Sue Russell's Shop
Sue Russell's Shop
3.5546 reviews

I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!

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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Christmas Play
Cast of 30 (with some doubling up)
Duration: around 30 minutes (without music suggestions)
This is a fun, simple to produce a class play or assembly - it can also be used for panto purposes. After writing the set of guided reading scripts based on the story, I couldn't resist writing another play whilst the story and characters were still fresh in my head! Though Dorothy is not quite as 'wholesome' as in the original story and the Wizard of Oz is a little more 'versatile' in this version!
Also available:
• The Wizard of Oz Guided Reading Scripts (10 of these, with 6 speakers each; around 3 minutes each – total reading time around 30 minutes)
• The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Play – the non-Xmas version!
Sample Text:
(Toto reluctantly wags tail at Dorothy)
Dorothy: (Patting Toto on the head) That’s better! An obedient pooch! Now we can get the show on the road!
Toto: But, just as a matter of interest, what happened to that other Dorothy – the one I rehearsed with?
Dorothy: (Dismissively) Oh didn’t you hear? She got caught up in one too many cyclones! Nasty business if you don’t get it right!
(Sound of howling wind, followed by long scream)
Music 2 Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
Narrator: Good heavens! What on earth was that?
(Enter Good Witch of the North, with great panache and thunderous applause from the cast, carrying a pair of silver shoes. She is accompanied by three Munchkins)
Good Witch: (Curtseying to the cast) Ah thank you so much!
(Cast continues to clap and cheer)
Good Witch: Oh now, really. You’re too kind!
Dorothy: (Scowling) I’ll say! How come I didn’t get that kind of reception?
Good Witch: Oh dear! What’s with the scowly face? That’s not very pretty, dear!
Toto: (To Good Witch) I think she’s a bit put out – that you seem to have stolen the show!
Good Witch: (Incredulously) Stolen the show? Me? The Good Witch of the North? With all my panache and presence? Oh, surely not?
(Good Witch twirls and beams broadly from ear to ear)
Good Witch: (To Dorothy) I bet you too have loads of superstar qualities! (Pauses) Only, you’re just keeping them rather well hidden!
Dorothy: Huh! I’ll have you know, some of us have business to attend to!
Good Witch: Well, I have to hand it to you. Killing the Wicked Witch of the East was pretty smart!
Toto: (Exclaiming) She what?
Good Witch: (Waving silver shoes around) Oh yes! And here’s the evidence! Bit of inspiration, my dear, landing that house directly on top of the witch! Here are her shoes, all that’s left of her!



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3 years ago

Not really what I was hoping for. I don't think that this resource is priced correctly for the content.

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