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Welcome to JB Resources on TES! At JB Resources, our mission is to empower educators and students with top-tier educational materials specifically crafted for GCSE and A-Level Psychology. Our comprehensive collection is designed to cater to the diverse needs of the classroom, ensuring each lesson is interactive, thorough, and up-to-date. From complete topic bundles to individual lessons, we provide resources that make learning both enjoyable and effective.




Welcome to JB Resources on TES! At JB Resources, our mission is to empower educators and students with top-tier educational materials specifically crafted for GCSE and A-Level Psychology. Our comprehensive collection is designed to cater to the diverse needs of the classroom, ensuring each lesson is interactive, thorough, and up-to-date. From complete topic bundles to individual lessons, we provide resources that make learning both enjoyable and effective.
Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: SOCIAL FACILITATION & SOCIAL LOAFING [3.3.4 Work and The Individual]

Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: SOCIAL FACILITATION & SOCIAL LOAFING [3.3.4 Work and The Individual]

This fully editable lesson focuses on the concepts of social facilitation and social loafing, exploring how the presence of others can either enhance or hinder performance, and how group dynamics influence individual effort. Designed using the OxfordAQA International A-level Psychology (9685) specification, students will learn key theories and engage in applied examples, particularly in workplace and organisational settings. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: Covers the principles of social facilitation and social loafing, highlighting studies by Triplett (1897) and Ringelmann (1913). The slides explain essential concepts such as audience and co-action effects in social facilitation, along with key factors contributing to social loafing, such as diffusion of responsibility and the sucker effect. Additionally, students will analyse the impact of group processes on decision-making, productivity, and individual identity. Interactive Activities: Engages students with a “Do Now” activity prompting them to consider how understanding group processes could improve teamwork in the workplace. Structured questions throughout the lesson assess comprehension of key concepts, such as the difference between the audience and co-action effects in social facilitation. Students will also participate in Think-Pair-Share discussions and apply their knowledge to real-life scenarios, such as analysing the performance of actors in a group setting. Assessment Materials: Includes exam-style questions with model answers, helping students to evaluate research on social facilitation and social loafing. Students will critically assess the strengths and limitations of these theories, considering cultural differences and the practical implications in various contexts such as the workplace.
Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: DISORDERS OF SLEEP [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: DISORDERS OF SLEEP [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

This fully editable lesson covers key sleep disorders, including insomnia and narcolepsy, exploring their symptoms, causes, and treatments. Designed using the OxfordAQA International A-level Psychology (9685) specification, this lesson provides an in-depth understanding of sleep disorders, with real-world applications and case studies. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: The lesson covers major sleep disorders such as insomnia and narcolepsy, detailing their symptoms, underlying causes (e.g., neurotransmitters like orexin in narcolepsy), and various treatment options (e.g., CBT for insomnia, stimulant medications for narcolepsy). The slides also include relevant research, such as Gregory et al. (2006) on the role of circadian rhythms in insomnia, providing insights into the biological and psychological aspects of these disorders. Interactive Activities: Engages students through a multiple-choice quiz (MCQ) where they can hold up A, B, C, or D cards to answer questions related to sleep disorders, such as identifying symptoms of narcolepsy or treatments for insomnia. The quiz serves as a quick assessment tool, allowing students to consolidate their understanding of key concepts. The lesson also includes case studies, such as Imran’s experience with insomnia, which encourages students to apply their knowledge by explaining real-life scenarios using psychological theory. Assessment Materials: Includes exam-style questions with model answers to assess students’ ability to describe and evaluate research into sleep disorders. Questions cover key areas such as symptoms of insomnia, genetic and personality factors in insomnia, and evaluating research on narcolepsy, helping students prepare for exam-level analysis and evaluation of sleep disorders.
Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: RESTORATION THEORIES OF SLEEP [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: RESTORATION THEORIES OF SLEEP [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

