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Welcome! Bienvenido! 欢迎! Добро пожаловать! Hope you enjoy using these second language and EAL materials in your classroom, wherever in the world you are.




Welcome! Bienvenido! 欢迎! Добро пожаловать! Hope you enjoy using these second language and EAL materials in your classroom, wherever in the world you are.
Beginner French Flash Cards - Colours / Couleurs

Beginner French Flash Cards - Colours / Couleurs

Simple French language picture flash cards for learning the colours - Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! Both English and French Bilingual version, and French only. This PDF document contains 18 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and French only Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image English and French words only version, without pictures Topic: Colours, Rainbow Vocabulary included: rouge - red jaune - yellow vert - green bleu - blue violet - purple orange - orange rose - pink noir - black blanc - white brun - brown gris - gray indigo - indigo or - golden argent - silver coloré - colourful Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc. If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time!
Italian Flashcards - Animals - Animali

Italian Flashcards - Animals - Animali

Beginner Italian picture vocabulary flashcards for learning farm animals and zoo animals vocabulary. This PDF printable download includes both English Bilingual, and Italiano only versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! This PDF document contains 35 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, Italian word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and Italian only Single-sided version with the Italian word under the picture on the same image English and Italian words only version, without pictures Topic: Animals / Animali Vocabulary included: il gatto - cat il cane - dog il coniglio - rabbit il maiale - pig la pecora - sheep il pollo - chicken il topo - mouse la mucca - cow l’anatra - duck la capra - goat il toro - bull il tacchino - turkey il gallo - rooster il cavallo - horse l’asino - donkey l’elefante - elephant la giraffa - giraffe l’Ippopotamo - hippopotamus il leone - lion il gorilla - gorilla la scimmia - monkey la tigre - tiger la zebra - zebra il canguro - kangaroo il coccodrillo - crocodile il cammello - camel lo struzzo - ostrich il rinoceronte - rhino l’antilope - antelope la pantera - panther Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Italian Flashcards - Fruits - Frutta

Italian Flashcards - Fruits - Frutta

Beginner Italian picture vocabulary flash cards for learning fruit vocabulary. This PDF printable download includes both English Bilingual, and Italian only versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! This PDF document contains 25 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, Italian word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and Italian only Single-sided version with the Italian word under the picture on the same image English and Italian words only version, without pictures Topic: Fruit / Frutta Vocabulary included: la mela - apple l’arancia - orange la pera - pear il cocomero - watermelon il limone - lemon il kiwi - kiwi la banana - banana l’uva - grapes la fragola - strawberry il melograno - pomegranate l’avocado - avocado il cocco - coconut la carambola - starfruit il mango - mango l’ananas - pineapple la pesca - peach la ciliegia - cherry la papaia - papaya il lampone - raspberry la prugna - plum il mangostano - mangosteen Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Italian Flashcards - Feelings & Emotions - Sentimenti

Italian Flashcards - Feelings & Emotions - Sentimenti

Beginner Italian language picture vocabulary flash cards for learning feelings and emotions vocabulary to answer “Come stai?” This PDF printable download includes both English Bilingual, and Italian only versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! This PDF document contains 21 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, Italian word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and Italian only Single-sided version with the Italian word under the picture on the same image English and Italian words only version, without pictures Topic: Feelings and Emotions Vocabulary included: well - sereno happy - felice bad - cattivo angry - arrabbiato sad - triste tired - stanco sick - malato excited - eccitato scared - impaurito so-so - così così confused - confuso surprised - sorpreso embarrassed - imbarazzato uncomfortable - scomodo bored - annoiato frustrated - frustrato upset - disperato delighted - incantato Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Italian Flashcards - Numbers - I Numeri

