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Ratio and maps
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to challenging extension questions that really get them thinking.
Under the hood
Using map scale to find how far apart two places are.
Using distances between two places to find how far apart places are on a map.
Examples that involve conversion of metric units - i.e., km to m.
Challenge questions where the map scale must be found in its simplest form.
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Fractional indices
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to challenging extension questions that really get them thinking.
Under the hood
Evaluating whole numbers with fractional powers
Evaluating fractions with fractional powers
Combinations of fractional and negative indices
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Best buys
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to challenging extension questions that really get them thinking.
Under the hood
Examples comparing two deals
Examples comparing three or more deals
Examples where price per 100g or 100ml should be found
Examples where units should be converted - e.g., kg to g.
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Finding the area of a triangle
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to challenging extension questions that really get them thinking.
Under the hood
Right angled triangles
Scalene and isosceles triangles
Triangles that have been rotated.
Triangles that are slanted so much that the vertical height is outside.
Working backwards from the area to find missing lengths.
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Showing data in graphs and charts
Free preview - This well thought out booklet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to more challenging questions that get them thinking.
Under the hood
Bar charts (and dual bar charts)
Vertical line charts
Time series graphs
Interpreting data on the above charts/graphs
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Finding the volume of a cuboid
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to more challenging questions that get them thinking.
Under the hood
Finding the volume of a cuboid
Working backwards from the volume to find missing dimensions
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
KS3 Adding and subtracting fractions
Free Preview file - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to challenging extension questions that really get them thinking.
Under the hood
Same denominators
One denominator a multiple of the other
Different denominators
Adding 3 fractions
Examples that need simplifying
Adding and subtracting mixed numbers and improper fractions.
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Negative numbers
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to more challenging questions that get them thinking.
Under the hood
Scaffolded intro questions involving temperature
Subtraction problems where the answer is negative
Adding negative numbers
Subtracting negative numbers
Multiplying and dividing negative numbers
Squaring and cubing negative numbers
Calculating with 3 or more negative numbers
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Negative indices
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to more challenging questions that get them thinking.
Under the hood
Evaluating numbers with negative powers
Evaluating fractions with negative powers
Applying the index laws (multiplication, division, powers of powers) to negative indices
Combinations of index law calculations with negative indices.
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Multiplying fractions
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to more challenging questions that get them thinking.
Under the hood
Multiplying a whole number by a fraction
Multiplying two fractions (including squaring fractions)
Multiplying three or more fractions
Multiplying mixed numbers and improper fractions
BIDMAS questions involving adding and multiplying fractions.
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Multiplying decimals
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to more challenging questions that get them thinking.
Under the hood
Multiplying a whole number by a decimal
Multiplying two decimals (including squaring a decimal)
Harder multiplications when given a similar calculation. E.g., You are given 62 x 37 = 2294. What is 620 x 370?
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Multiplying and dividing large numbers
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to more challenging questions that get them thinking.
Under the hood
Multiplication and division of numbers with zeros on the end - E.g., 32000 divided by 8 and 1500 divided by 30
Multiplication problems requiring a written method - E.g., 17 x 25
Bus stop method
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Multiplication and division
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to more challenging questions that get them thinking.
Under the hood
Starter: Multiplication and division using areas of rectangles
Main: A series of worded multiplication and division examples designed to encourage students away from using repeated addition.
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Mixed numbers and improper fractions
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to more challenging questions that get them thinking.
Under the hood
Converting an improper fraction to a mixed number
Converting a mixed number to an improper fraction
Converting mixed numbers and improper fractions that need simplifying
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Mean, median, mode and range
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to challenging extension questions that really get them thinking.
Under the hood
Finding the mean, median, mode and range of a list of numbers
Finding the median of an even number of values
Finding the median of an unordered list of values
Challenge questions on how the mean changes when new data is added or when there are extreme values.
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Map scale
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to challenging extension questions that really get them thinking.
Under the hood
Using map scale to find how far apart two places are.
Using distances between two places to find how far apart places are on a map.
Examples that involve conversion of metric units - i.e., km to m.
Challenge questions where the map scale must be found in its simplest form.
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to challenging extension questions that really get them thinking.
Under the hood
Drawing the locus of points fixed distances from points, lines, corners of shapes etc
Marking points on diagrams following given rules.
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Linear sequences (nth term)
Free preview - This well thought out worksheet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to challenging extension questions that really get them thinking.
Under the hood
Finding terms of linear sequences
Generating sequences using the nth term (substituting 1, 2, 3, 4,…)
Finding the nth term of a linear sequence
Using the nth term to find later terms of the sequence
Using the nth term to find positions of terms in the sequence (or determine if a number is in a sequence)
Finding the nth term of a decreasing linear sequence.
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Kinematics formulas
Free preview - This well thought out booklet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to challenging extension questions that really get them thinking.
Under the hood
Worded questions where students must use the kinematics formulas starting with v = u + at in the first few examples to build confidence.
Progression onto the displacement equations
Rearranging the kinematics formulas
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.
Iterative processes (Solving equations by iteration)
Free preview - This well thought out booklet has been structured to increase in difficulty gradually, beginning with scaffolded intro examples and building up to challenging extension questions that really get them thinking.
Under the hood
Scaffolded intro questions on generating sequences using term-to-term rules
Generating sequences using iterative formulas
Using iteration to solve equations (including the rearranging bit)
Important: This is a free preview file. The full HQ sheet with answers included can be found here on TES by clicking the link below.
Thorough, comprehensive, and suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Our resources are carefully designed to boost confidence and grades.