An exam walk-through lesson exploring the importance of masculinity in Macbeth. The lesson includes annotations for the given extract (Act 1 Scene 7) and then examines 3 other parts of the play that could be used to complete the response. There is also a model paragraph to help get students started on their response.
Keyboard music with and without notes and 6 levels of differentiation.
Guitar tab is available as a push your thinking task.
The sibelius file is available so parts can be altered.
‘A thesis-style introduction that demonstrates your understanding of the question can be a really helpful way of starting your answer. It shows that you are ‘in charge’ of your essay and that you know what you think. It can provide a strong foundation for the rest of the essay. Keep referring back to the introduction to create a coherent response.’ AQA examiner’s report 2022
Creating a thesis-style introduction is a challenge for many students but is essential in helping students to reach levels 4-6 in the mark scheme. I have produced a simple 3 point structure to help students quickly generate a thesis statement in timed exam conditions. There is an example of the 3 point structure being used and then students attempt to imitate the structure for 4 other exam-style questions.
Examples apply for Lord of the Flies, Macbeth and A Christmas Carol.
Printer friendly resource for a differentiated carousel group activity in which each group has to teach others a myth and complete the table.
The 5 myths in order of difficulty starting with the hardest:
Trojan Horse
A series of 2 lessons which use the elements from Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto as a stimulus for a composition task which encourages use of theme and variation (original music also provided).
All instrumental parts and composition tasks are differentiated and Sibelius files are also provided.
PowerPoints for the lessons are available with differentiated and push your thinking tasks.
GCSE Revision sheet containing key quotations linked to main characters and themes.
Includes an answer sheet for the test on key quotations for each character.
Also includes the play divided into scenes using page numbers with an activity asking students to find key quotations from each scene.
EDUQAS/WJEC revision grid containing precise, bite-sized chunks of information about all 18 of the anthology poems under the following categories: main ideas, language, structure, context, themes.
An adaptable resource that can be used in lots of different ways to suit different styles of teaching and learning.
Also available as part of my Eduqas poetry bundle.
Alternatively try my lessons on all 18 poems:
Or maybe you’d prefer the information in the form of revision cards:
Or maybe a quick poetry quiz:
The 18 poems:
The Manhunt
Sonnet 43
Cozy Apologia
The Soldier
A Wife in London
Hawk Roosting
She walks in beauty
As imperceptibly as grief
To Autumn
Dulce et Decorum Est
Death of a Naturalist
Mametz Wood
Extract from The Prelude
Living Space
A handy revision grid containing key quotations for the main characters in Animal Farm. Can be used in lots of ways such as to help plan exam responses on characters and themes.
Contains an activity where students convert the character revision grid into a theme revision grid by finding character quotations to transfer onto the theme grid.
I also have a similar version which also includes brief explanations of the key quotations:
A detailed 17 slide full lesson analysing Ralph’s character in Lord of the Flies. Includes a starter, summary task, detailed annotations of 8 key quotations and a sample high level model response answering the following question:
How does Golding present Ralph as a leader in Lord of the Flies?
Write about:
• what Ralph says and does as a leader
• how Golding uses Ralph to explore ideas about leadership.
Also contains a simpler differentiated version of the lesson aimed at lower ability with a writing frame guide.
A grade 9 response to the question about how Dickens presents ideas about joy and happiness in A Christmas Carol.
In yellow, I have the moments in the essay that do most to push the response into band 6 at the top of the mark scheme through the sensitive exploration word connotations and wider interpretations.
Also included is the essay converted into 6 revision cards to make revision easier.
Also contains a 24 slide lesson guiding students on how to create an exam response with perceptive inferences aimed at meeting A02 and A03.
Also contains two high grade responses side by side so students can judge which should go into level 5 and which should go into level 6. This always leads to fruitful discussions.
Check out my shop for other A Christmas Carol resources:
Tes paid licence
Here is a lesson that offers a step by step guide on how to plan and construct a grade 9 response on the theme of kingship.
Many teachers are predicting kingship may be the theme this year due to the recent coronation.
Also includes an aspirational high grade response for students to read which has been written specifically in the wake of the 2022 examiner report to ensure I am hitting level 6 for A03.
Also presented in the form of 6 revision flashcards to assist with revision.
Updated for 2023, 4 differentiated writing frames to 4 actual AQA power and conflict past exam questions. Each writing frame has 3 tiers of difficulty to allow for the fact different students in the class require different levels of support and guidance in the run up to the examinations.
