Lesson 1 introduces the poem Hawk Roosting and prepares students for an exam style question using the writing frame.
Lesson 2 includes a writing frame to help compare how power is presented in Ozymandias and Hawk Roosting.
PowerPoint covering 4 lessons on Stave 1.
Lesson 1: Prepare for assessment on Scrooge in Stave 1 using GCSE style extract and help sheets.
Lesson 2: Complete assessment
Lesson 3: Respond to feedback using model essay to help. Differentiated.
Lesson 4: Test on 28 key quotations from Stave 1.
New style A Christmas Carol Revision Cards for the following 5 themes which link to past AQA exam questions:
joy and happiness
effects of greed
Each set contains 6 quotations linked to the theme with detailed analysis and exploration of the quotations linked to the 3 A0s.
Check out my shop for other A Christmas Carol resources:
2 worksheets to 2/3 lessons which encourage students to explore the impact of the stage directions in An Inspector Calls.
Sheet 1: 18 differentiated questions based on the initial stage directions.
Sheet 2: A knowledge organiser which picks out key quotations for each member of the Birling Family before, during and after the interrogation. The students then answer the 15 questions to explore the characters’ subtle changes in behaviour through the play.
I have other resources available for An Inspector Calls:
Revision Cards:
Knowledge Organisers
Revision quotations:
A lesson that invites students to explore comparisons between compatible poems in the EDUQAS anthology by looking for subtle and discriminating comparisons.
Narrative writing lesson for mid to low ability based on preparing students for English Language Paper 1 Question 5/Section B.
Using an image of a dark alley, students use the 6 paragraph planning sheet to structure their narrative.
This lesson works very effectively with mid/low ability students.
There are also 3 model paragraphs to annotate about a dark alley.
Also includes resources for self and peer assessment of the first draft.
A resource which compares the set work of Wicked to 2 other pieces in preparation for the essay question (question 9). The scores for the unfamiliar pieces are attached. The links to audio are on the pp along with ideas and plans for each of the 2 questions. This could take 2 lessons (along with writing the essays) or be the preparation for an assessment or homework.
There is differentiated success criteria which shows students how to access higher bands.
2 Lesson analysing an extract from The Birds by Daphne Du Maurier.
Students read the extract and select differentiated tasks to help respond to the text independently.
Ideal for preparing students for GCSE English Language Paper 1 Section A.
Also includes differentiated starter and plenary.
Includes a sample 10 mark assessment question based on a shorter version of the extract with a planning table and writing frame.
Following on from my lesson on revision 3 quotations from each poem, this lesson revises 3 key words from each poem. Remembering the key words should activate students to remember the whole quotation and the significance of it.
There are also two extension acitivites:
an A to Z code for comparing the poems
a quiz on context in all 18 poems.
New style A Christmas Carol Revision Cards (aimed at students aspiring for the highest grades) on the following 5 themes:
joy of Christmas
effects of greed
Each set is aimed at students aspiring to work at grades 7-9 and contains 6 quotations linked to the specific theme with detailed analysis and exploration of the quotations linked by colour to the 3 A0s.Authorial methods are underlined to aid revision.
Check out my shop for other A Christmas Carol resources:
Differentiated instrumental parts to allow students to create an ensemble performance of Jingle Bell Rock.
There are up to 3 levels of differentiation for each part and bass tablature and drum-kit parts are also included.
This are also differentiated composition templates where students can create their own middle 8 section using notation and composition methods.
A differentiated listening test which refers to different versions of Jingle Bell Rock with you tube links and answers are also provided.
Suitable for any GCSE board (but based on the Eduqas specification). This resource is fully differentiated with grade and through the element of choice for the students and introduces them to the 3 main periods of Western classical music - Baroque, Classical and Romantic.
The learning journey can be used for at least 2 lessons (and as part of a homework task) and allows the teacher to be facilitator in the lesson as all resources and answers are attached.
The attached PP also encourages students to reflect on their progress and choose a task which suits this. Tasks include categorising the style of audio files, research orchestral instruments of the period, completing a glossary and annotating music scores. Each task allows students to get fresh composition ideas and add to their notes for revision.
20 Revision flash cards for 20 key quotations in Macbeth that encourage students to explore the impact of the quotations in a thorough and perceptive way.
The cards are colour coded to link to assessment objectives A01, A02 and A03 and the methods are underlined.
In each I try and ensure the analysis of the method leads directly on to a discussion of Shakespeare’s intentions and big ideas - informed by the Jacobean context.
I recommend giving students the blank version first to find out what they can already say about each quotation before sharing the cards so they can identify the gaps in their knowledge.
A resource to support students aiming for high marks on question 9 of the Edexcel GCSE Music examination. There are 10 points per set work which students can revise from which aim to either link to the genre, link to characteristic features of the piece/genre or explain WHY the composer chose a certain aspect.
This has been used with a cohort of students for revision and half of the cohort achieved 9 or above /12 on the essay question.
2-3 lessons focused on unfamiliar listening of the Baroque and Classical genres and focus on key terminology in the questions (Qu 8 on the exam). All pp is differentiated with success criteria.
4 questions - 1 with a score and extension questions for target grade 8/9 students.
1x question includes a short score and becomes the focus for an essay question comparing to Beethoven.
PP includes answers and breaks them down into AO3 and 4 possibly answers to encourage top mark essay writing skills and content.
A timeline that traces the development of the supernatural across the whole play.
Also included as a cut and stick kinesthetic activity where students must put the boxes into the correct order.
Also contains revision cards containing high level analysis of 6 key quotations linked to the supernatural.
Also contains a high grade response to a question on the supernatural in the play.
Comprehension revision for this key theme that could come up in the 2023 exam.
Also includes a lesson looking at how to structure a response.
4 PowerPoint lessons covering the 4 scenes from Act 2 of Macbeth.
Each lesson includes a differentiated starter, scene summary, line by line annotations, comprehension questions. Many also include example paragraphs and stretch activities.
A series of 2 lessons which use ostinati from Bach’s Toccata in D minor as a stimulus for a popular arrangement of this piece (original music also provided). GarageBand or a similar programme is required or performances can be created live.
All parts and composition tasks are differentiated and audio files and suggested listening are also provided.
PowerPoints for the lessons are available with differentiated and push your thinking tasks.