This fully editable lesson focuses on the restoration theories of sleep and the role of sleep in memory consolidation. Designed using the OxfordAQA International A-level Psychology (9685) specification, this lesson explores how sleep aids in physical and brain recovery as well as its impact on different types of memory. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: The lesson covers key restoration theories proposed by Oswald (1966) and Horne (1980), explaining how REM and NREM sleep serve different restorative functions. Students will learn about the role of sleep in brain recovery, supported by case studies like those of Peter Tripp and Randy Gardner, and examine how sleep deprivation affects cognitive and physical functioning. Additionally, the lesson explains the role of REM and NREM sleep in memory consolidation, differentiating between declarative and procedural memory, and features studies by Karni et al. (1994) and Walker et al. (2002). Interactive Activities: Engages students through a “Do Now” activity that prompts them to think about the effects of sleep deprivation on the brain and body. The lesson also features “Check it” questions that assess understanding, such as explaining the differences between Oswald’s and Horne’s models, evaluating the findings from sleep deprivation studies, and analysing the role of sleep in memory consolidation. Think-Pair-Share discussions and application questions throughout the lesson encourage deeper engagement with the material. Assessment Materials: Includes exam-style questions with model answers, such as describing and evaluating the restoration theory of sleep, and explaining how motivation can affect performance during sleep deprivation. These materials help students apply theoretical knowledge and prepare for evaluation questions in exams, focusing on both strengths and limitations of the restoration theories.
Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: EVOLUTIONARY EXPLANATIONS OF SLEEP [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: EVOLUTIONARY EXPLANATIONS OF SLEEP [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

This fully editable lesson explores the evolutionary explanations for the functions of sleep, focusing on how ecological factors, predator-prey relationships, and energy conservation influence sleep patterns across species. Designed using the OxfordAQA International A-level Psychology (9685) specification, this lesson provides a detailed understanding of sleep’s adaptive role in survival. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: The lesson covers key evolutionary theories of sleep, including the predator-prey hypothesis by Meddis (1975) and the hibernation theory by Webb (1982). Students will learn how factors such as an animal’s size, ecological niche, and predator-prey status affect sleep duration. The lesson includes research by Allison and Cicchetti (1976) and Lesku et al. (2005), highlighting how correlational studies have shaped our understanding of the relationship between brain mass, sleep duration, and REM sleep. Interactive Activities: Students engage with a “Do Now” activity that prompts them to think critically about whether sleep is always beneficial for animals. The lesson also features “Check it” questions throughout to assess understanding, including tasks that ask students to explain ecological niches, evaluate research findings, and critically assess the limitations of correlational and captivity-based studies. Assessment Materials: Includes exam-style questions with model answers, such as explaining evolutionary functions of sleep and identifying limitations of using animal studies to investigate sleep. These assessment materials guide students in applying their knowledge to real-world examples and prepare them for answering both application and evaluation questions on this topic.
Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: THE NATURE OF SLEEP [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: THE NATURE OF SLEEP [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

This fully editable lesson focuses on the different stages and characteristics of sleep, including both non-REM (NREM) and REM sleep. Designed using the OxfordAQA International A-level Psychology (9685) specification, this lesson explores the nature of sleep, the biological rhythms that regulate it, and key research findings. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: The lesson covers the different stages of sleep, from light NREM sleep to deep slow-wave sleep and REM sleep. Students will learn how each stage is characterised by unique brainwave patterns and physiological changes, with a focus on EEG readings. Key studies, including the work of Aserinsky and Kleitman (1953), are highlighted, providing insight into how sleep cycles operate as ultradian rhythms. The lesson also addresses the role of circadian rhythms and neurotransmitters in sleep regulation. Interactive Activities: Students engage in a “Do Now” activity that prompts them to consider how sleep deprivation affects their body. The lesson includes a detailed summary activity where students complete a chart outlining the stages of NREM and REM sleep. Additionally, the lesson incorporates a quiz using ABCD cards to assess understanding, allowing for instant feedback and class discussion on the key differences between the stages of sleep. Assessment Materials: Includes exam-style questions with model answers that assess understanding of NREM and REM sleep. Questions prompt students to explain differences between sleep stages, interpret EEG data, and identify key features of REM sleep such as muscle paralysis and vivid dreaming. This encourages critical thinking and exam readiness.
Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: THE DISRUPTION OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: THE DISRUPTION OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

