High quality resources for French written by Gianfranco Conti and Steve Smith, authors of The Language Teacher Toolkit. Each paid-for resource is around eight dense pages long. Bundles around 80 pages. Answer keys are provided.

This is all eight of our GCSE (Higher Tier) units which can be purchased separately for £3. Each unit contains 6-8 pages of exercises (matching, translation both ways, gap-fill, comprehension) leading up to five graded translations into French.
The concept of "narrow reading" is key here. Each unit contains a number of short reading texts, each one designed to recycle similar language items based on a unifying theme.
The final translations may look hard to some, but students will manage them after the tightly structured preceding tasks.
These units could be set for homework or done in class. All answers are provided for self-marking. We think you'll find them a very useful supplement to your other resources. At £15 they are an extremely good value, photocopiable resource.



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5 years ago

Such a must for a language teacher! Thank you, Gianfranco Conti and Steve Smith.


5 years ago

outstanding resource, highly recommended!


6 years ago

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