Elition is written and run by English teachers who enjoy curriculum design and creating effective, intuitive resources. Our team is made up of experienced professionals who are passionate about helping teachers deliver lessons that will engage and inspire students.
Elition is written and run by English teachers who enjoy curriculum design and creating effective, intuitive resources. Our team is made up of experienced professionals who are passionate about helping teachers deliver lessons that will engage and inspire students.
Bundle comprises of a 10 lesson unit consisting of practise activities to support students studying the CIE 0500 specification for IGCSE English Language Paper 2. There is a focus on evaluating arguments, developing analysis and writing up ideas. Practise extracts, papers and examples are included. Suitable for a mixed ability year 10 class encountering the paper for the first time or as a revision aid.
Also, a revision lesson is included that develops students’ ability to identify and evaluate implicit and explicit ideas in a source prior to incorporating them into a response. Modelled examples of writing are included and a step-by-step breakdown of the mark scheme. Please note that this lesson was originally for a 90 minute session. This would be useful for Year 11 revision and to support an existing directed writing scheme.
A revision lesson that develops students’ ability to identify and evaluate implicit and explicit ideas in a source prior to incorporating them into a response. Modelled examples of writing are included and a step-by-step breakdown of the mark scheme. Please note that this lesson was originally for a 90 minute session.
Useful for Year 11 revision and to support an existing directed writing scheme.
A comprehensive scheme of learning that covers the entire novel and includes exploration of key themes, context, analysis of quotes, modelled writing, vocabulary lists, reflection and self monitoring, discussion and debate tasks and recall activities. Originally designed for the CIE 0475 Literature IGCSE but can be easily adapted to suit other specifications. There are some complimentary activities that also develop English Language skills for the 0500 paper 1.
Suitable for a mixed ability KS4 year 10 group or to aid with Year 11 revision. This is divided into 16 lessons but note that these lessons are one hour and thirty minutes each. A bonus lesson is also included.
Students will need their own copies of the text.
A free exam wrapper pdf for student reflection post-exam. Originally used with a mixed ability, Year 11 IGCSE English class to promote reflection and ownership of targets.
A series of activity books with revision and recall questions for each act of the play or chapter of the novella.
Knowledge organisers, a revision clock template, connection grids (these are best printed), practice questions, and essay samples are included.
The Poetry Anthology revision guide includes the following:
A breakdown of AOs
Key terms glossary
Contextual information for each poet
Revision questions on language, form and structure for each poem
A planning grid to help structure essays
Sample paragraphs and essays, approaches to writing, frames and practice exam questions
A self assessment checklist and exam process reminders
Suitable for a year 10 or 11 group that has already studied the novella, poems and plays.
These resources can be used to support an existing scheme of learning or as independent exam study.
An activity book with revision and recall questions for each stave of the novella. Knowledge organiser, a revision clock template, connection grids (these are best printed) and practise questions and writing samples are included .
Suitable for a year 10 or 11 group that has already read the novella.
This resource can be used to support an existing scheme or as independent exam study.
A scheme of learning that covers the entire play and includes exploration of key themes, analysis of quotes, modelled writing, vocabulary lists, discussion and debate tasks and recall activities. Originally designed for the CIE 0475 Literature IGCSE.
Suitable for a mixed ability KS4 year 10 group. This is divided into 16 lessons but note that the lessons are one hour and thirty minutes each. Lessons 2-4 are based on a viewing of the 2014 National Theatre production starring Gillian Anderson (not included in this SoL).
Students will need their own copies of the text.
An activity book with revision and recall questions for each act and scene of the play. Knowledge organisers, a revision clock template, connection grids (these are best printed) and practise questions and essay samples are included.
Suitable for a year 10 or 11 group that has already read the play.
This resource can be used to support an existing scheme or as independent exam study.
An activity book with revision and recall questions for each act of the play. Knowledge organisers, a revision clock template, connection grids (these are best printed) and practise questions and essay samples are included .
Suitable for a year 10 or 11 group that has already read the play.
This resource can be used to support an existing scheme or as independent exam study.
An activity book with revision and recall questions for each chapter of the novella. Knowledge organisers, a revision clock template, connection grids (these are best printed) and practise questions and essay samples are included .
Suitable for a year 10 or 11 group that has already read the novella.
This resource can be used to support an existing scheme or as independent exam study.
A booklet with quick revision questions on language, form and structure for the Edexcel poetry anthology. Knowledge organiser and revision clock templates are included (these are best printed).
Suitable for a year 10 or 11 group that has covered the poems already and can be used to support an existing scheme.
An enhanced version of the guide with sample paragraphs and essays, approaches to writing and exam practice questions can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13170179.
A lesson that encourages students to explore their experiences and preconceptions of poetry while working towards understanding that poetry encompasses a variety of genres and forms.
There are discussion activities based on unpacking existing, historical definitions of poetry and an exemplar activity on the poem ‘OCD’ by Neil Hilborn (more suited towards KS4/5).
Suitable for a KS4 class beginning a GCSE/IGCSE poetry scheme of learning or an introduction to an MYP unit of inquiry that encompasses poetry.
A complete custom paper 1 that includes insert, mark scheme and question paper. The extracts are based on famous actors and acting and is designed for the CIE post 2020 specification. This was made to assist with KS4 revision and is not based on an existing past paper.
Suitable for IGCSE revision or independent study.
A 10 lesson unit consisting of practise activities to support students studying the CIE 0500 specification for IGCSE English Language Paper 2. There is a focus on evaluating arguments, developing analysis and writing up ideas. Practise extracts, papers and examples are included. Suitable for a mixed ability year 10 class encountering the paper for the first time or as a revision aid.
A complete IGCSE English Language Paper 1 for the CIE 0500 specification that comes with a mark scheme, teacher training slides for marking guidance, and feedback activities for students. The paper is original and based on the topic of video games. This can be used for a mock exam or as revision practise.
A complete custom paper 1 that includes insert, mark scheme and question paper. The extracts are based on flight and is designed for the CIE post-2020 specification. This was made to assist with KS4 revision and is not based on an existing past paper.
Suitable for IGCSE revision or independent study.