Italian Flashcards - Numbers - I Numeri

Beginner Italian colorful flash cards for learning the numbers, basic fractions and math vocabulary. This PDF printable download includes both English Bilingual, and Italian only versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! This PDF document contains 21 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, Italian word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and Italian only Single-sided version with the Italian word under the picture on the same image English and Italian words only version, without pictures Topic: Numbers, Easy Fractions and Basic Math Symbols Vocabulary: zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred one thousand one half one third one quarter plus minus equals multiplied by divided by percent Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Beginner French Flash Cards - Clothes / Cartes Flash Français - Vêtements

Beginner French Flash Cards - Clothes / Cartes Flash Français - Vêtements

Beginner French language picture flash cards for learning clothing, accessories and fashion vocabulary! A printable PDF document perfect for games, matching activities, classroom decoration and wall displays, or for self-study! Both English Bilingual, and French only versions included! This PDF document contains 28 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and French only Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image English and French words only version, without pictures Topic: Clothes Vocabulary included: un tee shirt - a T-shirt une robe - a dress une chemise - a shirt un pantalon - trousers un pull - a sweater les chaussettes - the shoes un blouson - a jacket un jeans - jeans un shorts - shorts les chaussures - the shoes un débardeur - a tank top une ceinture - a belt les gants - the gloves un chapeau - a hat un sac à dos - a backpack un pyjamas - pyjamas une jupe - a skirt un manteau a coat un sac à main - a handbag les lunettes de soleil - the sunglasses les sandales - the sandals une écharpe - a scarf une montre - a watch les boucles d’oreilles - the earrings un collier - a necklace un noeud papillon - a bowtie les bottes - the boots Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc. If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time! Other French Flash Card Topics: COLOURS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733240 ANIMALS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733243 HOW ARE YOU? - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735667 DAYS OF THE WEEK - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678 MONTHS OF THE YEAR - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678 FAMILY - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735714 NUMBERS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/beginner-french-flashcards-numbers-nombres-12787075
Beginner French Stationery Flash Cards - La Papeterie - Cartes Flash Français

Beginner French Stationery Flash Cards - La Papeterie - Cartes Flash Français

Beginner French (and French / English bilingual) picture flash cards for learning the stationery and everyday classroom objects. A printable PDF document perfect for games, matching activities, classroom decoration and wall displays, or for self-study! Cartes Flash Français et anglais - La Papeterie! This PDF document contains 28 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and French only Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image English and French words only version, without pictures Vocabulary included: pencil - le crayon eraser - la gomme pen - le stylo scissors - les ciseaux sharpener - l’aiguiseur paintbrush - le pinceau stapler - l’agrafeuse glue - la colle colour pencils - les crayons de couleur paper - les papier pin - le punaise folder - le classeur ruler - la règle tape - le ruban adhésif notebook - le caheir marker - le feutre paper clip - le trombone chalkboard - le tableau globe - le globe bookshelf - la bibliothèque laptop - le ordinateur portable microscope - le microscope tablet - la tablette projector - le projecteur Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc. If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time! Other French Flash Card Topics: COLOURS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733240 ANIMALS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733243 HOW ARE YOU? - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735667 DAYS OF THE WEEK - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678 MONTHS OF THE YEAR - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678 FAMILY - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735714 NUMBERS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/beginner-french-flashcards-numbers-nombres-12787075
Beginner French Flashcards - Numbers / Nombres

Beginner French Flashcards - Numbers / Nombres

Beginner French language picture flash cards for learning the numbers 0 - 1000, and basic fractions and math vocabulary - Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study! Both English and French Bilingual version, and French only. This PDF document contains 46 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes: Double-sided version with the picture, French word and English Double-sided version with the pictures and French only Single-sided version with the French word under the picture on the same image English and French words only version, without pictures Topic: Basic Numbers, Simple Mathematics vocabulary Vocabulary included: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000 a half a third a quarter plus minus equal to multiplied by divided by percent Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc. If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time! Other French Flash Card Topics: COLOURS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733240 ANIMALS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12733243 HOW ARE YOU? - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735667 DAYS OF THE WEEK - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678 MONTHS OF THE YEAR - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735678 FAMILY - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12735714
Mandarin Chinese Food Menu Characters Calligraphy Tracing Worksheets

