Welcome to my shop! I have lesson resources here for all age groups in secondary education. All my resources are all in one ppt lessons. That means they all have starters, different learning activities, reading resources (if required) and plenaries. Most of the lessons also have model answers for learning tasks which can aid your marking or promote self-assessment. The lessons are reviewed regularly so they are continually being improved. Just download and teach!
Welcome to my shop! I have lesson resources here for all age groups in secondary education. All my resources are all in one ppt lessons. That means they all have starters, different learning activities, reading resources (if required) and plenaries. Most of the lessons also have model answers for learning tasks which can aid your marking or promote self-assessment. The lessons are reviewed regularly so they are continually being improved. Just download and teach!
This is a KS3 lesson on crime around the world focusing on murder rates. The aim is to show how geography can be integrated in other subject matter. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; difference between total murders and murder rates, total murder data for different regions of the world, murder rates data for different countries and the factors influencing murder rates in HICs vs LICs.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; homicide data analysis task, graph task, calculating murder rates task, map task , an information sheet used for an analysis task and an extended writing task.
Differentiation used in the lesson are: differentiated tasks and support material for graph and writing task.
The lesson is planned in detail and all the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. Just download and teach!
This is an A-level lesson on key terms used in the global governance unit or the superpower unit. The language used are covered in the AQA and Edexcel courses in particular. This is not just a keyword meaning lesson. All the activities are designed to deepen students understanding of the key ideas in this unit. Key facts about the lesson are:
1. The content covered by the lesson are; geo-politics and geo-political power, hard and soft power, superpower, emerging power and regional power, hegemony, sphere of influence and geo-strategic significance, uni-polar, bi-polar and multi-polar power scenarios and multi-faceted indirect control (neo-colonialism)
2. Learning resources used in the lesson are; scenario type tasks, statistical analysis, picture and cartoon analysis, statement sorting activity, a quiz and past paper questions.
3. The lesson is planned in detail and all the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. Just download and teach!
This is a KS3 lesson on settlement functions. It is also an excellent lesson for a KS2 group learning about settlements and their local area. The lesson also uses various map and geographic skills to study settlement patterns which makes this an ideal skills lesson as well. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; Definition of settlement pattern, the three main settlement patterns (linear, nucleated and dispersed), using grid reference to identify the different settlement patterns on a OS map, predicting how a settlement pattern will develop overtime.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; image analysis (including satellite imagery), OS map, grid reference, model making, sketching and a short writing task.
The lesson is planned in detail and all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. Now just download and teach!
This is an A level lesson on the carbon cycle. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; the carbon cycle as a system, processes in the carbon cycle (eg sequestration, combustion, decomposition, respiration etc), the fluxes and stores of the carbon cycle, factors that affect carbon storage in the cycle (eg. Industrialisation, deforestation, sedimentation etc).
Learning resources used in the lesson are; carbon cycle diagram, video clip, group work and a 20 mark exam question.
The lesson is planned in detail and all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. If you have a textbook on the carbon cycle then this can be used to encourage reading and researching key ideas. Now just download and teach!
This is a case study lesson on the Mt St Helens 1980 eruption. The lesson is planned to GCSE standards but can be used for KS3 as well. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; location of Mt St Helens volcano, identifying the plate boundary that caused the eruption, the primary and secondary impact of eruption and analysis of the economic, social and environmental impact of the eruption.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; Map task to identify the location of the Mt St Helens volcano and its boundary, case study worksheet, factsheets on different aspects of the 1980 eruption, writing task and video clips.
Differentiation used in the lesson are: challenge tasks and differentiated information sheets and group discussion.
The lesson is planned in detail and all the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. Just download and teach!
This is a KS3 lesson on settlement functions however, it can be easily adapted for a KS2 group. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; Definition of settlement function, description of different types of settlement functions and map analysis skills.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; picture analysis, maps, short writing tasks and quiz.
The lesson is planned in detail and all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. Now just download and teach!
This is an A level lesson on the water cycle. It meets the requirements of the AQA and Edexcel specifications in particular. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; the water cycle as a system, the states of water and the proportion of water in different states, features/components of the water cycle (transpiration, percolation etc), flows and stores in the water cycle, factors that affect the rates of precipitation , condensation, evaporation, infiltration, percolation and interception in the water cycle.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; images, water cycle diagram, video clip, group work and a 12 mark exam question.
The lesson is planned in detail and all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. If you have a textbook on the water then this should be used to encourage reading and research however, there is a video clip about the water cycle to help with content. Now just download and teach!
This is an A level lesson on the drainage basin systems based on the criteria of the new specifications (AQA in particular). Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; Features of a drainage basin, why is the drainage basin an open system?, effects of increased precipitation/interception/infiltration on the drainage basin, water balance/budget, flood hydrographs and the factors that influence lag time in a flood event.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; quiz, diagrams, water balance graph, flood hydrograph and four (4) short answer questions.
The lesson is planned in detail and all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. If you have a textbook on the drainage basin then this can be used to encourage reading and research however, the lesson can be taught without one. Now just download and teach!
This is a KS3 introduction lesson on migration. The content and skills lay the foundation for further studies in the new GCSE specs. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; definition of migration key terms (migration, in-migration, international migration etc), types of migration, push and pull factors etc.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; unscramble the word task, picture study task, writing task, quiz etc.
The lesson is planned in detail and all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. Now just download and teach!
