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The Police and Crime. ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson for A2 Level Students.
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on vocabulary and verbs relating to the police and crime.
This lesson contains 42 animated slides and should last for approximately one hour.
Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension Activities
Communicative Games
Link to Youtube video for a video comprehension activity
Writing practice activity
Language Contents (Vocabulary and Verbs)
Police officer
Arrest (verb)
Interview (verb)
Catch (verb)
The Weather Forecast. ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson for A1 Level Students
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A1 level students of English focusing on language relating to how to give a weather forecast as well as the grammar structure ‘going to be.’
Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Interactive Games
Writing Activity
Reading Comprehension Activity
Language Contents Part 1 (seasons and weather)
Foggy / Lightning / Stormy / Heatwave / Freezing
Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter / Fall
Language Contents Part 2 (grammar focus)
‘Going to be + clause.’
The weather is going to be stormy tomorrow
It is going to be a great day today
This lesson contains 38 slides and should last approximately 90 minutes.
Video Preview for the lesson is available here
Relative Clauses ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson for A2 Level Students.
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on relative clauses who, which and where.
This lesson contains 37 animated slides and should last for approximately one hour.
Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Elicitation of Grammar
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension/Game Activities
Communicative Games**
Language Focus (Grammar)
I know a boy who lives next door to me (give more information about people)
This is a pen which can write in many colors (give more information about things)
The city where I was born is important to me (give more information about places)
Music and Genres. ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson for A2 Level Students
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on vocabulary relating music, concerts and musical genres.
This lesson contains 39 animated slides and should last for approximately one hour.
Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension/Game Activities
Communicative Games
Listening Activity
Language Focus (Vocabulary)
Language Focus Part 2 (Music Genres)
Language Focus Extra (Devices)
The Past Continuous with When. ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson for A2 Level Students.
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on the past continuous tense using when for past actions that are interrupted.
The second language focus of this lesson is making questions using the past continuous.
Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension Activities
Communicative Games
Link to Youtube video for the past continuous with when
Language Contents Part Two (the past continuous)
“She was calling an ambulance when the doorbell rang.”
“I was walking in the park when I met my friend”
This lesson is 40 slides and will last approximately more than one hour.
Copyright @ ESL Interactive This product is to be used only for the original downloader/customer. Copying for more than one teacher, department or school is prohibited. Intended for classroom or personal use only
Used to for Past Routines. ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson for A2 Level Students
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on using ‘used to,’ to talk about past routines.
This lesson contains 30 animated slides and should last for approximately one hour.
Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension Activities
Communicative Games
Link to YouTube video for a video comprehension activity
Writing practice activity
Language Focus (Grammar)
“I used to play with toys.”
“I didn’t use to travel a lot when I was younger.”
“Did you use to play outside when you were young?”
Healthy and Unhealthy Diets. ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson + Worksheets (A2 Level)
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on language relating to having a healthy or unhealthy diet, as well as cooking verbs
This lesson contains 32 beautifully animated slides and also includes 2 handouts that are incorporated into the lesson. Handouts can be completed in person, digitally, or as homework exercises.
PowerPoint Contents Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension Activities
Link to YouTube video with language comprehension questions
Handout 1 (Matching Activity)
Students have to place the food vocabulary into the relevant column. They have to decide if the food is healthy, unhealthy or both
Handout 2 (My Recipe Writing Practice)
Students have to write down a recipe as well as instructions on how to prepare a dish. This handout can then be used as a discussion activity that pairs with the PowerPoint lesson
Target Language Focus Part One (Vocabulary)
health (noun)
diet (noun)
junk food (noun)
healthy (adj)
unhealthy (adj)
delicious (adj)
Target Language Focus Part Two (Cooking Verbs)
Modal Verbs Must and Mustn't. ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson for A2 Level Students.
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on modal verbs ‘must and mustn’t,’ and vocabulary relating to being at a museum
Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Interactive Games
Writing Activity
Reading Comprehension Activity
Language Contents Part 1 (Vocabulary)
gift shop
Language Contents Part 2 (Grammar)
“You must pay the admission to enter”
“You mustn’t touch the artifacts”
This lesson contains 41 slides and a video preview of the lesson can be found here
Guess The Rainforest Animal PowerPoint Game.
This is a fun PowerPoint game in which students have to guess the rainforest animal or insect based on clues given on the slides.
This game can be used as a fun warmer or closer to any class and can be used during an online lesson, or on an IWB in a classroom setting.
Copyright @ ESL Interactive This product is to be used only for the original downloader/customer. Copying for more than one teacher, department or school is prohibited. Intended for classroom or personal use only
Adverbs ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson for A2 Level Students
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on the grammar focus on adding ‘ly,’ to adverbs when describing an action.
