Egyptian Multiplication (multiplication using doubling and addition)
An automated PowerPoint which has a full explanation of how to do Egyptian multiplication.
The presentation includes questions with full solutions and a fun hieroglyphics page.
Included is a full printable pdf version.
Egyptian multiplication gives useful practice in doubling and addition.
Russian Multiplication (multiplication using halving, doubling and addition)
An automated PowerPoint which has a full explanation of how to do Russian multiplication.
The presentation includes questions with full solutions.
Included is a full printable pdf version.
Russian multiplication gives useful practice in halving, doubling and addition.
Magic Numbers - Starter activity
The worksheet to be filled in by the learners.
The info sheet can be given out after the activity.
Split the class into 3 groups.
Group 1 is asked to choose a 3 digit number (all different)
Group 2 is asked to choose a 3 digit number (2 digits the same)
Group 3 is asked to choose a 3 digit number (all 3 digits the same)
I used to have 3 envelopes with the answers inside so that I could amaze the learners.
I had some good discussions on WHY?