This fully editable lesson explores the impact of disrupting biological rhythms, focusing on the effects of shift work and jet lag. Designed using the OxfordAQA International A-level Psychology (9685) specification, this lesson helps students understand how modern lifestyle factors can desynchronise circadian rhythms and the potential health consequences. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: The lesson covers how biological rhythms are disrupted by factors such as shift work and jet lag. Students will learn about the role of endogenous pacemakers (internal body clocks) and exogenous zeitgebers (external cues such as light) in regulating circadian rhythms. Key studies, including Davis et al. (2001) on shift work and Cho et al. (2000) on jet lag, are discussed, providing insights into the effects of misaligned biological rhythms on health, performance, and well-being. Interactive Activities: Engages students with a “Do Now” activity that prompts them to reflect on the consequences of disrupted sleep schedules. Throughout the lesson, Think-Pair-Share discussions encourage students to consider real-world scenarios, such as the experiences of night-shift workers and frequent travellers. Case studies like “Sam the Policewoman” provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge of pacemakers and zeitgebers to practical examples, fostering critical thinking. Assessment Materials: Includes exam-style questions with model answers to assess students’ understanding of the effects of shift work and jet lag. Students will evaluate research, discuss strategies for minimising the negative impacts (such as forward shift rotation and light management), and critically engage with the evidence, helping them develop the analytical skills required for psychology exams.
Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: EXOGENOUS PACEMAKERS & ZEITGEBERS [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: EXOGENOUS PACEMAKERS & ZEITGEBERS [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

This fully editable lesson examines the roles of endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers in regulating biological rhythms, particularly focusing on the sleep-wake cycle and related research studies. Designed using the OxfordAQA International A-level Psychology (9685) specification, this lesson provides in-depth coverage of key concepts and research findings. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: Covers the principles of endogenous pacemakers, such as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), and exogenous zeitgebers, including the role of light in resetting biological rhythms. The slides explain how these systems interact to regulate circadian rhythms and explore key studies, including Michel Siffre’s Cave Study (1975) and Stephan and Zucker’s research (1972) on the effects of SCN damage. Students will gain insight into how biological rhythms operate and the consequences of disruptions in these systems. Interactive Activities: Engages students with a “Do Now” activity, asking them to consider how their body might adapt if isolated from light and clocks for several days. The lesson also includes a comparison table that encourages students to evaluate the methodological strengths and weaknesses of Siffre’s and Stephan and Zucker’s studies. Think-Pair-Share discussions and structured questions throughout help students apply their understanding to real-life examples, such as the impact of light on sleep patterns. Assessment Materials: Includes exam-style questions with model answers, asking students to describe and evaluate research into circadian rhythms. Students will critically assess the strengths and limitations of key studies and evaluate ethical issues, such as the use of animals in research and the long-term psychological effects on human participants. This helps students develop skills needed for higher-level evaluation in psychology exams.
Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: TYPES OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

Oxford AQA A Level Psychology: TYPES OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS [3.3.1 Psychology of Sleep]

This fully editable lesson focuses on the different types of biological rhythms, including circadian, infradian, and ultradian rhythms, as well as the roles of endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers in regulating these processes. Designed using the OxfordAQA International A-level Psychology (9685) specification, this lesson provides a thorough understanding of biological rhythms with real-life examples and engaging activities. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: Covers the essential types of biological rhythms, including circadian (e.g., the sleep-wake cycle), infradian (e.g., the menstrual cycle), and ultradian rhythms (e.g., REM and NREM sleep cycles). The slides also explain the roles of endogenous pacemakers, such as the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and exogenous zeitgebers, like light, in regulating these cycles. The lesson explores how disruptions to these rhythms can lead to disorders like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and sleep disturbances. Interactive Activities: Engages students through a “Do Now” activity that asks them to identify examples of circadian rhythms in everyday life, followed by Think-Pair-Share discussions on biological rhythms’ impact on behavior and physiological processes. The lesson also includes matching key terms and concepts to reinforce learning. Students will apply their understanding to questions like how body clocks influence daily functioning and the effects of environmental cues like light on our internal clocks. Assessment Materials: Includes exam-style questions with model answers to evaluate understanding of biological rhythms. These questions ask students to differentiate between circadian, infradian, and ultradian rhythms, describe the role of exogenous zeitgebers, and assess the strengths and weaknesses of using case studies to study biological rhythms.
AQA A-Level Psychology - ZIMBARDO'S STANFORD PRISON EXPERIMENT (1971)  [Social Influence Topic]

