docx, 1.24 MB
docx, 1.24 MB
pptx, 2.36 MB
pptx, 2.36 MB

Student workbook and teacher PP for OCR A Level Chemistry A Year 2 Unit 29 Chromatography and Spectroscopy, Chapter 29.4 Proton NMR spectroscopy. The workbook captures the key points on low resolution of Proton NMR spectroscopy; Proton NMR technique, proton NMR chemical shift, equivalent and non-equivalent protons, integration trace, identification of O-H and N-H protons.

At the end of this lesson students should be able to predict (for a given compound) the following:

d) the number of peaks in NMR spectra
e) the type of proton and chemical shift for each peak
f) the relative peaks area
g) explain the difference in NMR spectra run without and with D2O

The workbook contains different types of tasks and assessment tasks that will allow students to gain the knowledge and apply it to check / assess their learning.

My students find the booklets very useful; they structure their work in each lesson, allow differentiation and help to keep their work organised.

The PP for teachers supports the workbook and contains answers (revealed in steps) to Tasks and questions in the Workbook.
The resources were prepared with the use of A Level Chemistry for OCR A textbook. Many images /diagrams that appear in student workbook and on PP are from this book.
This resource could present a valuable solution when students can not attend the lesson and need to catch up with the missed work. They could use the PP to support their learning.



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4 years ago

Just what I was looking for, thanks for sharing

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