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A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!




A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!
Where are my Christmas gifts?” (A virtual scavenger hunt)

Where are my Christmas gifts?” (A virtual scavenger hunt)

Originally designed for Modern Language classes, “Where are my Christmas gifts?” is a virtual scavenger hunt that encourages even reluctant students to participate enthusiastically in class. It works well as a full class and as a small group activity. You’ll be astonished to experience the phenomenon of an entire class listening “actively” because no one wants to waste a guess choosing a square from which the gift has already been claimed. After the oral treasure hunt, you can create an instant written assignment by assigning a handful of co-ordinates. I’ve included answer keys for the present and the future tenses but “Where are my Christmas gifts?” works well for almost all verb tenses. Please note that there are two versions of the game to accommodate those who know that the name of the one and only jolly old elf is “Father Christmas” . . . or “Santa Claus”. If you’d like more resources on this theme, just type “Christmas” into the search window of my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Carlav
Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les aliments)

Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les aliments)

The objective of “Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les aliments)” is to help students to build sentences and to talk about food using indefinite and partitive adjectives. It uses primarily the present tense. Even reluctant learners will be motivated to listen carefully to speak in French in full sentences. After the oral treasure hunt, you can assign coordinates to create an instant written assignment. To see if “Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les vêtements)” is right for your students, download the free “Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les verbes ER). https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/o-sont-les-tr-sors-cach-s-les-verbes-er-6438862 VOCABULARY FEATURED IN THIS GAME le beignet la boisson le beurre d’arachides le biscuit le café la cerise les chips (f.) le chocolat les choux de Bruxelles (m.) la fraise les frites (f.) le fromage le gâteau la glace le hamburger le légume les oeufs (m.) au plat la pastèque la pizza la pomme le poulet le raisin le sandwich les spaghettis le sushi ALTERNATIVE VOCABULARY FEATURED IN THE QUÉBÉCOIS VERSION la beigne le beurre de pinottes la crème glacée les croustilles le melon d���eau
FRENCH: verb & vocabulary activity (Noël)

FRENCH: verb & vocabulary activity (Noël)

“Où sont les trésors cachés? (Noël)” works well both as a full-class, teacher-directed game and as a small group activity. You’ll find that even reluctant learners will be motivated to listen carefully to hear which squares have already been “played” by their classmates. And the promise of “treasure” tends to generate enthusiastic oral participation as well. After the fun of the oral treasure hunt, you can also assign co-ordinates to create an instant written assignment to reinforce the correct spelling of the verb endings. This answer key is for le présent, le passé composé, l’imparfait, le futur simple & le conditionnel antérieur. However, the game works for all verb tenses. To see if “Où sont les trésors cachés? (Noël)” is right for your students, download the free “Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les verbes ER)… https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/o-sont-les-tr-sors-cach-s-les-verbes-er-6438862
GET THE PICTURE (Les vêtements pour les débutants)

GET THE PICTURE (Les vêtements pour les débutants)

Un jeu conçu pour aider les débutants à apprendre le nom des vêtements. Once your students have finished matching each vocabulary card with its corresponding picture card, they will turn over all the pairs to correct their own work. Matching icons on the back of the flipped pair will confirm that the task has been well done. Icons that don’t match tell players that it’s time to try again. To be sure that "GET THE PICTURE (Les vêtements)" is the right kind of activity for your students, download the free resource, "GET THE PICTURE (Le présent des verbes ER)" https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/get-the-picture-le-pr-sent-des-verbes-er-a-self-correcting-learning-activity-11342123 There are 56 cards in this file.
WOORDOKU6 (Kerstmis)

WOORDOKU6 (Kerstmis)

WOORDOKU6 (Kerstmis) is a simplified version of my WORDOKUs (word sudokus). The challenge is to slot the following Dutch words about Christmas into the grid: 1 de kerstster 2 de kerstkrans 3 de speculaaspop 4 de Kerstman 5 het elfje 6 het speelgoed
FRENCH: Exprime-toi (Noël)

FRENCH: Exprime-toi (Noël)

In this small-group activity, Fate (the dice) will determine which Christmas character or object your students will describe. A relaxed way to reinforce lessons on adjectives and to encourage speaking in full sentences in French (or any target language). If you’d like to extend the lesson to written work, just assign any dice co-ordinates (ie: •• x •••• or •••• x •) I’ve included a PDF and a Powerpoint version of this resource. To be sure that this kind of activity is right for your students, download the free Exprime-toi (Les vêtements) at : https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/exprime-toi-les-v-tements-6291778 Joyeux Noël!
English Christmas puzzle: WORDOKU6

