Want to find a question on a specific topic for 2017 revision?
Want to make an exam paper on a range of topics?
Want to easily generate revision booklets?
Don’t want to waste your time searching for those questions?
Then this tool will help.
This document consists of a full spec list for B2, C2 and P2 and a list of exam questions by spec code for all of Additional. This includes all F and H paper over the years 2016-2014.
It is a filterable and editable spreadsheet, listing in spec order, all the exam questions over the last three years.
Simply filter by the exact required spec code. This can also be done to a range of detail as the spec codes have been split across four columns to be able to filter by a whole topic in a simpler way.
It will then tell you the tier, year and exact question in a list.
This list could then aid you to quickly build a resource or even give straight to pupils to generate very targeted homework/revision task based on your own gap analysis.