Reasons for the Seasons PowerPoint: This lesson on the reason for the seasons incorporates easy to understand interactive/ animations, easy to understand analogies, and questions which keep students engaged while learning about the real reasons for the seasons.
This lesson contains 39 slides and should run a full class period or two to teach, and contains the following Slide Titles:
All slides have pictures and or moving animations explaining the concept
♦ Earth & Sun Size and Distance (2 slides)
♦ Earth's Orbit (2 slides)
♦ Earth's Axis (3 slides)
♦ Earth Around the Sun (2 slides)
♦ Earth's Tilt and the Seasons (2 slides)
♦ Punching a basketball - Direct light analogy (2 slides)
♦ Light Intensity Animation (2 slides)
♦ Skipping stone and falling stone - Direct light analogy (3 slides)
♦ Direct and Indirect Light Animation (2 slides)
♦ Earth's Axis and the Seasons (6 slides)
♦ Why the sun is high, medium or low in the sky (4 slides)
♦ Why the Sun never rises or sets on the North/ South Pole (8 slides)