English Christmas puzzle: WORDOKU6

WORDOKU6 (Christmas) is a simplified version of my WORDOKUs (word sudokus). The challenge is to slot the following Christmas words into the grid: 1 poinsettia 2 wreath 3 gingerbread 4 Santa Claus 5 elf 6 reindeer
MOTDOKU6 (Noël) 2.0

MOTDOKU6 (Noël) 2.0

MOTDOKU6 (Noël) is a simplified MOTDOKU (word sudoku). The challenge is to slot the following words into the grid: 1 le lait de poule 2 la couronne 3 le réveillon 4 le Père Noël 5 le lutin 6 le renne MOTDOKU6 ((Noël) est un MOTDOKU simplifié qui met en valeur le vocabulaire ci-dessus. Joyeux Noël!
A dozen Christmas rebus puzzles in French

A dozen Christmas rebus puzzles in French

There are a dozen puzzles in this file, including ten Christmas carol titles in rebus format. They are intended for francophone, advanced FSL and gifted students. I've also included a list of links to audio and video files of the songs featured in the puzzles. Joyeux Noël!
Quel temps fait-il?

Quel temps fait-il?

Print two sets of these cards on printable business card sheets for an instant MEMORY GAME. Or run one set for "group work" cue cards. Or use them as flash cards. Or run one card for every student and have them find their "twin" / "triplets" by travelling around the room asking "Quel temps fait-il?" Or . . . This is an updated resource. Two years ago, I took the original “Quel temps fait-il?” card set down until I could find the time to create optional “windy” and “sunny” cards that might please everyone. (Do you think that I may be a procrastinator?) I’ve also updated the graphics.
Petit  casse-tête (Petit Papa Noël)

Petit casse-tête (Petit Papa Noël)

Ah, les chants de Noël! En ce moment, on les entend partout - à la radio, au centre commercial, à la télé - et tout le temps! Et voici, pour vos étudiants, un petit casse-tête basé sur le chant de Noël populaire, Petit Papa Noël.


As students solve this MOTDOKU (SUDOKU) du SUBJONCTIF they inadvertently “write out” the following verbs. (Yes, it’s manipulative! Mea culpa.) 1 que je vienne 2 que je doive 3 que je prenne 4 que je voie 5 que je veuille 6 que je puisse 7 que j’aille 8 que je sache 9 que je fasse To be sure that this kind of activity is right for your students, download the free MOTDOKU du subjonctif (vouloir): https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/le-sudoku-du-subjonctif-vouloir-6160677
Le MOTDOKU (sudoku) du subjonctif: devoir

Le MOTDOKU (sudoku) du subjonctif: devoir

IMHO, the old-fashioned practice of writing out conjugations for verb mastery still works academic wonders. But it is a much maligned approach so I’m always looking for ways to camouflage it as fun. This “MOTDOKU (sudoku) du subjonctif" is a review of the formation of the present subjunctive of DEVOIR dressed up as a sudoku puzzle. To be sure that it’s the kind of thing you want, download the free MOTDOKU du subjonctif (vouloir): https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/le-sudoku-du-subjonctif-vouloir-6160677
Let's get to the bottom (or top) of LES VERBES DR. & MRS. VAN DER TRAMP /verbs conjugated with ÊTRE

Let's get to the bottom (or top) of LES VERBES DR. & MRS. VAN DER TRAMP /verbs conjugated with ÊTRE

This is a competitive, repetitive game that will help your students to listen “actively” and to familiarise themselves with a tricky grammar point through the process of osmosis. Tobe sure that this activity is right for your class, try the free resource, Let’s get to the bottom (or top) of LES EXPRESSIONS AVOIR: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/let-s-get-to-the-bottom-of-les-expressions-avoir-6451763 HERE ARE THREE SAMPLE SENTENCES FROM LGTTB(OT)OLVD&MV • Ma grand-mère est allée chez un tatoueur / pierceur. Je me demande si elle va rentrer avec un tatouage ou un piercing . . . • Harry, Ron et Hermione sont montés dans l’express à destination de l’école Poudlard (Hogwarts). • Le train est parti le premier septembre de la voie 93⁄4 à la gare de King’s Cross.
FRENCH: 2 Jeux de mots pour Noël

