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GCSE WW1 Medicine L5 - Treating the Wounded

GCSE WW1 Medicine L5 - Treating the Wounded

This lesson contains: A starter quiz based on previous learning. An overview of the chain of evacuation. The teacher than takes the students through each of the RAD, Dressing Station, CCS and Base Hospital. There is a short video and students take notes in the boxes on their flow chart sheet. The answers are also there with facts to help students improve their notes afterwards. An activity to study about who provided the care, which includes the RAMC and FANY. Students then have an opportunity to attempt a ‘two features’ exam question. A plenary challenging students to determine which picture relates to each place on the chain. Extra exam questions for all types, including a long exam question, on this topic. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE WW1 Medicine L4 - Injuries at the Front

GCSE WW1 Medicine L4 - Injuries at the Front

This lesson contains: A starter with a recall quiz table. A video which goes over the injuries soldiers faced on the front line. This can initiate discussion of the worst ones caused by the enemy or by conditions. A teacher-talk run through of the new injuries faced. Students use this to label their diagram about shrapnel, head wounds, new weapons and infection. A task to study the major injuries in more detail, including trench foot, trench fever, shell shock etc. Students complete questions as they work through. A chance to practice a source usefulness question based on gas attacks. Extra exam practice questions to push students further or can be used for homework. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE WW1 Medicine L3 - Conditions & Transport

GCSE WW1 Medicine L3 - Conditions & Transport

This lesson contains: A starter quiz to consolidate previous knowledge. Two discussion tasks based on visual sources about what can be learned about conditions and the difficulty for medical crews. A task to read the information about transport methods and to complete questions to consolidate. An opportunity to do an exam question as a class. A teachable slide about doing source usefulness and a chance to practice this using a gap fill to teach the key componants that go into writing the usefulness exam question. An additional exam practice sheet provided which can be used as extension work or as homework. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE WW1 Medicine L2 - Trench Warfare

GCSE WW1 Medicine L2 - Trench Warfare

This lesson contains: A starter about the Somme and to summarise the viewpoint of a person who was there are the time. A teacher-led overview of trenches, what they were and what they looked like. There is a consolidation discussion to decide what they can see going on in a typical trench and what questions they would ask. A comprehension gap fill task based on the knowledge they just gained about trenches. A task to watch a video about trenches and to label their own cross-section. They then use the information on the board to label the design of the trenches, including the front, support and reserve trenches etc. An opportunity to teach how to do the ‘follow up’ question and then to practice it. An optional extension to watch a YouTube video and argue why trenches were so neccesary based on the new weapons of war. **Attachments: ** 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE WW1 Medicine L1 - How did WW1’s Battles Affect Medicine?

GCSE WW1 Medicine L1 - How did WW1’s Battles Affect Medicine?

This lesson contains: A starter activity to gauge student interest and knowledge of World War One before the module begins. A short video to give an introduction into how gruesome the war was. An activity to study the medical advances that had taken place in the lead up to WW1, including x-rays, blood transfusions and aseptic surgery. Students assess the merits but also the problems that still existed with these methods. A teacher-led walkthrough of how the war started and led to stalemate and trenches. Students can answer some basic questions on the potential problems medical practitioners might face. A task to study the 4 major battlegrounds of WW1 (Ypres, Somme, Cambrai, Arras) to complete comprehension questions on them. A plenary to consider the biggest challenges faced by soldiers and by medics. **Attachments: ** 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West Topic 2 BUNDLE

GCSE American West Topic 2 BUNDLE

7 Resources
This bundle contains: L11 - Civil War & Railroads L12 - Homesteaders & Solutions L13 - Development of Ranching L14 - Life of Cowboys L15 - Decline of Cowboys L16 - Law & Order After 1865 L17 & L18 - Plains Indians Wars The bundle’s individual cost would be £17.99 so this bundle will save you more than 30%.
GCSE American West L17-L18 – The Plains Indians Wars

GCSE American West L17-L18 – The Plains Indians Wars

This lesson contains: A starter with a match up exercise to match the year, the Act signed against eh Indians and the effect of the Act. Leads onto the Indians War lesson. A task for students to create a mind map of why Indians lives changed. Student sake notes from the on-board slides (which can also be printed if you prefer) on Gold, Cattle and Railways. An introduction into the steps that usually occurred starting each war and ending with a reduction in Indian Land. A task to take notes, on the A3 worksheet provided, on Little Crows War. There is a YouTube video and on-board support to help students fill in the relevant section. A further task on the Sand Creek Massacre using a combination of on-board information, a YouTube video and word bank for the gap fill. An activity to use the information provided to complete the sections on Red Cloud’s War. A choice of two plenaries: one to review and peer mark and exemplar, another to explain the most important event in the form of writing a news program for the BBC. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L16 – Law and Order After 1865

