Interactive and adaptable PowerPoint presentations; Word and PDF resources useful for group tutorials; assemblies; Citizenship and special days.
Created by experienced teacher in:
Learning Difficulties/SEN
Entry Level provision
Graduate/post graduate qualifications in History; Politics; Law; Education and SEN.
Interactive and adaptable PowerPoint presentations; Word and PDF resources useful for group tutorials; assemblies; Citizenship and special days.
Created by experienced teacher in:
Learning Difficulties/SEN
Entry Level provision
Graduate/post graduate qualifications in History; Politics; Law; Education and SEN.
1. British Values: An Introduction
PowerPoint presentation that includes:
Learning outcomes:
• Identify the different parts of Britain
• Define ‘Britishness’
• Define ‘values’
• Identify British values
• Describe British values
• Know that sharing values doesn’t mean you have to be British
• Make a British values guide
• Create a British values flag
(47 slides)
Task sheets; quiz sheets and word search.
PowerPoint presentation and quiz to celebrate St. George’s Day.
35 slides in total.
Learning outcomes
• Show you know about St. George by taking part
in a quiz about St. George’s Day
• Make a flag for St. George’s Day
Employability/Work Skills: Money Management: Key Terms Quiz
PowerPoint quiz to introduce or recap money management key terms: personal finance; sources; income; expenditure; budget and balance.
Would be useful for entry level students studying for any employability qualifications involving money management and personal finance.
British Values: Tolerance and Respect: Stereotypes
PowerPoint presentation and work book that covers:
Understand that we are all unique, similar but different
Understand that different types of people are important to help us work together as a community
Learning outcomes:
Define the key word ‘stereotype’
Identify types of stereotyping
State how stereotyping can be dangerous or harmful
Show an awareness of how to challenge stereotypes
Seven interactive tasks about stereotyping
PSHE/Citizenship: Personal Finance: Understanding Payslips
A bundle of resources that introduce the concept of a payslip and the items shown on a payslip.
1. A PowerPoint game (Deal or No Deal: Understanding Payslips) that covers the definitions of key terms:
• Gross pay
• Net pay
• Dedications
• Income tax
• National Insurance contributions
• Pension contributions
20 questions with multiple choice answers.
Based on the TV game show.
2. You Say: What’s on a payslip? PowerPoint speaking and listening quiz that includes 12 questions about what’s on a payslip.
3. Understanding payslips task sheet: Seven tasks to help students understand payslips.
These resources were made for and delivered to a group of Level One students studying personal finance. All resources can be adapted to suit needs.
Contents of pack:
PowerPoint presentation including quiz
PDF task and quiz sheets
Cross curricular activities
Task 1: Name the countries that will take part in the Euros
Task 2: Match the names of the Euro teams to where they are on the map of Euros
Task 3: Find information and complete a fact sheet about one of the French cities hosting the Euros
Task 4: Find information and complete a fact sheet about one of the countries taking part in the Euros
Task 5: Research what other countries have chosen for their Euros mascots? What was the mascot for the 1996 Euros when England was the host nation? Design a mascot for the Euros.
Task 6: Find out how France has prepared to welcome lots of visitors to their country in 2016. How have security concerns affected the preparations? Design an advert for the 2016 Euros.
British Values: Tolerance and Respect: People; skills and community
PowerPoint presentation and work book that covers:
Understand that we are all unique, we share some similarities but we are also different
Understand that different personalities and skills are important to help us work together as a team and community
Learning outcomes:
Define and match key words
Identify and tally people’s differences and similarities
Identify features or people and community
Match people and skills
Work together to make and play a game
Evaluate the game you made and played
Citizenship: British Values: Diversity: Famous people with disabilities
PowerPoint presentation and quiz covering:
• What types of disability can you think of?
Who are the disabled?
• What problems do they face
Name famous people with disabilities
Christmas 2016: When Christmas Was Banned: Puritan England 1644-1660
PowerPoint presentation and quiz covering the period in the 17th Century when Christmas was banned in England.
PowerPoint presentation
Rounds of questions on:
Easter: What do you know about Easter
New movies – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and The Jungle Book
World flags
UK TV soaps
70 slides in total.
PowerPoint presentation and game: You Say, We Pay
Useful as a starter or ice breaking activity
Based on the TV game show, this is a word game activity that helps to develop your skills in speaking and listening; working in a team and in taking turns.
54 slides in total.
Speaking and listening: Would you rather activities
Can be used as starters or to promote speaking and listening and turn taking skills.
Four PowerPoint activities - Would you rather...
Students have to decide what they would rather.
• They see a series of questions giving them a choice of what they'd rather.
• If they agree with the arrow pointing down, you sit down.
• If they agree with the arrow pointing up, they stand up.
• If they rather none of the choices on offer, they down.
• They also have to be prepared to answer questions and justify their choices.
60 editable slides in total.
Adaptable PowerPoint presentations about Christmas, covering:
1. History of Christmas
Christmas is banned!
Who’s Father Christmas?
Who’s Santa Claus?
Who’s St Nicholas?
Christmas around (some of) the World
Christmas true or false quiz
Christmas songs quiz
Christmas craft idea
How many ways can you say “Merry Christmas”?
2. The 12 Days of Christmas song and it's possible Christian meanings.
The Twelve Days of Christmas is usually seen as simply a song for children with secular origins.
However, some have suggested that it is a song of Christian instruction, perhaps dating to the 16th century religious wars in England, with hidden references to the basic teachings of the Christian Faith.
The slides depict each of the 12 days in turn, first with images from the song and then the possible Christian meanings.
PowerPoint presentation including quiz
Task and quiz sheets
Cross curricular activities
Task 1: Identify the teams that competed in the 1966 World Cup
Task 2: Complete a fact sheet about one of the English cities that hosted the tournament
Task 3: Complete a fact sheet about one of the nations that took part in the tournament
Task 4: Create a storyboard of some of the events that happened during the World Cup.
Produce a news bulletin or report about one of the events that happened during the World Cup.
Write an account of the controversy over whether England and West Germany rigged the tournament.
Why was the North Korean win over Italy such a shock?
Task 5: Research what other countries have chosen for their World Cup mascots? What is the mascot for the 2016 Euros? Design a mascot for the Euros.
To mark the upcoming Euro 2016 football tournament in France, a PowerPoint quiz.
It is 32 slides in total with questions on that are cross curricular and cover football; history and geography.
Team Building Challenge: Treasure Hunt Quiz
PowerPoint based quiz, with two sets of 32 questions:
1. General questions
2. Questions about Europe
The questions about Europe were set to coincide with the EU referendum and Euro 16.
However, the PowerPoint can be used with any questions, and is fully editable
Television and theme tunes (x 3)
Three PowerPoint based quizzes about television.
1 and 2: Quizzes about TV programmes; people and characters.
Questions on:
• Cartoons
• Game shows
• Soaps
• Comedy
• Soaps
• Science fiction
• Reality shows
• Talent shows
There are 60 questions in total.
Each question is in multi parts.
The points available for each are shown in brackets besides each part.
3. A quiz where contestants have to name well known theme tunes.
PowerPoint presentation that includes:
Learning outcomes:
• Demonstrate an awareness of the European Union
• Demonstrate an awareness of the reasons why there is a referendum being held in the UK in June.
• Write a balanced argument, supporting reasons for and against Britain’s proposed withdrawal from the European Union.
• What would you do? Decide and state how you would vote and why.
Plus: task sheets; quiz sheets and word search activity
In total 60 slides/pagers
12 slide quiz on the EU