Hello. I've been teaching for 24 years and I'm still learning! I have become a primary maths specialist teacher (MaST) and NCETM accredited PD Lead, as well as long-time maths lead at my school. In September I started using the excellent White Rose Maths Small Steps and Guidance to plan maths for the Year 1 children at my school, along with the White Rose section on Craig Barton's brilliant Diagnostic Questions website. I share it in the hope that it will save you time. Thanks for looking.
Hello again. Here is my second week of maths mastery planning and resources to go with the White Rose Maths scheme of learning for Year 1, Summer Block 1, Multiplication and Division week 2. It is in my usual format with flipcharts in activprimary and smartboard and there is also a PDF version too. All the other resources are in word so that you can adapt them for your children but I have also included a PDF version of the matching cards in case they’re easier to use. As always, I hope they save you some time.
Thank you. I'm interested to know how you differentiate or if you don't?
7 years ago
Hello. I realised I kind of have mini chilli-style challenges but that wasn't a conscious decision. Sometimes I encourage/suggest that my children, if they're feeling confident/green (in the green zone) that they move quickly to the challenge or straight away if it's something like using a number line to solve calculations. I use probing questions for all during the whole class sessions but will ask more 'what if', 'why do you think that?', 'how do/did you know that/work it out?' style questions when I can see/hear my high attainers have already seen the pattern or grasped the idea. I also then keep a check on them and make sure they take on the extra green challenge if they're secure with the key ideas from the main part of the lesson. For the slower graspers I provide more adult support rather than easier work. The NC says that the majority of children should broadly move along together, which is what I try to do. So I differentiate by support, questioning, strategies used, and deeper tasks, which I make sure they all have opportunity to experience by discussing at the end or beginning of the lesson. I am trying to incorporate more open-ended, more than one solution problem solving into each week to boost my children's using and applying abilities. We've only just completed week 1 and they were so much better at having a go with session 4 after session 5. It was really great. I hope answers your question a bit. If you want to know more message me on facebook or reply on here.
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