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GCSE Medicine L6 - Renaissance Causes of Disease
This lesson contains:
An optional starter which gives scenarios about the treatment of Charles II. It could take a while so this is perfect if you don’t mind spreading this lesson over 2 periods. If not, skip this.
An introduction to the Renaissance and what it means. Images are used to show the advancements in this period and there is a quiz students can do about inventions and art etc.
An overview of the Renaissance challenge to the Church and the advancement in medicine and drawing in this time.
A task to use information sheet provided to complete a knowledge organsier worksheet to contain the main changes in ideas of the causes of disease.
An activity to study the major situation with causes of disease and students colour a test tube to show little or a lot of change since the Medieval era.
A plenary activity to consider whether there was much change between the Medieval era. Students can use the information sheet to do this.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Word File
2 x Publisher File
GCSE American West L17-L18 – The Plains Indians Wars
This lesson contains:
A starter with a match up exercise to match the year, the Act signed against eh Indians and the effect of the Act. Leads onto the Indians War lesson.
A task for students to create a mind map of why Indians lives changed. Student sake notes from the on-board slides (which can also be printed if you prefer) on Gold, Cattle and Railways.
An introduction into the steps that usually occurred starting each war and ending with a reduction in Indian Land.
A task to take notes, on the A3 worksheet provided, on Little Crows War. There is a YouTube video and on-board support to help students fill in the relevant section.
A further task on the Sand Creek Massacre using a combination of on-board information, a YouTube video and word bank for the gap fill.
An activity to use the information provided to complete the sections on Red Cloud’s War.
A choice of two plenaries: one to review and peer mark and exemplar, another to explain the most important event in the form of writing a news program for the BBC.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L14 – The Life of Cowboys
This lesson contains:
A starter to get students’ ideas about what Cowboys looked like and acted like from their knowledge of Westerns and popular culture.
An activity to label the cowboy on their worksheets with the correct equipment listed on the board.
An annotating activity where information I gone through on-board (or can be printed if you prefer group work) and students annotate the different roles on the cattle drive, from point riders and flank riders through to the drag rider.
An introduction to life on the trail and what it must have been like. Students then complete a highlighting task on a piece of guided reading to note the difficulties faced on the trail. Students then compare this with life on the range and whether the roles differed much.
A choice of two plenaries: the first to determine whether cowboys were the heroes they are portrayed as in popular culture, and a second with sentence gap fills as a recap summary.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L8 - Renaissance Treatment & Prevention
This lesson contains:
A starter to consider a picture source from the Renaissance and what it shows.
An activity to use information, either on the board or printed as handouts, to complete a mind map or a table (if students choose it) to note down the changes since the Medieval era, the continuities and things that have some change and some continuity.
Information is covered on all treatment methods including new ones like transference and alchemy, and the new herbs from the New World.
A change and continuity task about prevention to compare Medieval and Renaissance prevention methods.
A plenary to practice exam questions for comparison or contrast between the two eras.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher File
GCSE Medicine L9 - Renaissance Medical Care & Vesalius
This lesson contains:
A starter to test key terms from previous lessons.
A change and continuity task to compare and contrast the medics and carers of this era with the Medieval era.
A case study into Andreas Vesalius, firstly his background and then what medical drawings and learning was like before he came alone.
Activities to note down information about his two books, his drawings and then the impact he had on medicine at the time and later.
A detailed look at the front cover of ‘On the Fabric of the Human Body’ and what the different elements imply.
A choice of two plenaries: the first is a quiz from the last few lessons and the second is an opportunity to support or oppose a quote about Vesalius’s impact.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher File
GCSE Medicine L7 - Sydenham, New Approaches & Technology
This lesson contains:
A starter to recap previous knowledge so far from the course.
An activity to read the information provided about Thomas Sydenham and his impact on medicine. Students complete a mind map about him in their books.
Information on the board about the Printing Press where students acknowledge the impact.