Mandarin Chinese Food Menu Characters Calligraphy Tracing Worksheets

Printable PDF worksheets for writing Mandarin Chinese Characters 学习写汉字! This workbook features 13 common characters / radicals for tracing, to recognise Chinese food names from a menu! 中国的菜单 Use markers, or brush and black paint / ink to practice tracing the characters in traditional Chinese calligraphy style! The worksheet includes the pinyin pronunciation and tone of each word, and a numbered guide with arrows to demonstrate the correct stroke order to write the simplified character. This PDF includes the words: meat 肉 beef 牛 soup 汤 fish 鱼 duck 鸭 vegetables 菜 egg 蛋 lamb 羊 noodles 面 rice 饭 chicken 鸡 bean 豆 pork 猪 If you found this useful, especially if it helped you to recognise characters on a Chinese menu, a quick review would be much appreciated! You can also write your suggestions for the next topic of character tracing worksheets.
Dutch / English Flashcards - 10 Easy Topics

Dutch / English Flashcards - 10 Easy Topics

A collection of 126 colourful Dutch picture Flashcards in a PDF document. This document consists of 252 A4 sized images; a colourful picture, followed by the Dutch vocabulary word with the English underneath. These pages can be placed back to back to create double-sided flashcards. Cards can easily made smaller by changing the print settings to 2, 4, 6 etc. images per page. The colour-coordinated topics in this set cover: Greetings and Feelings Colours Animals Body Parts Numbers Family Seasons and Weather Clothes Food Fruit Perfect for self-study, home-schooling, tutoring, or use in a elementary Dutch classroom, or ESL class for native Dutch speakers! Reviews of this product on the Discover Languages TpT store: “5/5 Extremely satisfied Wow! These Dutch Picture Flash Cards was exactly what I needed! My kids were so engaged! Thanks for creating this amazing resource!” - The English Labo “5/5 Extremely satisfied These are absolutely gorgeous and a great way to reinforce vocabulary in the classroom. Thank you so much!” - Emily Runstedler “5/5 Extremely satisfied This was the perfect practice activity for my students in middle who are at the beginner level! Thank you so much! Great visuals!” - Paige Dieter
120 Spanish Vocabulary Flashcards - 10 Topics

120 Spanish Vocabulary Flashcards - 10 Topics

This set of 120 Spanish Flash Cards covers 10 beginner topics, with colorful pictures and the English expression on the front, and the Spanish in a large font on the back. Contents: Unit 1 - Greetings: Hola, adiós, bien, mal, triste, enojado, cansado, hambre, sed Unit 2 - Colors: rojo, amarillo, verde, azul, naranja, púrpura, negro, blanco, rosado, marron, gris Unit 3 – Animals: el gato, el perro, el conejo, el pez, la vaca, el pato, el cerdo, el gallo, el cabello, el ratón, la oveja Unit 4 – Body Parts: los ojos, las orejas, la boca, la nariz, la cabeza, el brazo, las piernas, los dientes, las manos, los pies Unit 5 - Numbers: cero – veinte, treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa, cien Unit 6 – Family: la madre, el padre, la hermana, el hermano, la abuela, el abuelo, la hija, el hijo, la tia, el tio Unit 7 – Weather & Seasons: primavera, Verano, otoño, invierno, calor, frío, soleado, lluvioso, viento Unit 8 – Clothes: la camiseta, los pantalones, el sombrero, los zapatos, el vestido, la falda, los calcetines Unit 9 – Food: el pollo, el pan, el arroz, los frijoles, las patatas, las frutas, las verduras, el pescado, el chocolate, el maíz, el queso, la carne, los fideos Unit 10 – Fruit: la manzana, el plátano, las uvas, el mango, el kiwi, la naranja, el melocotón, las cerezas, la piña, la pera, la sandía This is a PDF file with A4 size pages, but you can print 2 to a page for A5 sized flash cards, or 4 to a page for small A6 sized cards for individuals or group work.
Russian/English Bilingual Flashcards for Beginners