FRENCH: 2 Jeux de mots pour Noël

2 Jeux de mots pour Noël (EN COMMENÇANT PAR LA FIN et MOTS COUPÉS) EN COMMENÇANT PAR LA FIN The end of every word in this circular puzzle is also the beginning of a new word. The words embedded in the puzzle are: 1 renne (m.) 2 neige (f.) 3 générosité (f.) 4 terre (f.) 5 réveillon (m.) 6 Noël (m.) 7 lutin (m.) 8 invité (m.) 9 étoile (f.) 10 lettre (f.) 11 rêve (m.) 12 vert 13 traîneau (m.) 14 auberge (f.) 15 église (f.) 16 étable (f.) 17 emballage (m.) 18 geler 19 roi (m.) 20 imagination (f.) 21 naître MOTS COUPÉS In this virtual race, players have to reconstitute and recopy words that have been broken down into syllables and scattered over the game grid. The words in this puzzle are: vacances (f.pl.) sapin (m.) cadeau (m.) étoile (f.) église (f.) chaussette (f.) enfant (m.) lutin (m.) hiver (m.) traîneau (m.) jouet (m.) grelots (m.pl.) 13. gui (m.) SEE IF THESE ACTIVITIES ARE RIGHT FOR YOUR STUDENTS. TRY . . . a free English version of “En commençant par la fin” : https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/i-know-these-words-backwards-and-forwards-thanksgiving-11424790 a free English version of "Mots coupés: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/chop-chop-a-hallowe-en-word-puzzle-11407269


You’ll find two new word work puzzles in this file.
 1 I know these words backwards and forwards (CHRISTMAS) The end of every word in this circular puzzle is also the beginning of a new word. The words embedded in the puzzle are: 1 rejoice 2 celebration 3 Noel 4 list 5 stocking 6 gift 7 trim 8 imagine 9 newborn 10 ornament 11 tree 12 eggnog 13 gingerbread 14 advent 15 tinsel 16 elves 17 sleigh 18 holly 19 yuletide 20 decorate 21 eating 22 guest 23 star 24 reindeer 2. Broken Words! (A CHRISTMAS word puzzle) In this virtual race, players have to reconstitute and recopy words that have been broken into syllables and scattered over the game grid. The words embedded in this puzzle are: 1 chimney 2 stable 3 magi 4 angel 5 holly 6 stocking 7 advent 8 carol 9 manger 10 tinsel 11 infant 12 present 13 joy N.B. Try before you buy. Be sure that these activities will be right for your students by downloading their free sister resources: I know these words backwards and forwards (THANKGIVING) at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/i-know-these-words-backwards-and-forwards-thanksgiving-11424790 and Chopped Up Words (A Hallowe'en word puzzle) at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/chopped-up-words-a-hallowe-en-word-puzzle-11407269
I know these words backwards and forwards (Thanksgiving)

I know these words backwards and forwards (Thanksgiving)

The end of every word in this circular puzzle is also the beginning of the next word. This puzzle comprises the following words: 1 thanks 2 stuffing 3 gobble 4 blessing 5 gratitude 6 devout 7 turkey 8 yam 9 amen 10 enterntain 11 nap 12 apple 13 leaves 14 squash 15 share 16 reap 17 pies 18 serve 19 vegetable 20 leap 21 potluck 22 kitchen 23 nut Once your students have found all the overlapping words, assign a theme and invite them to work with a partner to build their own variation on the game. Happy holidays!
17 Special Day Multilingual Scribblescrabbles

17 Special Day Multilingual Scribblescrabbles

4 Resources
Unlike Scrabble players, Scribblescrabblers can choose which letters to use for each of their turns. As in Scrabble, however, they will score the most points with the strategic placement of those letters. This bundle includes Scribblescrabbles for: 1 Halloween 2 Diwali 3 Eid 4 Remembrance Day 5 Kwanzaa 6 Christmas 7 Hannukah 8 The New Year 9 Martin Luther King Jr. Day 10 Chinese New Year 11 Valentine’s Day 12 Groundhog Day 13 Saint Patrick’s Day 14 Easter 15 Passover 16 Earth Day 17 Thanksgiving This file includes English, French and Spanish versions for each grid and a blank grid for those of you teaching other languages.
Scribblescrabbles for Saint Patrick’s Day, Easter, Passover and Earth Day (Multilingual)

Scribblescrabbles for Saint Patrick’s Day, Easter, Passover and Earth Day (Multilingual)

Challenge your students to use their words with these puzzles for Saint Patrick’s Day, Easter, Passover and Earth Day. Unlike Scrabble players, Scribblescrabblers can choose which letters to use for each of their turns. As in Scrabble, however, they will score the most points with the strategic placement of those letters. You may ask your students to incorporate a thematic vocabulary list or to play using general vocabulary only. Either way, they will be engaged! In fact, very competitive students tend to want to play every possible open square. This file includes English, French and Spanish versions for of each grid and a blank grid for those of you teaching other languages.