A guided reading worksheet about the Royal Society. Students read then answer the consolidation questions.
A plenary exam question using what was learnt in the lesson.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher Files
2 x Word Files
GCSE Medicine L12 - How Did Jenner Defeat Smallpox?
This lesson contains:
An overview of innoculation before Jenner came along, with questions on each slide for students to write answers in full.
An introduction to Edward Jenner first and then students use the information sheets to complete questions about his discover of smallpox and how it worked.
A discussion about the impact of the vaccination, and then students use the information to complete an activity about the impact of Jenner, the resistance he faced and the government funding he recieved.
Two plenaries to choose from: the first is an exam question, the second a review about different key words in the lesson.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher File
GCSE American West L10 – Early Law and Order
This lesson contains:
A starter to study a source and say what we can learn about life in the towns.
An overview of the impact of the mass migration of people West.
An activity to note down the major issues with crime from on-board information, including the corruption, the unemployment, geography, racism and numbers of wild settlers.
An exercise to study the types of crimes on the worksheet and summarise the ones that may have caused the biggest problems.
A task to use the information provided to complete the worksheet mind map to note the roles of the different lawmen in the West and consider who would be in the best position to help. This includes vigilante committees, sheriffs and marshals.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L13 – Development and Ranching on the Plains
This lesson contains:
A starter quiz to recap previous information from the last few lessons.
A discussion of the situation with ranching before the Civil War and the aftermath of increased beef needs in the East and the availability of the Texas Longhorn.
A task for students to complete the worksheet (better in A3) using the on-board information about the problems of cattle ranging and drives, including the Texas fever and the length of the drives.
A task to complete the gap fills on the worksheet for Joseph McCoy, Goodnight-Loving and John Illif using the on-board word bank and the information provided. This gets a wider picture of the cattle ranching developments.
An opportunity to develop an exam-style answer about the development of the cattle industry. There is also a second plenary to rate the reasons for the cattle industry into a diamond 9.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Germany L23 - Nazi Control of Religion
**This lesson contains: **
A review of the spread of religion in Germany.
A discussion of why Christians may have supported the Nazis.
A study of the information sheets provided to complete a page of info under the following topics: Control of Protestants, Control of Catholics and those religious people who resisted.
A YouTube video about Reich Church established by the Nazis.
Source work on the Church and what can be learned about support for it.
A plenary review with questions.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Word File
GCSE Cold War L17 - Afghanistan and End of Detente
This lesson contains:
A starter to give recall practice for previous course knowledge.
Background information about Afghanistan’s location and history leading up the 1979 from Takari to Amin and the revolts of the Mujahaddin. The students discuss the potential Soviet reaction.
A task to consolidate the knowledge so far about the reasons for the Soviet invasion using the information provided.
An overview of the Soviet invasion and the events, and then the consequences including the Carter Doctrine, Olympic Boycotts and the failure of SALT 2.
A plenary to consider the evidence showing that Detente was now at an end.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Cold War L1 - Ideological Differences of Capitalism & Communism
This lesson contains:
A starter with eight prompt images about the Cold War to see what students already know about some of the pictures.
An introduction to what a ‘cold’ war is and what it means. Then an introduction into the situation in the 1940’s with Hitler being surrounded by the major powers.
An overview of the major players of the Cold War including the USA and USSR and where they are. The USSR is also broken down into its meaning.
A consolidation task to fill in gaps to give an overview of the info covered so far.
A task to read the information provided and complete questions about the differences between capitalism and communism. The extension is to consider what both sides thought of the other.
A plenary crossword exercise provided.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L11 - Dealing with the Great Plague
This lesson contains:
A starter to recall the Black Plague of the previous era.
An overview of the Great Plague from looking at a source image, then statistics about the plague.
An activity to study the information provided and complete an organiser about the plague, including the causes, treatments and prevention. There is an extension comparison exercise.
A discussion of the increased government intervention.
