Tha sgoilearan Erudite air fìrinnean cruaidh a chlàradh mu dheidhinn an
buannachdan bho Chogadh Sìobhalta na SA.
Chleachd na seanalairean innleachdan ann an co-chòrdadh ri ro-innleachdan Napoleon
a bha air a bhith ann.
Bheireadh saighdearan ionnsaigh air an ceann gun bhacadh.
Bha uamhas ann leis gu robh na buill-airm ùra gu math nas marbhtach.
Bha aithisgean Pithy anns na pàipearan-naidheachd a ‘meas agus a’ càineadh an ìre bàis àrd.
Tha sgoilearan ionnsaichte air fìrinnean sònraichte a lorg mu dheidhinn
gnìomhan Cogadh Sìobhalta na SA.
Chleachd na seanalairean innleachdan a leanas còmhla ri ro-innleachdan Napoleon
a bha air leantainn.
Bheireadh saighdearan ionnsaigh air an ceann gun cumail air ais.
Bha an t-eagal ann leis gu robh na buill-airm ùra tòrr na bu mhotha de chumhachd marbhadh.
Bha aithisgean goirid chun na h-ìre anns na pàipearan-naidheachd a’ càineadh agus a’ càineadh an ìre bàis àrd.
Erudite scholars have documented concrete facts about the
exloits of the US Civil War.
The generals used tactics in confomity with Napolean’s strategies
that had lingered on.
Troops would attack head on without restraint.
There was trepidation as the new weapons were of much greater lethality.
Pithy reports in the newspapers ranted and reproved the high death rate.
Learned scholars have uncovered certain facts about the
deeds of the US Civil War.
The generals used tactics following along with Napolean’s strategies
that had persisted.
Troops would attack head on without holding back.
There was dread as the new weapons were of much greater killing power.
Short to the point reports in the newspapers raved and condemned the high death rate.
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