AQA A-Level Psychology - ZIMBARDO'S STANFORD PRISON EXPERIMENT (1971) [Social Influence Topic]

This fully editable lesson is designed for the AQA A-Level Specification (June 2019), focusing on Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment (1971) and its exploration of conformity to social roles. This resource provides students with an in-depth analysis of the procedures, findings, and critical evaluation of Zimbardo’s study, emphasizing ethical considerations and real-world applications. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: Covers Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment, including participant recruitment, procedures, and the behaviour of both prisoners and guards. Key findings and conclusions are explored in detail. Interactive Video Activities: Features a video question sheet to accompany a video on Zimbardo’s research, prompting students to analyze the recruitment, treatment, and behaviour of participants during the study. Assessment Materials: Includes practice exam questions such as outlining Zimbardo’s research and discussing two limitations of the study, with model answers provided to support exam preparation. Critical Evaluation: Students engage in evaluating the ethical issues, sample bias, and dispositional influences present in Zimbardo’s research, exploring the extent to which the study’s findings can be generalized to real-life scenarios like prison environments. This lesson resource is well-suited for classroom instruction or independent study, providing a comprehensive approach to understanding social influence and the power of situational factors on human behaviour.
AQA A-Level Psychology - MINORITY INFLUENCE [Social Influence Topic]

AQA A-Level Psychology - MINORITY INFLUENCE [Social Influence Topic]

This fully editable lesson is designed for the AQA A-Level Specification (June 2019), focusing on Minority Influence within the topic of Social Influence. It explores how a minority can impact the beliefs and behaviors of the majority through the processes of consistency, commitment, and flexibility. With engaging activities, critical evaluations, and research-based examples such as Moscovici’s blue-green slide study, students will develop a thorough understanding of minority influence in social settings. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: Introduces students to key concepts of minority influence, including the roles of consistency, commitment, and flexibility. Real-world examples like the Civil Rights Movement and LGBTQ+ rights are used to illustrate the power of minority influence in driving social change. Interactive Activities: Includes a variety of engaging activities, such as a “Do Now” prompt, think-pair-share discussions, and case studies. Students analyze how minority groups can lead to internalization and long-lasting attitude changes using concepts like the snowball effect and deeper processing. Research-Based Insights: Provides a detailed analysis of Moscovici’s blue-green slide study, explaining how consistency in a minority’s viewpoint can lead to greater influence. Research from Wood et al. and Martin et al. is also used to highlight key findings on minority influence. Assessment Materials: Features exam practice questions that challenge students to apply their understanding of conformity and minority influence to hypothetical scenarios. For example, they are asked to explain how a small group of students could convince their peers to adopt an environmentally-friendly initiative using the key principles of minority influence. Critical Evaluation: Students are encouraged to critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of research into minority influence, including the artificial nature of tasks like identifying the color of slides and the challenges of studying minority influence in real-world settings. This resource is ideal for both classroom teaching and independent study, equipping students with a comprehensive understanding of how minority groups can drive social change and influence majority opinions.


