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Into Film

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Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.




Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
An Introduction to Stop Motion Animation

An Introduction to Stop Motion Animation

This Into Film resource provides an introduction to stop-motion animation, detailing the history of the technique, as well as guidance on how to create your own stop motion films. Styles included use silhouettes, paper cut outs and modelling clay, with activity sheets and cut-out materials also provided for an interactive historical understanding of inventions such as the zoetrope and thaumatrope. More information can be found at www.intofilm.org/resources/200. To find out more about Into Film and start an Into Film Club visit: www.intofilm.org/clubs.
A Trip to the Moon - KS3 English

A Trip to the Moon - KS3 English

A lesson working with this classic eight minute sci-fi film as stimulus, to plan a persuasive marketing campaign and co-ordinate press coverage of space tourism. For more information about Into Film and help setting up your free Into Film club, visit www.intofilm.org
Pop-up Paddington

Pop-up Paddington

Pupils design and make their own Paddington pop-up book. Pop-up Paddington is inspired by Paddington’s second film adventure, Paddington 2. Activities support and encourage pupils to develop communication, active citizenship, problem solving and creative skills. Pop-up Paddington culminates in the creation and evaluation of a pop-up book featuring Paddington carrying out ‘odd jobs’ around the community. Pop-up Paddington is designed for learners in Key Stage 2/Second level, with guidance to simplify or extend activities to suit the variety of skills and abilities demonstrated by pupils aged 7-11. It has been created in partnership with STUDIOCANAL. This film is available to stream for free at Into Film+ https://www.intofilm.org/films/18107
Gattaca: Science literacy resource

Gattaca: Science literacy resource

Using film as the stimulus, and set in modern-day scientific contexts, this series of resources can be used in the classroom to help develop students' scientific literacy. They help students to apply their scientific knowledge and skills to issues in the modern world. The question sets focus on the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for scientific literacy as set out by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Gattaca acts as a good stimulus for conversations around genetic modification and ethics in science. Please visit the following website in order to download the PowerPoint presentation that accompanies this PDF and to rent the DVD for free: https://www.intofilm.org/resources/21
Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare: The Animated Tales

Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare: The Animated Tales

Explore Romeo and Juliet with this creative workbook that helps students to analyse the play based on the Shakespeare: The Animated Tales adaptation of the play through the 3Cs (character, camera, colour) and 3Ss (story, setting, sound). This resource is suitable for students aged 7 plus and the teachers' notes includes extension activities. For information on howto start a free Into Film club and to order this DVD for free, please visit http://www.intofilm.org/schools-film-clubs
Race - Jesse Owens and the 1936 Olympics

Race - Jesse Owens and the 1936 Olympics

A resource to work with the 2016 feature film Race, which tells the amazing life story of Jesse Owens and his performance at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, engaging audiences with the impact of an individual and events on the world stage both 80 years ago and today. This resource should be used with the accompanying Race PowerPoint presentation, which contains clips, stills and prompt questions to support delivery of all the activities outlined in these notes. Through these activities learners can deepen their understanding and critical analysis of these significant historical events and compare interpretations in Race with other sources of information, and in turn create their own pieces of writing, artwork and/or filmmaking to reflect and share ideas on the themes raised in the film.
Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands

Designed to be used with Edward Scissorhands, this resource, aimed at students aged 11-14, provides simple-to-use activities that are a fun way to start a film club. The activities allow learners to explore key themes of empathy, tolerance and respect for all, while developing their literacy skills.
Staying Safe Online - 16+

Staying Safe Online - 16+

Staying Safe Online is an education resource created by Into Film in partnership with Childnet International to support Safer Internet Day. The resource uses film to ignite pupils’ imagination and bring important messages to life, providing them the information they need to be safe citizens in an increasingly digital world. In this resource, pupils will explore the key themes of: • Online addictions and behavioural habits • Grooming and the dangers of meeting people whom we speak to online • Being safe digital citizens. A version of the PowerPoint presentation with subtitled videos can be accessed from the Into Film website: https://www.intofilm.org/resources/37 Mae’r gwaith Bod yn Ddiogel Ar-lein yn adnodd addysgiadol sydd wedi ei greu gan Into Film mewn partneriaeth gyda Chilnet International i gefnogi Diwrnod Diogel y We. Mae’r adnodd yn defnyddio’r ffilmiau Trust a InRealLife i danio dychymyg disgyblion a thrafod negeseuon pwysig, gan roi wybodaeth ar sut i fod yn ddinasyddion diogel mewn byd digidol cynyddol. Yn yr adnodd yma, mi fydd y disgyblion yn dysgu am y brif themau: • Bod yn gaeth ar-lein ac arferion ymddygiad • Peryglon meithrin perthynas amhriodol chyfarfod bobl ar lein a • Bod yn ddinasyddion digidol diogel
Into Film's Black History Month resource

