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Do you want to be an actor?

Do you want to be an actor?

Vocab + exercises N.B. Slides 3-8 - 2 pupils come to front, teacher clicks mouse, yellow box appears - first pupil to slap the right word wins. (Screen 8 - correct word missing hence HA HA picture!) I can't be the only mean teacher out there with a sense of humour! Just watch their faces!! Screen 10 similar - 2 pupils at front, first to slap word when it appears gets to tell you what it means for a prize.


Instructions sheet included - just have a look and 'ave it if it&'s any good! Not actually used it yet so any feedback appreciated, equally if you find mistakes let me know! Thought I might use it with middle ability year 11s as revision prior to reading + listening exams!
Technology vocab

Technology vocab

Pictures for pupils to cut out and glue in books. Accompanying presentation slide showing vocab needed.
Perfect tense plenary!

Perfect tense plenary!

Pupils GO MAD for this and just want to play it every lesson!! Girls v. boys. One pupil nominates a box they know the answer to .. if they give a correct answer, click on the box and a number of points is revealed ....... or a MONKEY (In which case the team lose all their points) ....or 2 ARROWS (in which case the teams SWAP points). OMG mad for it!!!!!! Enjoy. (Can't take ALL the credit, a colleague gave me the original but I've added the questions for this version). :)
Holidays - 3 tenses recognition

Holidays - 3 tenses recognition

Pupils each have a card, which they do not show to anyone else. They must then walk around the room, find a partner and say the French sentence from their card. Their partner tells them what it means in English. If they are correct, the partner reads THEIR French sentence, and their partner must tell them what it means in English. If they both get the English correct, they swap cards and move on to find another partner and repeat. 'Ave it!! :) (They can stick the vocab in their books after the activity and write English meanings).
French colouring by numbers (Christmas)

French colouring by numbers (Christmas)

Colouring activity reinforcing French colours for weaker groups. Could also be used for numeracy skills - teacher could ask questions eg red + light blue. Pupils refer to légende & give correct answer in French. Please let me know if you have any problems downloading - I created this resource in Word, but all the numbers seemed to move once I uploaded it, so I created the PDF document instead. Preview looks fine.
Christmas puzzles

Christmas puzzles

OOPS - absolutely NOTHING to do with French! Just a TWO SIDED Christmas puzzle / activity sheet for your last lesson with your French group or your tutor group!! (You can edit the Christmas message to fit your own class.)


Summer holiday vocabulary wordsearch. Words are listed in English so pupils have to use research tools to find out the French before finding them in the wordsearch. Perfect for that last lesson of the year!!! :) I've included 3 different formats so hopefully everyone can access it.
Booking a hotel room - Presentation and activities.

Booking a hotel room - Presentation and activities.

Teaches pupils the basic vocab necessary to book a hotel room. Several activities including reading hotel adverts, paired and group speaking activities, link to a YouTube clip of a woman booking in at hotel reception and a GCSE reading exam question. Some slides have links to activities - I have uploaded the linked activities in case the links don't work. The past exam question has rubrics / questions in French to fit in with the new style GCSE exam. Copy also included with rubrics / questions in English.
HOLIDAYS 3 tenses recognition TRIANGLE PUZZLE

HOLIDAYS 3 tenses recognition TRIANGLE PUZZLE

Cut out the triangles and pupils match them up so that French sentences are adjacent to their equivalent English sentences, thus creating one docking big triangle!! N.B. YOU NEED FORMULATOR TARSIA software on your computer to open this resource but it's free to download. I created the resource using this software.
Group work - personal qualities for job interview

Group work - personal qualities for job interview

I stuck the 2 sheets onto a large sheet of A2 paper and got pupils to work in groups of 3/4. They had learned some personal qualities prior to doing the group work. The next lesson they wrote personalised paragraphs, but the group work really helped to build their skills / knowledge beforehand.
Dans ma valise

Dans ma valise

Teaches 10 items you might put in your suitcase via various interactive activities. 'Ave it! :)
Easter Maths and colouring activity

Easter Maths and colouring activity

Pupils each have a copy of both sheets - cut out the pictures, do the sums and stick the correct part of the picture on top of the sums to create an Easter picture which can then be coloured! Smartboard slide gives instructions for pupils to follow.