An opportunity to do an exam question to consolidate the knowledge.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L6 – How Successful Were the Mormons?
This lesson contains:
A starter to infer what the Mormons believed from studying some images on the board.
An introduction video into the central beliefs of the Mormons. This helps understand why Christians disliked them. There are some consolidation questions.
An activity to stick in a map of the Mormon journey across America and the West. Students annotate what went wrong at each place from the on-board info. This can also be printed and students could do this in groups instead of it being teacher led.
An introduction to Salt Lake City today. Students then read and colour code the degree of success that the Mormons achieved. Student determine their biggest success and the main reason why they were able to survive the journey West.
A plenary quiz at the end.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L4 – Changing Government Policies
This lesson contains:
A background to U.S. policy towards the Indians before 1830, including assimilation and the creation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
A mind mapping activity to note down why policies began to change, including the failure of assimilation, Manifest Destiny, U.S. peoples’ dislike of Indians and the changing government agenda. These slides could be printed and used in groups, or done on-board.
A reading and retrieval task to use the information provided to complete the worksheet to acknowledge the major changes in policy, including Indian Removal Act and the Permanent Indian Frontier.
A plenary to consider a narrative-style question.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L1 – Intro to the USA
This lesson contains:
A starter to excite the students about the number of states, current president and the flag.
An overview of the exam paper and question types.
A Cornell Notes activity to make notes as the on-board PPT goes through the backstory of the USA up until the start of the course in the 1830’s. This covers the 13 Colonies, Declaration of Independence, Louisiana Purchase, explorations of Louis and Clark and the move West. If you don’t want to use the Cornell Notes format, you could have them make a mind map, or split their page into 6 boxes.
A brief introduction to the Plains (a central part of the course) and the geography of the U.S.
A YouTube video from Ray Mears about the Plains and the dangers. Students make notes on the dangers people will face in this course.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Word Files
1 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L11 – The Transcontinental Railroad
This lesson contains:
An introduction to the America Civil War. Students learn about the two sides and why they were fighting, then apply this to a consolidation gap fill which can be stuck in their books.
A discussion of the railway project to connect East and West. There is a YouTube video and students write the reasons the railroad was built.
A task to stick a map of the railroad into their books and annotate from the board the facts about each railroad company and the difficulties they faced on each side.
An activity to determine the consequences of the railroad on the Indians, the farmers and settlers, and the U.S. economy. This is a worksheet that can be colour-coded and stuck in.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L12 – Homesteaders and Farming Solutions
This lesson contains:
An overview of how the Civil War affected homesteaders with details about the role and purpose of the Homestead Act 1862. Students take not eon the function of the Act and can watch a YouTube video on it.
An activity to note down the successes of the Act as well as the limitations from the on-board information.
A task to use the information provided to complete the worksheet on other Acts that followed the Homestead Act and what they did. Students can weigh up the successes of these Acts.
An activity to study the information on the changes to farming practices. Students complete a table to show what was done about each problem farmers faced and judge how successful each measure would likely have been.
A plenary to consider how much life improved for the Homesteaders.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L16 – Law and Order After 1865
This lesson contains:
An introduction to the reasons for lawlessness in the new cattle towns and the link to the growing railways and cattle ranching that boomed these towns. Students select the most important and can explain why they chose them.
An activity to determine the crime which took place in these towns. A YouTube video is shown, followed by an activity to consolidate knowledge.
An opportunity to do an exam question in full based on the past few lessons on law and order and cowboys.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L7 – The Gold Rush and the 49’ers
This lesson contains:
A starter task to recap previous learning from the course.
A YouTube video introducing the gold rush and how it began, followed by some basic comprehension and thinking questions.
An activity to study the information provided to complete questions on why people went for gold and how mining towns grew.
A larger activity on the consequences of the growth of mining, from effects on Indians, violence, the economy etc. Students use the information provided to complete the mind map worksheet.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files