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German Nationalism: The North German Confederation

German Nationalism: The North German Confederation

PowerPoint (with 7 slides) and three word documents that examines the aftermath of the Seven Weeks War between Prussia and Austria and the establishment of the North German Confederation. The lesson also considers the nature of the North German Confederation. Activities include Analysis of the Treaty of Prague to consider the attitude of various countries to its terms. Comparison activity on the Holy Roman Empire, the German Confederation & the North German Confederation to establish similarities and differences. Sorting activity to decide whether the North German Confederation was democratic or not. Evidence based discussion on the extent to which the North German Confederation was dominated by Prussia. Matching activity on the different attitudes to Bismarck by political groups in the Prussian Parliament after the end of the Seven Weeks War. Source analysis on the changing nature of German nationalism after 1866. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919. Lesson Length: 1hr 30min depending on pace. Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
German Nationalism: The Danish War 1864

German Nationalism: The Danish War 1864

PowerPoint & 2 worksheets that examine the causes and consequences of the Danish War of 1864 over control of Schleswig-Holstein with particular emphasis on the roles of Bismarck, Prussia and the development of German Nationalism. Activities include Starter Quiz on the status of Schleswig-Holstein prior to 1864 based on prior learning Reading & comprehension to identify any successes achieved by Bismarck & Prussia during the 1864 Danish War. Matching activity to link interested parties (Austria, Denmark, Prussia, the German Confederation & the Duchies themselves) with their hopes for Schleswig-Holstein. Activity in which pupils complete an evidence table with how Prussia benefited militarily, economically, territorially and in its relationship with Austria as a result of the Danish War. Ranking task on the benefits Prussia achieved above. Comparison of two passages by historians to evaluate which is more convincing in on the domestic consequences of the Danish War for Bismarck & Prussia. Concluding debate on whether the Danish War was a victory for German nationalists. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
German Nationalism: The Frankfurt Parliament

German Nationalism: The Frankfurt Parliament

PowerPoint & two worksheets that examine the role of the Frankfurt Parliament and its ultimate failure during the 1848 Revolts in the German Confederation. Issues that are covered are its political and social makeup, its attitude to the industrial code, the problem of Schleswig Holstein, the Grossdeutscheland / Klinedeutschland debate, the debate over whether a united Germany should be a republic or constitutional monarchy and the attitude of King Frederick William IV to the Frankfurt Parliament. Activities include Chronology exercise to establish a timeline of key events concerning the establishment and existence of the Frankfurt Parliament. Analysis of data concerning the membership of the Frankfurt Parliament to draw conclusions about how representative it was. Decision making exercise to encourage debate on the key issues the Frankfurt Parliament needed to address. Matching task to link the issue faced with the Frankfurt Parliament’s policy with the consequence of that policy. Sorting activity on whether reasons for the failure of the Frankfurt Parliament were its own fault or not. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
German Nationalism: Prussia and 1848

German Nationalism: Prussia and 1848

PowerPoint & worksheet that examines the events of the 1848 Revolts in Prussia. Content includes Frederick William IV’s policies prior to 1848, the rioting in March 1848 and Frederick William’s resulting concessions, the counter-revolution in October 1848 and the resulting Prussian constitution issued by the monarch. Activities include Comprehension and highlighting activity on the extent the actions of King Frederick William IV of Prussia reveal him to a liberal monarch or a conservative autocrat. Analysis of three sources from Frederick William IV to explain his changing attitudes to the 1848 Revolts in Prussia. Sorting activity to decide whether Frederick William’s constitution was liberal in nature or not. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
German Nationalism: The Failure of 1848

German Nationalism: The Failure of 1848

PowerPoint & two worksheets that examine the reasons for the failure of the 1848 Revolts in the German Confederation. Issues under consideration include socio-economic and political divisions between the revolutionaries, the strength of the conservatives, lack of widespread support, weak leadership & the role of disease epidemics. Activities include Analysis of extracts written by historians to identify factors that explain the reasons for the failure of the 1848 Revolts and evidence to support those factors. Ranking task on the most important factor in the failure of 1848 to encourage debate. Comparison activity on the respective roles of Austria and Prussia in 1848/49 to determine who played the key role in ending the revolts in the German Confederation. Evidence based plenary discussion to support or challaneg AJP Taylor’s view of the revolts as a failure. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
USA - A Divided Union: Watergate