This lesson contains 34 beautifully animated slides and should last for approximately one hour.
Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Elicitation of Grammar
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension/Game Activities
Communicative Games
Language Focus Part One (Adjectives)
Language Focus Part Two (Grammar)
The teacher is speaking slowly
The dancers are dancing beautifully
It is raining heavily
Copyright @ ESL Interactive This product is to be used only for the original downloader/customer. Copying for more than one teacher, department or school is prohibited. Intended for classroom or personal use only
Solve The Riddles PowerPoint Game. Interactive and Fun PowerPoint Game and Quiz.
This is a fun and interactive PowerPoint game in which students have to solve ten riddles plus a bonus round riddle, either in teams or individually.
This game is an excellent time-filler activity that be used in a regular classroom setting, or in an online class.
This lesson is geared towards ESL/ESOL students but can be used with a regular class too.
PowerPoint Game Contents
Brief Introduction on what a riddle is
Ten riddles with clues and answers provided
Bonus round riddle
Beautifully constructed slides and artwork
Copyright @ ESL Interactive This product is to be used only for the original downloader/customer. Copying for more than one teacher, department or school is prohibited. Intended for classroom or personal use only.
Magic and Fantasy Vocabulary ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson for A2 Level Students
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on vocabulary relating to the magic and fantasy
This lesson contains 33 animated slides and should last for approximately one hour.
Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension Activities
Communicative Games
Writing practice activity
Language Focus (Vocabulary)
Direct Speech + Daily Routines ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson + Handouts. A2 Level
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on vocabulary relating to daily routines, and the grammar focus how to use punctuation marks with direct speech.
This lesson contains 29 animated slides and also includes 3 handouts that are incorporated into the lesson. Handouts can be completed in person, digitally, or as homework exercises.
PowerPoint Contents Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension Activities
Link to YouTube video on direct speech
Writing practice activity
Handout 1 (Matching Activity)
Students have to match the daily routine to the corresponding picture. They can either write in the phrase or cut out the box and stick it on if the class is face to face
Handout 2 (Reading Activity)
Students have to read a text and answer the reading comprehension questions below.
Handout 3 (Direct Speech Creative Activity)
Students have to create a comic book story in the panels using direct speech
Language Focus (Vocabulary)
tidy up (tidy up your room)
brush your hair
work out
hoover the floor
clean the windows
feed the pet
take out the trash
do the shopping
do the washing up
Language Focus (Grammar)
“Tidy up your bedroom,” said mum
He asked “Do you live in London?”
Materials + Used for/Made of ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson for A2 Level Students
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing vocabulary relating to different materials and the grammar point ‘made of + material,’ and ‘used for + verbing.’
This lesson contains 40 beautifully animated slides and should last for approximately one hour.
Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Elicitation Activities
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension Activity
Writing Practice Activity
Language Focus Part One (Materials Vocabulary)
Language Focus Part Two (Grammar)
The table is made of wood
A pen is used for writing
Copyright @ ESL Interactive This product is to be used only for the original downloader/customer. Copying for more than one teacher, department or school is prohibited. Intended for classroom or personal use only
Numbers One to Five Million. ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson for A2 Level Students
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on numbers one to five million. Both the written and numerical form of the numbers are practiced throughout the lesson
This lesson contains 36 beautifully animated slides and should last for approximately one hour.
Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Elicitation Activities
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Fun Numbers Quiz Activity
Reading Comprehension Activity
Writing Practice Activity
Language Focus Part One (Numbers 1 to 5,000,00)
1,000 (one thousand)
64,500 (sixty four thousand five hundred)
Language Focus Part Two (Comma placement)
The placement of commas between every third digit
4,000,000 / 6,400 etc
Copyright @ ESL Interactive This product is to be used only for the original downloader/customer. Copying for more than one teacher, department or school is prohibited. Intended for classroom or personal use only
Planets and Making Predictions with Will. ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson. (A2 Level)
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on the planets in our solar system and how to make predictions in the future with ‘will.’
This lesson contains 43 beautifully animated slides and should last for approximately one hour.
Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Elicitation of Grammar
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension/Game Activities
Communicative Games
Video Comprehension Activity (YouTube video link)
Writing Activity
Language Focus (Vocabulary)
Pluto (Dwarf Planet)
Language Focus Part 2 (Grammar)
Will to make predictions
“People will live on different planets one day.”
“Space travel will be possible when I am older.”
Copyright @ ESL Interactive This product is to be used only for the original downloader/customer. Copying for more than one teacher, department or school is prohibited. Intended for classroom or personal use only
Habitats + Modal Verbs. ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson + Handout for A2 Level.