Tier 1: Students add the analysis of the quotations. The topic sentences and recommended quotations are already filled in for them.
Tier 2: Students must pick their own 3 quotations from each poem and analyse the quotations.
Tier 3: Students must pick their own topic sentences, quotations and then analsyse the quotations.
The questions covered are as follows:
2021 question: Compare how poets present ideas about power and control in ‘London’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and conflict’. (30)
Nov 2020 question: Compare how poets present the ways people are affected by difficult experiences in ‘Remains’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and conflict’. (30)
May 2019 question: Compare how poets present the ways that people are affected by war in ‘War Photographer’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and conflict’. (30)
May 2018 question: Compare how poets present ideas about power in ‘Ozymandias’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and conflict’. (30)
Also includes more writing frames to help structure comparisons that I made a few years ago. The poems that feature in the writing frames include:
Storm on the Island and Exposure (conflict with nature)
Prelude and Ozymandias (power)
Tissue and Ozymandias (conflict)
Bayonet Charge and Charge of the light brigade (conflict)
Storm on the Island and The Prelude (conflict)
London and The Emigree (power of a place)
Remains and Poppies (conflict)
War Photographer and Remains (conflict)
My Last Duchess and Ozymandias (power of pride)
My Last Duchess and Checking out me History (frustration)
This was great for teaching students how to compare two poems from the Power and Conflict section of the anthology. Students follow the detailed writing frame to complete the comparison using the prompts and structure provided. The writing frame guides students to ensure they meet the criteria for A01, A02 and A03.
Also includes all lessons for teaching Poppies and Remains individually to prepare for the comparison with various resources.
Ideal lesson to check the students’ understanding of the 15 poems and work out which poems to go over again.
In each round there are 15 questions (one on each poem).
Round 1: Opening Lines
Round 2: Conflict
Round 3: Power
Round 4: Key phrase
Round 5: Structure
Round 6: Context
Extra quiz on thesis statements for each poem.
Also includes an extra quiz on 5 questions per poem.
Another quiz is available here:
6 exam questions written in the style of AQA 2017 English Literature Paper 1 questions.
There is at least one exam question for each stave.
The questions cover various themes such as poverty, family, charity and Christmas.
Students read the Grade 9 GCSE model answer on the theme of love and trace how the 9 step method has been used to write about the extract and the play as a whole.
They then plan 3 GCSE style questions on the themes of death, fate and family honour using the 9 step method.
I have made it so you can print them separately or as part of a 4 page booklet.
A grade 9 model response to the following question:
How does Dickens present Scrooge as charitable towards the poor? (30)
Also included:
An A3 planning sheet
Useful zoom in/out quotations
Also includes a full lesson powerpoint comparing 12 quotations from Stave 1 and 5 with detailed inferences included for each.
Also includes:
A timeline revision activity for A Christmas Carol that asks students to offer 3 layers of analysis for 13 key Scrooge quotations to help track his transformation in the novel from a solitary miser to a redeemed philanthropist.
A01: What is the meaning of the quotation?
A02: What is the impact of words/methods?
A03: What is Dickens’ message in this quotation?
Comprehensive answer sheet is included. I give this out at the end of the lesson so students can compare their answers to it.
Ideal revision activity in the run up to the May examinations.
Also includes a grade 9 model essay and extract about Scrooge’s redemption.
A fully differentiated and potentially outstanding series of lessons offering various levels of differentiation. It invites students to explore 5 ways Scrooge is presented in Stave 1: outsider, uncharitable, miser, isolated and lacking festive spirit.
Starter: Students annotate the 2 model paragraphs about Scrooge using the differentiated bronze, silver, gold criteria that links to the A01, A02, A03 mark scheme.
Main: Students work in 5 groups. They each complete their paragraph based on their individual question. After this students carousel to share the answers.
Plenary: Students understand the AQA mark scheme and grade their work against the English Literature criteria.
Lesson 2: Recap 28 key quotations from Stave 1.
Printer-friendly Revision cards for 6 themes in Romeo and Juliet.
Each card has 3 sections:
parts of the play where the theme is important
key quotations for each theme
context notes for each theme
Includes a full revision lesson with resources, starter and plenary where students make notes about all the quotations to check understanding using the accompanying worksheet. Answers are provided for all 40+ quotations on the PowerPoint.