3.2743 reviews

I’m Rachel and I've been teaching for 18 years! I first taught English (TEFL) in Japan and Madrid and then taught French and Spanish in Surrey. I subsequently worked in a UK curriculum school in sunny Dubai. I have now relocated to the UK and have a gorgeous baby daughter! I have a learning-centred approach and encourage my students to be active and reflective learners. I really enjoy the creative process of making PowerPoints and worksheets and hope you enjoy using them!

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pdf, 103.55 KB
These French cards present weather conditions in the present, imperfect and future tenses.


Il faisait beau.

Il pleuvait.

Il neigeait.

Il y avait des nuages.

Il y avait des orages.

Il faisait du brouillard.

Il faisait du vent.

Il fait beau.

Il pleut.

Il neige

Il y a des nuages.

Il y a des orages.

Il fait du brouillard.

Il fait du vent.

Il fera beau.

Il pleuvra.

Il neigera.

Il y aura des nuages.

Il fera du brouillard.

Il fera du vent.

Il y aura des orages.

You may choose to have different levels of challenge. For example,

Level 1 = put the cards into 3 columns: imperfect, present and future and discuss the pronunciation.
Level 2 = As Level 1 and then have quick fire questions from French to English, whereby 1 student closes their eyes and their partner reads out the French cards which the student must translate into English from memory.
Level 3 = As Level 2 but the quick fire questions are from English to French.

Following checking there are 2 fun games to play, either pelmenism or slap the card.


Dans le nord il sera ensoleillé

Dans le sud il sera nuageux

Dans l’est il y a un fort risque de pluie

Dans l’ouest il y aura des averses

Dans le centre il y aura des orages

et en Bretagne il y aura des éclaircies.

et en Normandie il y aura du brouillard.

et sur l’île de France il y aura du vent.

et à Paris il neigera.

et à Nice il fera beau.

et à Bordeaux les températures seront en baisse.

Firstly I ask the students to work independently in pairs to translate the expressions and discuss pronunciation.

I then check the translations and drill pronunciation with the whole class before they play the game. The students secretly choose 5 squares on the top grid and then try to guess which 5 squares their partner has chosen, filling in the bottom grid with “hit” and “miss.” To choose a square say a phrase from the horizontal line and complete the sentence with a phrase from the vertical line. Where the 2 phrases meet up is the square you have chosen.

I use the English language sheet to further challenge the students: they should place this on top of the French version and then try to play the game saying the French phrases as far as possible from memory.


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