Russian/English Bilingual Flashcards for Beginners

A PDF document set of 101 Russian and Russian - English bilingual flash cards, with colorful pictures and English on a page, followed by a page with the Russian word, and phonetic translation on the back. Useful for beginner learners of Russian, or for Native Russian speakers learning English as a second language. The pages of this PDF document are A4 sized, but you can opt to print 2, 4, 6, 9, etc. pages per sheet to make smaller cards. Laminate pages back to back to create double-sided flashcards, or use separately for matching activities. Printing instructions included. Contents: Unit 1 – Greetings & Feelings: Hello, goodbye, I’m well, I’m not good, I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, I’m tired Unit 2 - Colors: red, yellow, green, blue, orange, purple, black, white, pink, indigo Unit 3 – Animals: cat, dog, rabbit, fish, cow, duck, pig, chicken, horse Unit 4 – Body Parts: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, head, teeth, hand, foot Unit 5 - Numbers: zero to 20 Unit 6 – Family: mother, father, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle Unit 7 – Weather & Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, hot, cold, sun, rain, wind Unit 8 – Clothes: T-shirt, trousers, hat, shoes, dress, skirt, socks Unit 9 – Food: roast chicken, bread, rice, fruit, vegetables, fish, chocolate, corn, cheese, meat, noodles Unit 10 – Fruit: apple, banana, grapes, mango, kiwi, orange, peach, cherry, pineapple, pear, watermelon Набор из 101 карточек для изучения Русского языка. Английский с картинками в спереди и Русский с транскрипцией сзади. Этот набор карточек для начинающих поможет изучить такие вещи как приветствие, цвета, животные, числа от 0 до 20, части тела, семья, погода, времена года и продукты питания. Подписывайтесь на мой магазин
Beginner Dutch English Bilingual Flash Cards - 120 Vocabulary Words!

Beginner Dutch English Bilingual Flash Cards - 120 Vocabulary Words!

Beginner level colourful Dutch language picture flash cards for learning basic topics like hobbies, days of the week, classroom objects, daily routines and more! This set of 120 Dutch Flash Cards comes in a PDF document of 242 A4 sized pages, a colorful picture followed by the Dutch word in a large font, with the English translation underneath, to create double sided flashcards. When printing you can change the size of the cards by printing 2 or more per page. This Beginner 2 set covers these 10 topics, and cards are color coded by topic to make for easy organization. Document includes cover page and printing instructions. Unit 11 – Toys: toys, ball, bicycle, teddy bear, toy car, toy truck, toy plane, hula hoop, ukulele, kite, skipping rope, robot, building blocks Unit 12 - Birthday Party: happy birthday, age, invitation, party, cake, candles, balloon, party hat, birthday card, clown, music, present Unit 13 – Hobbies: dance, sing, swim, walk, run, jump, play the piano, paint, play football, play basketball, play badminton, martial arts, athletics Unit 14 – The Week: the week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the weekend, the workdays Unit 15 - Jobs: doctor, teacher, firefighter, artist, nurse, astronaut, police officer, dentist, business person, scientist, construction worker, magician, chef, driver, musician, actor Unit 16 – Prepositions: in, on, under, by, behind, in front of, above, between Unit 17 – Rooms of the House: living room, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, kitchen, office, garage, attic, garden, balcony Unit 18 – Daily Routine: get up, shower, get dressed, have breakfast, brush (my) teeth, go to school, have lunch, exercise, have dinner, do homework, wash (my) face, go to bed Unit 19 – Classroom Objects: table, chair, pencil, pen, eraser, sharpener, ruler, pencil case, bookcase, door, window, floor, computer, blackboard, whiteboard Unit 20 – Shapes: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle, star, heart, diamond, pentagon, hexagon Find Dutch Flash Cards - Beginner Set 1 on the Discover Language page with 126 more colourful picture flash cards which include the topics: Greetings and Feelings, Colours, Animals, Numbers, Family, Body Parts, Clothes, Weather and Seasons, Food and Fruit! Message me in the Q&A section if you have an inquires, and please leave a review if you found this product useful :)
Turkish / English Flashcards - 10 Topics for Beginners

