One-page revision sheets. One side information and the other side tasks to practice recall. A range of topics. I make these up as and when they are needed by our students. Hopefully useful!
Why FREE? While the resource is my own creation, it contains elements from other sources (which are cited/referenced where possible) and this resource is considered ‘legacy’ and will not be updated. But I work very hard on making resources that are effective and engaging, so please leave me some kind feedback and visiting my ‘Geogramblings’ website where more up-to-date stuff is available!
Creative Commons "Sharealike"
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Very happy to hear they are still useful and relevant despite aging now - or as we call them: 'legacy resources'! If you can spare a pound or two, I'd be delighted if you could buy me a 'coffee' to continue supporting my work and keeping the majority of the resources and everything I do on 'Geogramblings' free:
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