This is a KS3 lesson on population structure. It can also be used with a GCSE group. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; definition of population structure (including definitions of the terms young dependent, elderly dependent and working age group), description on how to use population pyramids, comparing population pyramids of HICs and LICs, advantages and disadvantages of an ageing population.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; Keyword matching task, graph analysis, peer discussion and writing task.
The lesson is planned in detail and all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. Now just download and teach!
There are 4 lessons in this bundle.
Qualities of a good map: This lesson covers what is a map, what should all good maps have, how to draw sketch maps and what are mental maps
Map symbols: This lesson covers what are map symbols, how to use symbols to learn about a place, identifying different OS map symbols.
Map sclaes: This lesson covers what are scales, how are scales used, types of map scales, scaling things up and scaling things down.
Compass coordinates: This lesson covers 4, 8 and 16 point compass, how to use compass and what are hemispheres.
This is a KS3 / KS2 introduction lesson on settlements. It is an excellent lesson for teaching students about their local area. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; Definition of the term settlement, discussion of different types of settlements (including the international space station and refugee camps), definition of site, factors that influence the site of a settlement (basic introduction of sustainability here) and description of the site of their local settlement.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; Unscramble the keyword task, picture study, sketch map analysis task, a short writing task and a fill in the blank task.
The lesson is planned in detail and all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. Now just download and teach!
There are two lessons in this bundle on relief.
The 1st lesson introduces the three techniques used to show height and shape of landscapes on maps (spot heights, colour shading and contours). The 1st lesson focuses on spot heights and colour shading in detail with good practical activities that will engage students.
The 2nd leson focuses entirely on contours and how they can be used to describe the height and shape of the land. Here they are also goo pratical engaging activities.
Both lessons are planned in detail and all the learning/teaching resources are included in the ppt. Just download and teach!
This is a KS3 / KS2 lesson on showing relief on maps. It is a very good practical lesson that will get students really involved in map work. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; Definition of the term relief, explanation of how spot heights, contours and colour shading show relief, identifying the height of places on a map using the three (3) relief methods, and creating a relief map using colour shading techniques.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; Picture study, short writing task, map work task, and colour shading sketch map task.
The lesson is planned in detail all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. You can use textbooks to provide background information on relief but it is not necessary. Now just download and teach!
This is a KS3 / KS2 lesson on reading contours. It is a very good practical lesson that will get students really involved in map work. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; Definition of the term contours, how to use contour lines, practice giving height using contours, how do contours show steep and gentle slopes, creating your own map with contour lines.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; quiz, contour map work using grid references, matching contour lines with shape of land task, drawing contour lines on a map.
Other facts; The answers for the practice activities are included on the ppt which makes it even easier for non specialists to deliver.
What do you get in the package? The lesson is planned in detail all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. Now just download and teach!
This is a KS3 / KS2 lesson on using map scales. As with most map skills lesson this is a practical lesson which will engage students at any level. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; Explanation of what a scale does, common scales used on maps (ratio, word and line scales), how to use scales, how to scale objects up and down, practice tasks.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; map task, scaling things up practice task sheet, scaling things down practice task sheet, peer learning.
Other facts; The answers for the practice activities are included on the ppt which makes it even easier for non specialists to deliver.
What do you get in the package: The lesson is planned in detail and all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. Now just download and teach!
This is a KS3 lesson on population growth with India used as a case study. It can also be used with a GCSE group. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; definition of population growth & natural increase, location of India (site and situation), India’s population growth trend since 1950, historical reasons for population growth in India, reasons for current population growth in India.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; keyword association task, map task, graph analysis task (numeracy here), video clip, pair discussion and writing task.
Answers to most of the task are in the note section below each slide of ppt. This will make it easy for non-specialist to deliver the lesson.
The lesson is planned in detail and all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. You will only need atlases with maps of Asia. Now just download and teach!
This is a KS3 lesson on population density. It is also a good lesson for a KS2 group. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; definition of population density, explanation of the concepts densely and sparsely populated, UK population density, world population density and factors that influence population density.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; Starter quiz, sketching task, picture study, cartograms (UK and world) and short writing tasks.
The lesson is planned in detail and all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. Now just download and teach!
This is an A-level lesson on the causes of climate change. It falls under the glaciated landscape unit of the new Edexcel specifications. It can easily be adapted to other specs as The lesson covers the Milankovitch cycles among other factors. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; The Milankovitch cycles effect on long term climate change, the impact of short term causes such as volcanic eruptions, solar output and surface impact (asteroids).
Learning resources used in the lesson are; diagrams, video clips, quizzes, discussions and writing tasks.
What do you get in the package: The lesson is planned in detail and all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. However, students should be encouraged to use their text book to broaden their understanding. Now just download and teach!
This is a KS3 lesson on the Burgess concentric circle model. It introduces concepts that lay the foundation for the new GCSE specifications. Key facts about the lesson are:
The content covered by the lesson are; Burgess model land use zones, land uses in cities, Bristol example of the Burgess model.
Learning resources used in the lesson are; diagrams, map task, quiz, discussions and writing tasks.
What do you get in the package: The lesson is planned in detail and all of the resources for teaching the lesson are included in the ppt; starter, learning activities with resources, clear outline of learning tasks and a plenary. However, students should be encouraged to use their text book to broaden their understanding. Now just download and teach!