Turkish / English Flashcards - 10 Topics for Beginners

This is a collection of 126 colourful picture Flashcards in a PDF document, consisting of 252 A4 sized images; a colourful picture on one page, followed by a page with the Turkish word of phrase and the English translation underneath. These pages can be placed back to back to create double-sided flashcards. Cards can easily made smaller by changing the print settings to 2, 4, 6 etc. images per page. This set is perfect for beginner Turkish learners, or Turkish speakers who are starting to learn English! This set covers the basic topics of: Greetings and Feelings Colours Animals Body Parts Numbers Family Seasons and Weather Clothes Food Fruit For more Turkish / English flashcards, check out SET 2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-set-2-10-topics-for-beginners-12601026 SET 2 includes the topics: Toys, Birthday Party, Hobbies, Days of the Week, Occupations, Prepositions, Rooms of the House, Daily Routine, Classroom Objects Search Terms: Turkish, turkish flash cards, turkish vocabulary, turkish language, learn turkish, study turkish, turkish classroom, turkish teacher, teach in turkey, english learning, beginner turkish, beginner english, english for turks, Türkçe, İngilizce
Turkish / English Flashcards SET 2 - 10 Topics for Beginners

Turkish / English Flashcards SET 2 - 10 Topics for Beginners

This set of 120 Turkish Flash Cards comes in a PDF document of 242 A4 sized pages, a colorful picture followed by the Turkish word in a large font, with the English translation underneath, to create double sided flashcards. When printing you can change the size of the cards by printing 2 or more per page. This set is perfect for beginner Turkish learners, or Turkish speakers who are starting to learn English! SET 2 Contents: Toys: toys, ball, bicycle, teddy bear, toy car, toy truck, toy plane, hula hoop, ukulele, kite, skipping rope, robot, building blocks Birthday Party: happy birthday, how old are you?, invitation, party, cake, candles, balloon, party hat, birthday card, clown, music, present Hobbies: dance, sing, swim, walk, run, jump, play the piano, paint, play football, play basketball, play badminton, martial arts, athletics The Week: the week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the weekend, the workdays Jobs: doctor, teacher, firefighter, artist, nurse, astronaut, police officer, dentist, business person, scientist, construction worker, magician, chef, driver, musician, actor Prepositions: in, on, under, by, behind, in front of, above, between Rooms of the House: house, living room, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, kitchen, office, garage, attic, garden, balcony Daily Routine: get up, shower, get dressed, have breakfast, brush (my) teeth, go to school, have lunch, workout, have dinner, do homework, wash (my) face, go to bed Classroom Objects: table, chair, pencil, pen, eraser, sharpener, ruler, pencil case, bookcase, door, window, floor, computer, blackboard, whiteboard Shapes: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle, star, heart, diamond, pentagon, hexagon For more colourful picture flashcards, and more beginner topics, check out the others in this series: Turkish / English Flashcards - SET 1: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12597908 Search Terms: Turkish, turkish flash cards, turkish vocabulary, turkish language, learn turkish, study turkish, turkish classroom, turkish teacher, teach in turkey, english learning, beginner turkish, beginner english, english for turks, Türkçe, İngilizce
German / English Flashcards - 10 Topics for Beginners

German / English Flashcards - 10 Topics for Beginners

Collection of 126 German colourful picture Flashcards in a PDF document. This document consists of 252 A4 sized images; a colourful picture, followed by the German vocabulary word with the English underneath. These pages can be placed back to back to create double-sided flashcards. Cards can easily made smaller by changing the print settings to 2, 4, 6 etc. images per page. This collection includes the topics: Greetings and Feelings Colours Animals Body Parts Numbers Family Seasons and Weather Clothes Food Fruit 126 flash cards in total, for beginner students of German, for wall displays, for matching activities, for revision and memorisation, for spelling practice, and more!
Turkish / English Flashcards - SET 3 - 10 Beginner topics