GCSE American West L16 – Law and Order After 1865

This lesson contains: An introduction to the reasons for lawlessness in the new cattle towns and the link to the growing railways and cattle ranching that boomed these towns. Students select the most important and can explain why they chose them. An activity to determine the crime which took place in these towns. A YouTube video is shown, followed by an activity to consolidate knowledge. An opportunity to do an exam question in full based on the past few lessons on law and order and cowboys. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L15 – Decline of Cowboy and Drives

GCSE American West L15 – Decline of Cowboy and Drives

This lesson contains: An introduction to the ‘open range’ and why the cowboys moved from working on the range rather than performing cattle drives. A task to study the reasons why the cattle drives ended and the role of cowboys declined. Students read the information provided and put the reasons into order of importance. A discussion of the winter of 1886-87 and the consequences of the great ‘die-up’. An opportunity to study the role barbed wire played in the decline of cowboys by studying an exam exemplar and picking out facts and importance words in the answer, then having a go at their own exam question using similar criteria. A plenary crossword with the keys words from the cattle ranging and cowboys lessons. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher Files 2 x Word Files
GCSE American West L14 – The Life of Cowboys

GCSE American West L14 – The Life of Cowboys

This lesson contains: A starter to get students’ ideas about what Cowboys looked like and acted like from their knowledge of Westerns and popular culture. An activity to label the cowboy on their worksheets with the correct equipment listed on the board. An annotating activity where information I gone through on-board (or can be printed if you prefer group work) and students annotate the different roles on the cattle drive, from point riders and flank riders through to the drag rider. An introduction to life on the trail and what it must have been like. Students then complete a highlighting task on a piece of guided reading to note the difficulties faced on the trail. Students then compare this with life on the range and whether the roles differed much. A choice of two plenaries: the first to determine whether cowboys were the heroes they are portrayed as in popular culture, and a second with sentence gap fills as a recap summary. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L13 – Development and Ranching on the Plains

GCSE American West L13 – Development and Ranching on the Plains

This lesson contains: A starter quiz to recap previous information from the last few lessons. A discussion of the situation with ranching before the Civil War and the aftermath of increased beef needs in the East and the availability of the Texas Longhorn. A task for students to complete the worksheet (better in A3) using the on-board information about the problems of cattle ranging and drives, including the Texas fever and the length of the drives. A task to complete the gap fills on the worksheet for Joseph McCoy, Goodnight-Loving and John Illif using the on-board word bank and the information provided. This gets a wider picture of the cattle ranching developments. An opportunity to develop an exam-style answer about the development of the cattle industry. There is also a second plenary to rate the reasons for the cattle industry into a diamond 9. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L12 – Homesteaders and Farming Solutions

GCSE American West L12 – Homesteaders and Farming Solutions

This lesson contains: An overview of how the Civil War affected homesteaders with details about the role and purpose of the Homestead Act 1862. Students take not eon the function of the Act and can watch a YouTube video on it. An activity to note down the successes of the Act as well as the limitations from the on-board information. A task to use the information provided to complete the worksheet on other Acts that followed the Homestead Act and what they did. Students can weigh up the successes of these Acts. An activity to study the information on the changes to farming practices. Students complete a table to show what was done about each problem farmers faced and judge how successful each measure would likely have been. A plenary to consider how much life improved for the Homesteaders. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L11 – The Transcontinental Railroad

GCSE American West L11 – The Transcontinental Railroad

This lesson contains: An introduction to the America Civil War. Students learn about the two sides and why they were fighting, then apply this to a consolidation gap fill which can be stuck in their books. A discussion of the railway project to connect East and West. There is a YouTube video and students write the reasons the railroad was built. A task to stick a map of the railroad into their books and annotate from the board the facts about each railroad company and the difficulties they faced on each side. An activity to determine the consequences of the railroad on the Indians, the farmers and settlers, and the U.S. economy. This is a worksheet that can be colour-coded and stuck in. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West Topic 1 BUNDLE

