Edexcel History GCSE 9-1
Marking templates for each exam question for papers 1, 2 and 3
Includes, level, mark, descriptions to gain different marks
As well as box for WWW/EBI comments
Title: Love is Respect. What are my boundaries?
Explain the importance of setting boundaries to create healthy relationships.
Signs of healthy relationships
Key Stage 3 PSHE Lesson
Link to British Values: Explore the value and richness of cultural diversity in modern Britain.
How is Britain considered multicultural?
Immigration and multiculturalism in modern day Britain
To describe and explain what makes a cohesive community.
British Values: Explore the value and richness of cultural diversity in modern Britain.
What makes a good community?
What is a good citizen?
The importance of the Equality Act
PSHE lesson on drinking energy drinks, suitable for key stage 3
Learning Objective: To understand the health risks linked with increased levels of sugar & caffeine.
SMSC/British Values: Individual liberty - making informed decisions.
Key Stage 3, British Empire focusing on Colonial India knowledge organiser. I’ve added a PDF version as well as an editable version to suit your curriculum.
Topic Looking After Myself, Title: Personal Hygiene
PSHE curriculum for Key Stage 3
Suitable for Year 6, 7 or Year 8
SMSC/British Values: Individual liberty - making informed decisions
Learning Challenge: To describe good practices of hygiene and explain why it is important to be clean.
PSHE lesson on growing up and puberty.
SMSC/British Values: Sustain their self‐esteem in their learning experience.
Learning Objective: To describe the changes that happen to the body during puberty.
Lesson suitable for Year 7 or Year 8
PSHE Positive Relationships & Staying Safe
Learning Objective: To gain an understanding of what love is and the importance of respecting others.
SMSC/British Values: Mutual Respect and Spiritual: Foster emotional life and express their feelings, form, and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships.