4.47467 reviews

I am a French native speaker, really enthusiastic about teaching my language and sharing resources. I spent all my childhood in France. I moved to England eight years ago to do a Masters in Education and Modern Foreign Languages. I then did my teacher training (PGCE) in Modern Foreign languages, at King's College, in London and was in charge of the French department in a London private school for many years. I now teach and work as a Housemistress in a British school, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • Fully editable power-point
  • Worksheets to accompany the power-point
  • Grammar points with activities on irregular adjectives
  • Work out the grammar point yourself activity
  • Homework : creative writing task
  • Vocabulary building activities on new technologies
  • Grammar points with activities on phrasal verbs, modal verbs and verbs of opinion + infinitive
  • Grammar point with activities on impersonal structures and the negative form
  • Formal and informal sentences
  • Homework : create a poster in groups
  • Develop arguments for and against new technologies
  • Several translation activities
  • Mini-whiteboard activities
  • Speaking tasks to work on in pairs
  • Reading and listening activities (textbook and Kerboodle needed)
  • A starter activity + plenary + challenge tasks for the most able

I hope you will enjoy my resources and if you have a question on a particular slide or activity, please do not hesitate to contact me or leave me a message. I would really appreciate some feedback :-) Thank you very much.



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5 years ago


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