This fully editable lesson is designed for the AQA A-Level Specification (June 2019), focusing on Adorno’s F-Scale as a dispositional explanation for obedience. The lesson delves into how personality traits, particularly the authoritarian personality, can influence obedience, using Adorno’s research as a key framework. With interactive activities, quizzes, and exam practice questions, students will gain a thorough understanding of dispositional factors in obedience. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: Offers a detailed exploration of Adorno’s F-Scale, its development, and how it relates to authoritarian personality traits. Students learn how these traits, formed through harsh parenting, contribute to obedience and prejudice against minority groups. Interactive Quiz: A multiple-choice quiz designed to assess students’ understanding of Adorno’s F-Scale in a fun and engaging way. Students use A, B, C, or D cards or mini whiteboards to answer questions related to key concepts such as the definition of authoritarian personality and the role of harsh parenting in its development. Assessment Materials: Includes structured evaluation tasks and practice exam questions on the authoritarian personality. Students are encouraged to critically assess the validity and limitations of dispositional explanations for obedience, comparing them with situational factors. Model answers are provided to guide students in their exam preparation. Critical Evaluation: The lesson covers strengths and weaknesses of Adorno’s theory, discussing its deterministic nature, political bias, and methodological issues, such as the limitations of correlational research and the validity of the F-scale. Students engage in deeper evaluations, considering alternative explanations like social identity theory. This resource is perfect for both classroom teaching and independent study, offering students a solid foundation in understanding the dispositional factors contributing to obedience and how personality traits can influence behaviour.
AQA A-Level Psychology - SOCIAL INFLUENCE AND SOCIAL CHANGE [Social Influence Topic]

AQA A-Level Psychology - SOCIAL INFLUENCE AND SOCIAL CHANGE [Social Influence Topic]

This fully editable lesson is designed for the AQA A-Level Specification (June 2019), focusing on Social Change within the context of Social Influence. The lesson explores how processes like minority influence, conformity, and obedience contribute to societal shifts in beliefs and behaviors. Using real-world examples and research-based activities, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of how social influence can drive change. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: The slides cover the six key processes involved in social change, including drawing attention, consistency, deeper processing, the augmentation principle, the snowball effect, and social cryptomnesia. Real-world examples such as the Civil Rights Movement and LGBTQ+ activism are used to illustrate each process. Interactive Activities: Includes a “Do Now” task to engage students, as well as a summary activity where students outline the six steps of social change and apply them to historical or modern social movements. The task also encourages students to apply lessons from obedience and conformity research, such as normative and informational social influence, to real-life examples like tackling the obesity crisis. Research-Based Insights: The lesson draws on key studies from social influence research, such as Milgram’s obedience study and Moscovici’s blue-green slide experiment, to show how these concepts relate to social change. Students are encouraged to critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of these studies. Assessment Materials: Features exam practice questions, including short-answer questions on social change and how social influence processes contribute to it. Students are also asked to apply their knowledge of these processes to real-world scenarios like government campaigns on health issues, such as obesity. Critical Evaluation: Students critically evaluate the role of minority influence, conformity, and obedience in social change, exploring factors like normative social influence and disobedient role models. They also examine research evidence, including Nolan et al.’s study on energy consumption, which highlights how social norms can lead to behavior change. This lesson resource is ideal for classroom instruction and independent study, providing a detailed look at the processes that drive societal shifts and how social influence theories can be applied to modern-day social movements.
AQA A-Level Psychology - RESISTANCE TO SOCIAL INFLUENCE [Social Influence Topic]

AQA A-Level Psychology - RESISTANCE TO SOCIAL INFLUENCE [Social Influence Topic]

This fully editable lesson is designed for the AQA A-Level Specification (June 2019), focusing on Resistance to Social Influence through the roles of Social Support and Locus of Control. The lesson helps students understand how individuals can resist pressures to conform or obey authority figures, drawing on research and real-world examples. With interactive activities, critical evaluation, and exam practice questions, students will gain a thorough understanding of resistance to social influence. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: Covers key explanations of resistance to social influence, including social support and locus of control, supported by research from Asch and Milgram. Students will learn how social support and an internal locus of control can reduce conformity and obedience in various situations. Interactive Activities: Includes engaging tasks such as “Check-in Questions” and “Locus of Control in Action,” where students analyze case studies to identify how locus of control influences resistance to social influence. These activities encourage critical thinking and application of key concepts. Assessment Materials: Features exam practice questions on social support and locus of control, with structured guidance on how to answer 4-mark and 8-mark questions. Model answers are provided to help students prepare effectively for their exams. Critical Evaluation: Students critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of social support and locus of control theories, including research evidence and real-world applications. They are encouraged to explore the role of dissenting peers and the impact of personality traits on resistance, as well as consider alternative explanations like situational factors. This resource is perfect for both classroom teaching and independent study, giving students a solid foundation in understanding how individuals resist social influence and how social and dispositional factors interact in these processes.
AQA A-Level Psychology - SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS [Social Influence Topic]