Turkish / English Flashcards - SET 3 - 10 Beginner topics

This set of 125 Turkish Flash Cards comes in a PDF document of 250 A4-sized pages; a colorful picture page, followed by a page with the Turkish word/phrase and the English word/phrase underneath, so they can be printed back to back to create double-sided cards. Perfect for learners of Turkish, or native Turkish speakers learning English as a Second Language! Cards are color-coded and numbered by unit to make for easy organization. Set 3 covers the following topics: Unit 1 – Classroom Language: stand up, sit down, write, read, spell, raise your hand, be quiet, open your book, close the door Unit 2 - School Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Art, Music, P.E., History, Computing, Geography, Turkish Unit 3 – Months of the Year Unit 4 – Vehicles: car, bus, train, truck, taxi, boat, subway, airplane, helicopter, bicycle, skateboard, scooter, submarine, rocket Unit 5 - Time: one o’clock, four o’clock, twelve o’clock, half past one, half past five, half past eight, half past eleven, quarter past twelve, quarter past six, quarter past ten, quarter to two, quarter to three, quarter to seven Unit 6 – Around my Town: school, hospital, bank, park, café, bus stop, train station, library, bakery, shopping mall, cinema, supermarket, swimming pool Unit 7 – Illnesses: a headache, a stomachache, a toothache, a broken arm, a cough, a fever, a cold, a rash, an earache, a sore throat, diarrhea, medicine Unit 8 – Directions: go straight, go back, turn left, turn right, opposite, between, on… street, traffic lights, zebra crossing, roundabout, over the bridge, through the tunnel Unit 9 – Zoo Animals: elephant, giraffe, hippo, lion, gorilla, monkey, tiger, zebra, crocodile, kangaroo, camel, ostrich, rhino, antelope, panther Unit 10 – Countries: Britain, America, Canada, Russia, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, South Korea, China, Australia, India, Brazil, South Africa For more bilingual Turkish and English flash cards, check out SET 1 here:https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-10-topics-for-beginners-12597908 SET 2 here:https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-set-2-10-topics-for-beginners-12601026 Search Terms: Turkish, turkish flash cards, turkish vocabulary, turkish language, learn turkish, study turkish, turkish classroom, turkish teacher, teach in turkey, english learning, beginner turkish, beginner english, english for turks, Türkçe, İngilizce
Turkish / English Flashcards SET 4 - 10 Beginner Topics

