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HappinessTeacher's Shop

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Early Years and Key Stage 1 teacher who believes that education should be fun and a happy time for everyone.




Early Years and Key Stage 1 teacher who believes that education should be fun and a happy time for everyone.


A PowerPoint presentation about resilience. The presentation explains what resilience is and how children can become resilient. There are opportunities throughout the presentation for the children to discuss their own ideas about resilience and how to become more resilient. This presentation could be used as an assembly or during a PSHCE lesson. Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children.
Money Activity Cards

Money Activity Cards

A set of money activity cards covering coins only. The cards are split into three sets - cards showing one dot work with coins up to 5p and values below 10p, cards showing two dots work with coins up to 10p and values below 20p and cards showing three dots work with coins up to 20p and values below 30p. There are four activities in each set - Activity 1 - what could I buy with …p activity Activity 2 - adding prices Activity 3 - how much money is in the purse? Activity 4 - can you put the correct amount of money in the purse? I laminate these cards for use in Maths lessons and children select the challenge that they would like to complete - one dot, two dots or three dots. Suitable for Early Years and Year 1 children.
Making 10 and 20 Scavenger Hunts

Making 10 and 20 Scavenger Hunts

2 Resources
Two sets of number bond scavenger hunt cards one for making ten and one for making twenty. Children have to solve the problem and identify the missing number in the number sentence, children then find the previous answer on the next card and continue solving problems until they reach their starting card. These cards can be used as a retrieval activity or as a warm up activity. They can also be used during carpet time as a follow me activity. Aimed at KS1.
Colour mixing - primary colours

Colour mixing - primary colours

A colour mixing powerpoint that teaches children the primary colours and how to mix colours to make green, purple and orange. The powerpoint is accompanied with 6 activity worksheets covering primary colours, colour mixing and colour word writing. Aimed at early years and KS1.
Classroom Behaviour PowerPoint

Classroom Behaviour PowerPoint

A powerpoint focussing on classroom behaviours. This powerpoint can be used as an assembly or during a PSHCE lesson. The powerpoint encourages children to think about positive classroom behaviours and gives examples of what positive classroom behaviours look like. Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children.
Multiplication and Division Maths Working Wall

Multiplication and Division Maths Working Wall

A set of 14 Maths Working Wall posters covering Multiplication and Division. Posters in this resource are - Division Poster Finding Half Halving Numbers Finding a Quarter Sharing Equally Division by Grouping Multiplication Poster Adding Equal Groups Making Arrays Arrays Multiplication using Groups Multiply by 2 Poster Multiply by 5 Poster Multiply by 10 Poster These posters can be displayed on the working wall to support children’s learning. These posters are aimed at Key Stage 1 children.
Counting in 5s Complete Lesson

Counting in 5s Complete Lesson

A complete Maths lesson for counting in 5s. The lesson shows children how to count in fives using a number square and explains that when we count in 5s from 0 we will always have 5 or 0 ones at the end of our number. Children then practise counting in fives using a number square and then without a number square. Children then order the numbers counting in 5s and then identify missing numbers counting in 5s. There is then an activity for counting sets of objects in 5s, first with the numbers recorded along the bottom of the slide to support children and then without. The lesson includes differentiated worksheets and a plenary. Aimed at Early Years and Year 1 children however could also be used as a recap lesson in Year 2. For Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s Bundle see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/counting-in-2s-5s-and-10s-12171003
Teen Numbers Complete Lesson

Teen Numbers Complete Lesson

A complete Maths lesson for introducing teen numbers in a step by step manner. During the main input children practise making teen numbers and can practise writing the number sentences to make teen numbers. Children then have to identify teen numbers - this encourages children to explain their thinking. This Maths lesson includes three differentiated teen number worksheets and a plenary. Aimed at Early Years and Year 1 children however could also be used as a booster or recap for Year 2 children. For worksheets only see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/teen-numbers-differentiated-worksheets-12156787 For my teen numbers and maths intervention bundle see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/maths-intervention-and-teen-numbers-lesson-bundle-12254920
Kindness PowerPoint

Kindness PowerPoint

A presentation aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children about kindness. The presentation explains what kindness is and how it makes people feel. The presentation asks children to think about how to show kindness and provides some ideas for how we can show kindness to each other. The presentation also explains that we can show kindness to the world around us and gives examples. The presentation could be used as an assembly or during a PSHE discussion or lesson.
Introducing Money Complete Lesson

Introducing Money Complete Lesson

A complete Maths lesson for introducing money and coins. The lesson covers the different coins and their value using pennies. There is an activity for swapping coins for a single coin to demonstrate that different coins can be used to make up different amounts and shows children that we need to add the amounts together and not simply count the coins. The lesson includes three differentiated money worksheets and a short plenary. Aimed at Early Years and Year 1 children. For my money bundle please see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/money-bundle-12239233 For my money activity cards see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/money-activity-cards-12239212
2D Shapes

2D Shapes

A fun Maths activity to introduce children to 2D shapes. The activity includes interactive activities for the children to join in with. The activity shows different 2D shapes and describes their properties. Children then have to guess the 2D shape that is being described or the 2D shape that is being slowly revealed. Children then have to explain why a shape eg a circle is not a triangle, this encourages children to use the vocabulary to describe 2D shapes and demonstrates their understanding of 2D shapes. There is also a shape spotting activity using pictures and an odd one out activity again encouraging children to describe and talk about the properties of 2D shapes. My class have enjoyed using this PowerPoint to learn about 2D shapes and it encourages lots of talk about 2D shapes. The activity could be used as a whole class activity or in small intervention groups. There are also 3 differentiated 2D shape worksheets for the children to complete. Aimed at Early Years and Year 1 children. For my 3D shapes PowerPoint see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/3d-shapes-12176751 For my 2D and 3D Shapes Bundle see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/2d-and-3d-shape-powerpoints-12176770
Maths Working Wall Addition and Subtraction Posters