Into Film's Black History Month resource

This year the focus of Black History Month is on the experience of black Britons in the 65 years since The Windrush Generation. Our resource examines the way in which the experience of black Britons has been reflected on film over the years, some good, some less accurate. To find out more about Into Film and discover how to get a club started, visit the Into Film website.
Staying Safe Online for Key Stages 3 and 4

Staying Safe Online for Key Stages 3 and 4

These activity plans and teacher notes form part of the Into Film Staying Safe Online resource, created in partnership with Childnet International, uses film and related activities to bring important messages to life and provide information that will help both primary and secondary pupils to be safe and responsible citizens in an increasingly digital world. Using a range of fantastic films, these resources explore issues ranging from privacy settings to avoiding harmful content. Please use in conjunction with the resources and teacher notes. For more information, visit intofilm.org
Reel to Real: Great Expectations

Reel to Real: Great Expectations

Specially created for our Reel to Real education project with the learning department at the Victoria and Albert Museum, this resource focuses on David Lean’s 1946 film adaptation of Dickens’ classic Great Expectations and it also uses Mike Newell’s 2012 adaptation as a contemporary contrast, providing a wide range of clips that are ideal for revising and consolidating students’ understanding of this set text. The pdf resource and accompanying PowerPoint presentation examines characters, themes and historical context through carefully chosen film clips alongside content from the V&A's world-renowned collections to enrich the learning experience. Please find the accompanying PowerPoint presentation at the following link: http://www.filmclub.org/resources/details/648/reel-to-real-great-expectations
Into Film Fairy Tales Resources for Key Stage 1

Into Film Fairy Tales Resources for Key Stage 1

Celebrating the ancient art of storytelling, and fairy tales that have inspired great films, these two new resources are designed to support literacy for Key Stage 1. Each features five films hand-picked by Into Film curators, accompanied by teachers’ notes, discussion questions, recommended activities and a worksheet which can be photocopied for use in class or a school film club. Start an Into Film club in your school to access the films included in this resource for free: www.filmclub.org and to go www.intofilm.org to find out more about the new charity (formally FILMCLUB and First Light)
Inequality on Film: Kaakka Muttai (The Crow's Egg)

Inequality on Film: Kaakka Muttai (The Crow's Egg)

In this resource young people explore the topic of inequality by engaging with and analysing clips from the film Kaakka Muttai (The Crow's Egg) set in Chennai, India. The film is an entertaining film about the children's quest for pizza but also introduces the impact of globalisation and the inequalities that divide modern India and are apparent over the world. The activities in this resource are suitable to use in lessons and as part of an extracurricular film club or Oxfam Youth Ambassadors club: http://www.oxfam.org.uk/education/global-citizenship/youth-ambassadors
British Council Shorts: Primary

British Council Shorts: Primary

This resource, based on the Into Film British Council Shorts 2016 Primary collection DVD, is for use by Into Film club leaders with their club members aged 7 to 11. It guides leaders on how to decode clips from the films using the 3Cs (camera, character, colour) and 3Ss (story, setting, sound). This learning can be used to analyse and interpret any film text. The activities can be used in club sessions and there are extension activities to develop learning further. Since 2013, the Into Film Programming Team and members of the Film Department at the British Council have worked together to create a showcase for the best British short films made each year that appeal to young people. The result is a series of short film programmes for Primary and Secondary age groups, including a variety of animation, live action and documentary film, and offering something for everyone. Watch them all at once or just dip in and out whenever you want a short burst of film fun. What is the British Council? The British Council builds trust between, and creates international opportunities for, the people of the UK and other countries worldwide. Its specialist Film department works to profile the innovation, diversity, creativity and excellence of British films both internationally and in the UK. Supporting short films and emerging filmmakers is a key part of our activity so we’re absolutely thrilled to be a partner for this compilation and bring some of the best short films from around the UK to a brand new audience. Find out more here: www.britishcouncil.org/film The British Council also works with schools in the UK and globally to enrich education and promote global citizenship. We can help you to collaborate with partner schools overseas and give you access to resources and professional development courses. Find out more here: www.britishcouncil.org/schoolsonline
The Holocaust on Film - Holocaust Memorial Day assembly