Turkish / English Flashcards SET 4 - 10 Beginner Topics

This set of 141 Turkish & English Vocabulary Flash Cards, comes in a PDF document of 285 A4 sized pages; a colorful picture page followed by the word or phrase in Turkish, with the English translation underneath. Pages can be placed back to back create double sided flashcards, or used separately for word walls, matching activities, etc. Cards can be printed in a variety of sizes to suit your own needs, printing instructions included. This is the 4th set in this series, covering 10 topics, with cards colour-coded and numbered to make for easy organization. Unit 1 – Household Objects: TV, sofa, remote control, lamp, blanket, WiFi router, cupboard, shelf, plant, cushion, rug, picture frame, armchair, coffee table, curtains Unit 2 - Places in Nature: mountains. desert, river, lake, ocean, beach, cliff, island, forest, volcano, field, waterfall Unit 3 – Health: first aid kit, plaster, injection, medicine, thermometer, bandage, antiseptic, ointment, ambulance, stretcher, wheelchair, crutches, cast, X-ray, stethoscope Unit 4 – Kitchen Objects: cooker, microwave, toaster, scale, fridge, washing machine, kettle, coffee maker, plate, bowl, fork, spoon, knife, pot, pan, chopping board, spatula, cup Unit 5 - Drinks: water, sparkling water, coffee, hot chocolate, milk, tea, milkshake, juice, beer, cola, lemonade, wine Unit 6 – Sports: football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, tennis, ice hockey, ice skating, martial arts, roller blading, cycling, gymnastics, skateboarding, archery, golf, surfing Unit 7 – Tools: hammer, saw, brush, screws, screwdriver, drill, wrench, pliers, trowel, nails, super glue, duct tape Unit 8 – Housework: sweep the floor, wash the dishes, dust, clean the windows, do the laundry, clean the toilet, mop the floor, take out the rubbish, polish the glass, feed the pets, vacuum the floor, tidy up, water the plants, fold the laundry, rake the leaves Unit 9 – Containers: box, bottle, carton, can, glass, cup, mug, thermos, packet, bag, sack, tub, tube, jug, jar Unit 10 – Gardening: wheelbarrow, plant pot, watering can, rake, shovel, hose, soil, seeds, shoot, to plant, to water, to pick For more bilingual Turkish and English flash cards, check out SET 1 here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-10-topics-for-beginners-12597908 SET 2 here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-set-2-10-topics-for-beginners-12601026 Search Terms: Turkish, turkish flash cards, turkish vocabulary, turkish language, learn turkish, study turkish, turkish classroom, turkish teacher, teach in turkey, english learning, beginner turkish, beginner english, english for turks, Türkçe, İngilizce
Discover Spanish - Preschool Teacher's Manual

Discover Spanish - Preschool Teacher's Manual

This 72 page teacher’s book PDF and flashcard set was used to teach Spanish to classes of English speaking 2-5 year olds in an international kindergarten. The course is divided into 10 topics, with 4 lessons in each. With Spanish lessons once a week, this course will last a full school year. These fun lesson plans use Spanish active games, worksheets and role-plays to engage young language learners. We incorporate a lot of music into the lessons, including some from the WhistleFritz Spanish collection, and others from free resources found online (links to which are provided). Each lesson is designed to last 30 minutes, best suited for kindergarten and preschool aged kids. Teacher’s book Contents: o Unit 1 – ¡Hola! o Unit 2 – ¿Cómo Estás? o Unit 3 – Los Colores o Unit 4 – Los Animales o Unit 5 – Los Números o Unit 6 – Las Frutas o Unit 7 – ¡Bailar! o Unit 8 – El Transporte o Unit 9 – El Tiempo o Unit 10 – Los Insectos o Spanish Songs Although this course is aimed at preschool and nursery aged children, the content can be transfered to Primary school classes also, if they are total beginners to Spanish.
Kindergarten P.E. 103 Games and Activities

Kindergarten P.E. 103 Games and Activities

A 38 page PDF booklet full of games and activities suitable for P.E. lessons, after school activities, summer camps, or just for family fun! A year long syllabus outline is provided with weekly learning outcomes, as well as a language objective. Games can be played indoor or outdoors, and have a recommended class size label. Each game comes with a list of props needed and detailed description of the rules and a picture. Booklet was originally made for an ESL Kindergarten setting, so can be explained simply for students who aren’t native English speakers, and most games can be adapted for an active ESL classroom. Most suited for students aged 3-9 years old. Contents: EYFS Overview Physical Development Targets Year Plan (Recommended activities and English key phrases to be taught over 36 weeks) Sample Lesson Plan Warm Up Activities Kids Yoga Cardio Exercise Activities Parachute Activities Ballgames Hula Hoop Activities Tag Games Skipping Rope Activities Balance Activities Quoits Activities Team Building Activities Dance Activities Gym Scooter Activities Seasonal and Party Games Search Terms: kindergarten P.E., kindergarten gym class, preschool PE, Grade 1 PE, Primary PE, primary 1 PE, preschool gym class, nursery PE, ESL gym class, teaching PE, PE lesson plans, PE activity ideas, PE game ideas, Gym class lesson plans