GCSE American West Topic 1 BUNDLE

9 Resources
This bundle contains: L1 - American West Intro L2 & L3 - Life of Plains Indians L4 - Changing Government Policies L5 - Why People Migrated West L6 - How Successful Were the Mormons L7 - The Gold Rush and 49’ers L8 - Early Farming on the Plains L9 - The Fort Laramie Treaty 1851 L10 - Early Law and Order The bundle’s individual cost would be £14.99 so this bundle will save you more than 30%.
GCSE American West L2 & L3 – The Plains Indians

GCSE American West L2 & L3 – The Plains Indians

This double lesson contains: A starter to consider some images of Plains Indians doing a buffalo dance and what we can learn. An introduction into the lives of the Plains Indians. Students can have a copy of the worksheet. This has always been most effective as an A3 organiser. For the tribe structure, this is done on the PPT, teacher led. The importance of horses and buffalo uses the information sheet provided. The Plains Indians beliefs is done by a YouTube video and student take notes in the relevant boxes. Then for attitudes to war, this is a YouTube video and the information sheet in combination. This will spill over from lesson 1 into lesson 2 on this topic. A final activity in which students connect the problems Indians faced on the Plains with the solution they found. A plenary quiz drawing on both lessons of this topic. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word Files 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L10 – Early Law and Order

GCSE American West L10 – Early Law and Order

This lesson contains: A starter to study a source and say what we can learn about life in the towns. An overview of the impact of the mass migration of people West. An activity to note down the major issues with crime from on-board information, including the corruption, the unemployment, geography, racism and numbers of wild settlers. An exercise to study the types of crimes on the worksheet and summarise the ones that may have caused the biggest problems. A task to use the information provided to complete the worksheet mind map to note the roles of the different lawmen in the West and consider who would be in the best position to help. This includes vigilante committees, sheriffs and marshals. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L7 – The Gold Rush and the 49’ers

GCSE American West L7 – The Gold Rush and the 49’ers

This lesson contains: A starter task to recap previous learning from the course. A YouTube video introducing the gold rush and how it began, followed by some basic comprehension and thinking questions. An activity to study the information provided to complete questions on why people went for gold and how mining towns grew. A larger activity on the consequences of the growth of mining, from effects on Indians, violence, the economy etc. Students use the information provided to complete the mind map worksheet. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L6 – How Successful Were the Mormons?

GCSE American West L6 – How Successful Were the Mormons?

This lesson contains: A starter to infer what the Mormons believed from studying some images on the board. An introduction video into the central beliefs of the Mormons. This helps understand why Christians disliked them. There are some consolidation questions. An activity to stick in a map of the Mormon journey across America and the West. Students annotate what went wrong at each place from the on-board info. This can also be printed and students could do this in groups instead of it being teacher led. An introduction to Salt Lake City today. Students then read and colour code the degree of success that the Mormons achieved. Student determine their biggest success and the main reason why they were able to survive the journey West. A plenary quiz at the end. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L9 – The Fort Laramie Treaty 1851

GCSE American West L9 – The Fort Laramie Treaty 1851

This lesson contains: A match up starter to put correct treaty to the correct date. An A3 worksheet (best in A3, works in A4) which is completed throughout each stage. An overview of the growing fears and tensions on the Plains, firstly the fears of the Indians and then the fears of the White settlers. Students have space on their worksheet. A look at the intention behind the Fort Laramie Treaty, including ensuring safe travel for Americans, but also the problems with getting this across to the Indians, such as a lack of translation and the councils not acting for the whole tribe. A task to use the information provided to note down the terms of the Treaty. An activity to determine the consequences of the Treaty on the Indians and on the Americans. An opportunity to practice an exam question for this topic. There is an exemplar to offer further support and guidance and for students to discuss and peer mark. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 Word File 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L8 – Early Farming on the Plains

GCSE American West L8 – Early Farming on the Plains

This lesson contains: A background to early farming and the effect of the Indian Appropriations Act on settling Indians further West. An on-board summary of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 and the parcelling up of land to be newly settled. The students can stick the map in an annotate around it. A brief introduction to these new farmers as Homesteaders. More comes in later lessons on them though. A guided reading/research task on the difficulties the farmers faced. Students use the information to complete the table for problems of farming the Plains and problems of living on the Plains. A plenary to assess whether life was harder for miners (previous lesson) or farmers. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files