Maths Working Wall Addition and Subtraction Posters

A set of 15 Maths Working Wall posters covering Addition and Subtraction. Posters in this resource are - Addition Poster Part Whole Model with 2 Parts Part Whole Model with 3 Parts Number Bonds to 10 Number Bonds to 20 Number Bonds to 20 cont’d Addition to 10 Addition to 100 Subtraction Poster Find the Difference Subtraction to 10 Subtraction to 100 Addition and Subtraction Facts Fact Families These posters can be displayed on the working wall to support children’s learning. These posters are aimed at Key Stage 1 children. For my Maths Working Wall - Number resources please see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/maths-working-wall-number-posters-12565634
Doubling Complete Lesson

Doubling Complete Lesson

A complete Maths lesson focusing on doubling. The lesson demonstrates what doubling is and covers all doubles to 10 + 10. Children can practise writing the doubles number sentences on whiteboards and then check that they have written them correctly when they are revealed on the IWB. The lesson includes three differentiated doubling worksheets and a short doubling plenary. Aimed at Early Years and Year 1 children however could be used as a recap or booster session for Year 2 children. For my Finding Half lesson see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/finding-half-of-an-amount-money-complete-lesson-12131580 For my Finding Half and Doubling Bundle see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/finding-half-and-doubling-lessons-12245533
Read a Picture Retrieval and Imagination

Read a Picture Retrieval and Imagination

A set of ten pictures each with a retrieval activity and an imagination activity. For the retrieval activity, children need to look at the picture and then answer retrieval questions about the picture. For the imagination activity, children look at the picture and answer questions involving their imagination. This gives the children the opportunity to explain their thinking. Aimed at KS1 children.
Happiness Presentation/Assembly

Happiness Presentation/Assembly

A presentation aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children about being a superhero and spreading happiness and smiles. The presentation explains that we all have a superpower and that superpower is making people smile. The presentation asks children to think about how they can make people smile and provides some ideas for how we can spread happiness. The presentation could be used as an assembly or during a PSHE discussion or lesson. The children will enjoy believing that they are a superhero and using their superpowers throughout the day. For the Happiness PowerPoint and Happiness Worksheets please see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/happiness-powerpoint-and-worksheets-12350928 For my Assembly Bundle see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/four-ks1-assemblies-12255290 For my Assembly Bundle with worksheets see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks1-assemblies-and-worksheets-12351330
Emotions Presentation Early Years KS1

Emotions Presentation Early Years KS1

A presentation about emotions, what they are and how we can recognise and control them. This presentation can be used as an assembly or during a PSHE discussion or lesson about emotions. The PowerPoint includes questions for children to think about and answer. This presentation can be used to help children to understand that everybody experiences positive and negative emotions and how we can deal with these emotions. Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children. For my Emotions Presentation and Emotions Worksheets please see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/emotions-powerpoint-and-worksheets-12350920 For my assemblies bundle see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/four-ks1-assemblies-12255290
Manners PowerPoint

Manners PowerPoint

A PowerPoint presentation focusing on manners and how we use them in different situations every single day. The presentation starts with some manners for sale and ends with the conclusion that manners cannot be sold, they are free and we can all use good manners everyday. The presentation includes examples and pictures of good manners. The presentation could be used as an assembly or as an introduction to manners for a PSHE lesson. The presentation and worksheets are suitable for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children.
Number Bond Tests

Number Bond Tests

A set of 14 number bond tests to test for quick recall of number bonds to 5, 10 and 20. The tests are colour coded, each test has ten questions to complete and there are two tests for each colour of the rainbow. Each child also has a blank rainbow to colour, they can colour each band once they are secure on that set of number bonds eg red number bonds are making 5 therefore once children are secure at making 5 they would colour the red band of the rainbow. The aim is for children to colour the whole rainbow. These tests cover number bonds for making numbers to 5, making numbers to 10 and making numbers to 20. The tests can be used with a timer to check how secure children are with number bond recall. Children enjoy working their way through the colours of the rainbow and if not secure can repeat tests again and try to beat their previous score. Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children. For Multiplication Tests see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/multiplication-tests-12347493 For my Number Bonds and Multiplication Tests Bundle see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/number-bond-tests-and-multiplication-tests-12347503
Apologising/Saying Sorry Assembly/PowerPoint

Apologising/Saying Sorry Assembly/PowerPoint

A PowerPoint presentation focusing on apologising and saying sorry. The presentation covers why we need to apologise and how it makes others and ourselves feel if we do something wrong. The presentation could be used as an assembly or as an introduction during a PSHE lesson. This presentation is suitable for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children. For my Apologising/Saying Sorry PowerPoint and worksheets please see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/apologising-saying-sorry-powerpoint-worksheets-12331028
Number Bonds Making 5 Word Problems

Number Bonds Making 5 Word Problems

A number bonds word problem activity for making 5. This Maths activity can support children to learn and practise number bonds for making 5. The activity shows children all of the different number bonds for making 5. Each number bond has a word problem and children can solve these using objects and pictorial representations and record their number sentences on their whiteboards. This activity could be used as a whole class activity or in small groups. Aimed at Early Years and Year 1 children. For my Making 10 Activity please see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/number-bonds-making-10-12128345 For my Making 20 Activity please see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/number-bonds-making-20-12171225 For my Making 5, 10 and 20 Bundle please see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/number-bonds-making-5-10-and-20-12171233