USA - A Divided Union: Watergate

PowerPoint and four worksheets that examines the causes and consequences of Watergate. Material covered includes Richard Nixon’s personality, the key events of the scandal and the roles of Nixon, CREEP, the Plumbers, FBI informant Deepthroat, the Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, James McCord, White House lawyer John Dean, Federal Prosecutor Archibald Cox, Congress, President Gerald Ford and President Jimmy Carter. The consequences of Watergate for American politics, journalism and Nixon himself including key laws passed by Congress in the wake of Watergate. Activities include Source analysis activity to establish Nixon’s personality. Reading and comprehension activity to identify any actions by Nixon or his supporters that were illegal or might make him unpopular with the American public during Watergate. Matching activity to connect key groups and individuals with their role in the scandal. Pupils to label a visual web of the scandal to show how the key figures were connected to each other. A linking activity to match the new laws passed by Congress in the wake of Watergate with their purpose. Pupils to use their knowledge of the scandal to judge who emerged from Watergate as winners of losers and complete a table of supporting evidence. Ranking activity on who was most responsible for the end of Nixon’s presidency with several sources to stimulate discussion. Optional 8 mark question on the effects of Watergate that could be set for homework. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 1 Depth Study 7 A Divided Union: civil rights in the USA, 1945-74. Lesson Length: 2hrs depending on pace.
Medieval World: Sutton Hoo

Medieval World: Sutton Hoo

Two lessons made up of two PowerPoints (each with 5 slides) and two Word Documents that examines what was buried at Sutton Hoo, whether the Saxons responsible were barbaric or civilised, whether the focus of the burial was Christian or pagan and who specifically was likely buried in Mound 1. Activities include Lesson 1 Starter activity in which students work out what was buried at Sutton Hoo based on a photograph from the 1939 dig. Analysis of a source to identify the meaning of the term ‘barbaric’. Analysis of the objects found in Mound 1 to complete a table on whether the culture responsible were civilised or barbaric. Discussion, based on the objects, on what type of person was buried in Mound 1 at Sutton Hoo. Lesson 2 Starter activity in which students analyse an image of a pagan burial to consider differences with modern burial practices. Reading and comprehension exercise to understand the meaning of the term pagan. Analysis of the objects found in Mound 1 to determine whether the culture responsible were pagans or Christians. Discussion of why objects from both faiths were found in Mound 1. Analysis of the objects found in Mound 1 in conjunction with a timeline to identify who was most likely buried at Sutton Hoo. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering aspects of the Medieval World. Lesson Length: Two 1hr lessons depending on pace. Resource reviews are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
USA - A Divided Union: The Women's Movement

USA - A Divided Union: The Women's Movement

2 Resources
Two lessons on the causes and achievements of the Women’s Movement in America in the 1960s and 1970s. The lessons consider the roles of Betty Friedan, Eleanor Roosevelt, NOW, and the Women’s Liberation Movement. Issues such as access to abortion and equal pay are also considered. Resources are made up of two PowerPoints and three Word Documents. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 1 Depth Study 7 A Divided Union: civil rights in the USA, 1945-74. Lesson Lengths: 45min & 1 hr depending on pace.
Jack the Ripper Lesson Bundle

Jack the Ripper Lesson Bundle

4 Resources
A four lesson bundle on Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel Murders of 1888. The lessons consider the nature of Jack’s victims, the suspects investigated by the authorities, the failure of the police investigation and the consequences of the murders including social change and how the murders should be remembered. The bundle includes four PowerPoints and eight word documents of activities. Each of the lessons is designed to last approximately 1hr depending on learning pace.
German Nationalism: 1848 Revolts Bundle

German Nationalism: 1848 Revolts Bundle

4 Resources
A four lesson bundle on the development of German Nationalism in the context of the 1848 Revolts. The lessons consider the causes of revolts, the actions and ultimate failure of the Frankfurt Parliament, events in Prussia during the revolts and the overall reasons for the failure of the revolts. The bundle includes four PowerPoints and six word documents of activities. Each of the lessons is designed to support the teaching of OCR History Y314 and last approximately 1hr depending on learning pace.
German Nationalism: 1789-1847 Bundle

German Nationalism: 1789-1847 Bundle

6 Resources
Six lessons covering the start of the OCR Y314 German Nationalism A Level Unit. The bundle is made up of six PowerPoints (one for each lesson) and eight supporting Word Documents. The lessons are as follows - The Holy Roman Empire in 1789 The Romantic Movement Napoleon and Germany The Congress of Vienna Prince Metternich The Zollverein Lessons are designed to last approx. 1hr depending on pace and contain a variety of different learning activities.