The Holocaust on Film - Holocaust Memorial Day assembly

This assembly focusses on the film Wakolda (The German Doctor), 12, 2014 featuring thought provoking questions, clips and stills to encourage students to consider the pursuit and prosecution of Holocaust perpetrators, and the exploration of the subject of the Holocaust in films 70 years after the end of the World War Two. The resource has been designed for Holocaust Memorial Day, but can easily be adapted for a Holocaust focussed History, RE or Philosophy lesson. For more guides to films to support learning about the Holocasut and to find out more about Into Film and starting your own Into Film Club visit www.intofilm.org
Staying Safe Online - 11-16

Staying Safe Online - 11-16

Staying Safe Online is an education resource created by Into Film in partnership with Childnet International to support Safer Internet Day. The resource uses films The Social Network and Catfish to ignite pupils’ imagination and bring important messages to life, providing them the information they need to be safe citizens in an increasingly digital world. The accompanying PowerPoint presentation featuring embedded clips from the films and version with subtitled videos can be found at the following link:https://www.intofilm.org/resources/36 In this resource, pupils will explore the key themes of: • privacy and sharing of information • being safe digital citizens regarding Childnet’s 3Cs of Content, Contact and Commercialisation Mae’r gwaith Bod yn Ddiogel Ar-lein yn adnodd addysgiadol sydd wedi ei greu gan Into Film mewn partneriaeth gyda Chilnet International i gefnogi Diwrnod Diogel y We. Mae’r adnodd yn defnyddio’r ffilmiau The Social Network a Catfish i danio dychymyg disgyblion a thrafod negeseuon pwysig, gan roi wybodaeth ar sut i fod yn ddinasyddion diogel mewn byd digidol cynyddol. Yn yr adnodd yma, mi fydd y disgyblion yn dysgu am y brif themau: - Preifatrwydd a rhannu diogelwch - Bod yn ddinasyddion digidol diogel yn trafod gwaith 3C Childnet, Cynnwys, Cyswllt a Masnacheiddio
Wellbeing: Cultural perspectives assembly

Wellbeing: Cultural perspectives assembly

With the holidays approaching, it’s the perfect time to celebrate multiculturalism and explore the different types of religious and cultural celebrations from around the world, using our new assembly resource. This resource is for teachers to use in assembly and classroom scenarios with students aged 9 to 14. There are a number of extension activities where the themes within the films can be explored further. The themes covered include multiculturalism and celebrations around the world that young people can experience. This assembly uses film clips to explore the reasons for a variety of cultural celebrations, and how young people in films deal with celebrations linked to religious and cultural rites of passage. Download the accompanying Cultural perspectives assembly PowerPoint presentation at the following link: https://www.intofilm.org/resources/2 For information on how to start an Into Film club and rent DVDs for free, please visit www.intofilm.org/clubs
Careers in Film Primary

Careers in Film Primary

For National Careers Week (7 - 11 March 2016), download this new careers resource for Primary pupils, which will help stimulate discussion and interest in a variety of different types of jobs within the film industry. These teachers' notes are designed to be used in conjunction with the PowerPoint presentation, curriculum links and interactive quiz also available to download here. The resource contains: embedded film clips; activities exploring jobs such as make-up designer, foley artist (creating sound effects) and costume designer; and encourages pupils to consider how their own skill sets can be harnessed to aspire to a rich career in films. To find out more about Into Film and start a free Into Film Club visit www.intofilm.org/clubs Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
Film Language - for film and media studies

Film Language - for film and media studies

This Into Film resource uses the films Short Term 12 and Ender's Game as a basis for textual analysis, focusing on camera, mise-en-scène, editing and sound. Suitable for students of film and media studies and moving image arts, these teachers' notes should be used in conjunction with the film clips and stills embedded in the PowerPoint presentation found at https://www.intofilm.org/resources/211. To find out more about Into Film Clubs visit: www.intofilm.org/clubs Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
Into Film Ten Pieces music resource

Into Film Ten Pieces music resource

Into Film has partnered with BBC Learning to produce a new resource themed around the Ten Pieces project, which aims to inspire a love of classic musical in primary school pupils. The Ten Pieces project invites children to listen to ten pieces of classical music and to creatively respond to them. This extensive resource is aimed at KS1 and KS2 (or equivalent) Primary pupils, and consists of an in-depth look at the use of three of the Ten Pieces in films, including Fantasia and Johnny English Reborn, with activity sheets, instructional videos, case studies and teachers' notes provided. For more information on how to order the films for free please visit http://www.filmclub.org