singer of Puerto Rican heritage who was married to Jennifer Lopez!</p>
<p>students can listen to this uplifting song in Spanish and can discuss the positive message .The video of the song can be found on YouTube and the Spanish lyrics can be found online too. I have attached an English translation of the song.</p>
<p>worksheet - Students can copy a number of Spanish verbs from the song lyrics and there is an opportunity for students to learn how to form the immediate future tense and write some New Year resolutions of their own.</p>
<p>Fun revision activity for Spanish beginners. Students sort words into categories.</p>
<p><strong>Topics for revision :</strong></p>
<li>names of Spanish cities</li>
<li>names of famous Spanish people</li>
<li>letters in the Spanish alphabet<br />
-Spanish greetings</li>
<li>Spanish numbers</li>
<p>**Resource includes :</p>
<p>-**5 flashcards containing an image and the corresponding animal body part<br />
**- a worksheet ( picture of a dog to label)</p>
<p>The flashcards can be printed onto card and laminated for durabilty .<br />
These cards can be used to practise a variety of language skills an can aid learning.<br />
Some suggestions for use…</p>
<p><strong>- listening and reading:</strong></p>
<p>teacher says a word from the vocabulary list and students hold up corresponding picture card.</p>
<p>Students lay cards on table . Teacher says all the words from the new vocabulary list on the cards one at a time and students can collect all the cards in the order that the teacher says them. The students can collect picture cards or word cards. .<br />
Students can repeat this exercise in pairs too.</p>
<p>pelmanism - match word cards and pictures.</p>
<p>** **Speaking: **</p>
<p>-lay out picture cards on table and number them 1-5.<br />
Use them for initial repetition exercise and check comprehension by asking questions<br />
e.g<br />
-what is number 1 ? It is a paw !</p>
<li>what number is a paw? It is number 1</li>
<p>**Writing: **</p>
<p>Label the picture of the dog with new vocabulary</p>
<p>This resource is perfect for primary level / low ability.</p>
<p>The week before Lent is carnival time in Spain. Lots of celebrations take place until Ash Wednesday which signifies the start of Lent and the end of Carnival week. In Spain Carnival time ends with El Entierro de la Sardina<br />
( the burial of the sardine!) a carnival parade that parodies a funeral procession and culminates with the burning of a symbolic figure, usually a representation of a sardine.</p>
<p>I have created a sardine " beetle" game where students can learn the parts of a fish ! The winner is the first person to complete their drawing of a sardine by throwing a dice . The numbers 1-6 represent a different part of a fish .<br />
I have also included a quiz to test the names for the parts of a fish in Spanish.</p>
<p>Simple quiz about Carnival time in Spain covering the festivities that take place. There are some additional questions about the famous carnival that takes place in Barranquilla, Colombia .<br />
Quiz is perfect for younger children or lower ability.</p>
<p>The week before Lent is carnival time in Spain. Lots of celebrations take place until Ash Wednesday which signifies the start of Lent and the end of Carnival week.</p>
<p>Resource contains two tasks to practise vocabulary associated with carnival time in Spain.</p>
<p>matching task ( vocabulary and picture )- cards can be laminated and cut up</p>
<p>worksheet - match English with Spanish vocabulary . New vocab can be copied onto sheet.</p>
<p>General knowledge quiz about Spain with suggested answers.<br />
Obviously the answers I have given about football may change depending on Spain’s national team’s performance in the future !</p>