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Europe Country Study
Differentiated learning outcomes with good scaffolded learning material which students loved!
Russia Human Features
Differentiated learning outcomes with good scaffolded learning material which students loved!
Assessment For Learning Ideas
A range of brilliant classroom ideas for existing, newly qualified and/ or initial teacher trainers. Why not give some a try and see how they can improve classroom practice and progression?
Plate Boundaries
Fantastic lesson. A range of afl and differentiation included.
Fantastic lesson. A range of afl and differentiation included.
Filming in a Rainforest - Rainforest Structure
Differentiated outcomes and a variety of learning activities.
China One Child Policy
Fantastic lesson. A range of afl and differentiation included.
Billionaires in Africa
Differentiated learning outcomes with good scaffolded learning material which students loved!
Disparity of Development Africa
Differentiated learning outcomes with good scaffolded learning material which students loved!
Education in Ghana
Differentiated learning outcomes with good scaffolded learning material which students loved!
European Union
Differentiated learning outcomes with good scaffolded learning material which students loved!
Africa: Sudan's Future Economy
Differentiated learning outcomes with good scaffolded learning material which students loved!
Pie Charts
Differentiated learning outcomes and resources, good scaffold material which effectively sparked student curiosity. The resources can easily be adapted to suit your students' needs.
Headland and Bays
Differentiated learning outcomes, great variety of learning material which was enjoyed by all students.
Alien Ecosystems
Differentiated outcomes and a variety of learning activities.
Humans and the Rainforest
Differentiated outcomes and a variety of learning activities.
Perfect Animal for the Rainforest
Differentiated outcomes and a variety of learning activities.
Human Features of Europe
Fantastic lesson. A range of learning activities, afl opportunities and differentiation throughout.
Fantastic lesson. A range of afl and differentiation included.
Physical Geography of Europe: River study
Fantastic lesson. A range of learning activities, afl opportunities and differentiation throughout.