I am a teacher, blogger, and teacher trainer with more than 30 years of experience in education. I like to explore new possibilities to engage learners and enhance their learning experiences. I am the author of the blog, Learning and Leading in the 21st Century http://aysinalp.edublogs.org / where I share my reflections and insights on learning and technology.

pptx, 7.18 MB
pptx, 7.18 MB

HyperDocs are 21st century lesson design templates where all components of a learning cycle have been pulled together into one central hub. They shift the focus from teacher-led lectures to student-driven inquiry-based learning through the exploration of concepts purposely crafted and packaged on a Google Doc or Slide, making room for more interactive and personalized learning. They include one or more opportunities for students to connect beyond the classroom, collaborate, create (and show what they know), share and reflect.

If your students have devices in the classroom, they will find HyperDocs more engaging than the traditional teaching style. They will also find that they have a better pace in which they can learn because they can go faster through the content they know, and review the material in which they struggle. Upload your HyperDoc on Google Classroom so that absent students have the same package of information the students in class had access to as well.

Using HyperDocs in any course at any level will allow you to offload your lectures and re-imagine various ways to redefine the student learning experience while having more face time with students by moving around and conferring with them. This HyperDoc on Simple Present vs Present Continuous Tense has been prepared for Beginner, pre-intermediate and intermediate ESL and ELL students. You can easily use it in a mixed ability class by differentiating content and pace. You can even delete or change some of the content for some students. I uploaded my slide presentation on PowerPoint (show the PowerPoint in the slide show mode so that your students can watch the videos) but you can access my Google slides in this link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1S5WtPo5W-AfIghfLMslHsGXxvpYiNvhP6C6qCZIYlFM/edit?usp=sharing . Click File on the top right and click Make a Copy so that you can edit the slides. Please note that the links on the last two slides are for early finishers or for students who need extra practice. I deleted the Padlet (slide 28) and Flipgrid codes (slide 31) for students in the presentation as each teacher has to create their own Padlet and Flipgrid https://flipgrid.com/ links for their classes.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"



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4 years ago

Thank you! It really helped my students!


6 years ago

Very useful and complete lesson with lots of examples, exercises and explanations. Appropriate for ages 8/9+. Thank you!

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