This is an This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on different habitats and also modal verbs can, could and might.
This lesson contains 44 beautifully animated slides and also includes 1 handout that are incorporated into the lesson. The handout can be completed in person, digitally, or as homework exercises.
PowerPoint Contents Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension Activities
Elicitation of Grammar
Handout 1 (Gap-fill Activity )
Students have to insert either could, can or might into the sentences through a gap-fill activity
Target Language Focus Part One (Vocabulary)
Target Language Focus Part Two (Modal verbs)
Can you bring a bottle of water? (making requests)
I can explore the jungle with a guide (ability)
I could go abroad and swim in the ocean (chance or possibility)
I might travel to the grasslands next year on vacation (uncertainty now and in the future)
Copyright @ ESL Interactive This product is to be used only for the original downloader/customer. Copying for more than one teacher, department or school is prohibited. Intended for classroom or personal use only.
Landmarks + The Present Perfect (Just, Yet and Already) ESL/ESOL PowerPoint (A2)
his is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on different international landmarks, and the grammar tense ‘the present perfect,’ using ‘just, yet and already.’
This lesson contains 36 beautifully animated slides and also includes 2 handouts that are incorporated into the lesson. Handouts can be completed in person, digitally, or as homework exercises.
PowerPoint Contents Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension Activities
Elicitation of vocabulary and grammar
Writing Practice Activity
Communicative Games
Handout 1 (Landmarks)
Students have to match the landmark to the country and write a sentence about each landmark
Handout 2 (Landmark Writing Activity)
Students have to choose one landmark from their country, and write about it. They will then present it to the teacher, or ask their peers to correct their writing
Target Language Focus Part One (Landmarks)
The Eiffel Tower
Big Ben
The Taj Mahal
The Great Wall
The Kremlin
The Pyramids
The Colosseum
The Statue of Liberty
Target Language Focus Part Two (The Present Perfect with Just, Yet an Already)
Have you ever been to The Taj Mahal yet?
Yes, I have already been on vacation this year
No, I haven’t traveled to The US yet
I have just came back from seeing the sights of London
**Copyright @ ESL Interactive **This product is to be used only for the original downloader/customer. Copying for more than one teacher, department or school is prohibited. Intended for classroom or personal use only.
The Present Perfect + Vacations. ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson + Handouts. A2 Level
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for A2 level students of English focusing on language relating to types of vacations, and the grammar tense ‘the present perfect.’
This lesson contains 47 beautifully animated slides and also includes 2 handouts that are incorporated into the lesson. Handouts can be completed in person, digitally, or as homework exercises.
PowerPoint Contents Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension Activities
Elicitation of vocabulary and grammar
Handout 1 (My Dream Vacation)
Students have to write about their dream vacation and either discuss or write about it with the handout
Handout 2 (The Present Perfect Discussion/Writing Activity)
Students can either answer the questions using 'the present perfect using the handout, or write their answers down using the correct tense.
Target Language Focus Part One (Types of Vacations)
camping trip
road trip
national park vacation
ski trip
city break
beach holiday
adventure holiday
Target Language Focus Part Two (The Present Perfect)
Have you ever been on an adventure holiday?
Yes, I have been on a skip trip
No, I have never gone skiing on vacation
Target Language Focus Part Three (on preposition)
Using ‘on,’ when to talk about holidays and travel
I am going on a cruise
I am going on an adventure holiday
Copyright @ ESL Interactive This product is to be used only for the original downloader/customer. Copying for more than one teacher, department or school is prohibited. Intended for classroom or personal use only.
The Passive Voice. ESL/ESOL PowerPoint Lesson + Handout for B1 Level Students
This is an interactive PowerPoint lesson for B1 level students of English focusing on the grammatical structure of using the passive voice.
This lesson contains 37 beautifully animated slides and also includes one handout that is incorporated into the lesson. The handout can be completed in person, digitally, or as homework exercises.
PowerPoint Contents Students are guided through a structured lesson through a variety of communication and controlled practice activities that are sure to engage all your ESL Learners. The lesson contains the following type of activities…
Controlled Practice Activities
Communication Activities
Reading Comprehension Activities
Elicitation of vocabulary and grammar
Youtube Link for elicitation of grammar
Writing Practice Activity
Handout 1 (The Passive Voice Comprehension Activity)
Students have to write and transform sentences from the active to the passive voice
Target Language Focus Part One (The Passive Voice )
This book was written by by favorite author
The airplane was invented in 1903
Copyright @ ESL Interactive This product is to be used only for the original downloader/customer. Copying for more than one teacher, department or school is prohibited. Intended for classroom or personal use only.