AQA A-Level Psychology - SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS [Social Influence Topic]

This fully editable lesson is designed for the AQA A-Level Specification (June 2019), focusing on Milgram’s Variation Experiments and the impact of situational variables on obedience. This lesson provides students with an in-depth understanding of how factors like proximity, location, and uniform affect obedience levels, drawing on real-world applications and critical evaluations of the research. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: Explores Milgram’s situational variables, including proximity, location, and uniform, and their effects on obedience. Each variation is explained with key findings and contextual applications. Interactive Activities: Features engaging tasks like the “Higher or Lower” activity, where students predict how obedience rates change under different conditions. A summary worksheet also reinforces the learning, prompting students to complete data tables and graphically display the findings from Milgram’s variations. Assessment Materials: Includes exam-style questions, such as evaluating the situational variables and understanding their impact on obedience, along with model answers and evaluation worksheets to support student exam preparation. Critical Evaluation: Students are guided to evaluate Milgram’s methodology, considering both strengths (like control and replicability) and limitations (such as ethical concerns and demand characteristics). The lesson also discusses the socially sensitive implications of situational explanations for obedience. This resource is ideal for classroom teaching and independent study, helping students deepen their understanding of obedience and the situational factors that influence human behaviour.
AQA A-Level Psychology - MILGRAM'S OBEDIENCE STUDY (1963) [Social Influence Topic]

AQA A-Level Psychology - MILGRAM'S OBEDIENCE STUDY (1963) [Social Influence Topic]

This fully editable lesson is designed for the AQA A-Level Specification (June 2019), focusing on Milgram’s Research into Obedience (1963). This lesson explores the procedures, findings, and ethical considerations of Milgram’s study, offering critical insights into why individuals obey authority figures even when asked to perform morally questionable actions. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: Provides detailed explanations of Milgram’s aim, procedure, and findings, including the famous “shock experiment” and its implications for understanding obedience to authority. Interactive Activities: Includes a “Do Now” task to engage students in thinking about why people obey authority figures, as well as “Think-Pair-Share” discussions on the ethical issues and validity of Milgram’s research. Assessment Materials: Offers practice exam questions such as evaluating the methodology of Milgram’s study and discussing the ethical issues involved. Model answers and structured evaluation worksheets are included to support students’ exam preparation. Ethical and Methodological Evaluation: Students are guided to critically evaluate Milgram’s study, focusing on both its methodological strengths (such as control and replicability) and its ethical challenges (such as deception and psychological harm). Discussion extends to modern ethical standards and how they emerged partly as a result of Milgram’s research. This resource is perfect for both classroom teaching and independent study, allowing students to deeply explore the complexities of obedience, authority, and the ethical responsibilities of psychological research.
AQA A-Level Psychology - MILGRAM'S SITUATIONAL VARIABLES [Social Influence Topic]

AQA A-Level Psychology - MILGRAM'S SITUATIONAL VARIABLES [Social Influence Topic]

This fully editable lesson is designed for the AQA A-Level Specification (June 2019), focusing on Milgram’s Variation Experiments and the impact of situational variables on obedience. This lesson provides students with an in-depth understanding of how factors like proximity, location, and uniform affect obedience levels, drawing on real-world applications and critical evaluations of the research. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: Explores Milgram’s situational variables, including proximity, location, and uniform, and their effects on obedience. Each variation is explained with key findings and contextual applications. Interactive Activities: Features engaging tasks like the “Higher or Lower” activity, where students predict how obedience rates change under different conditions. A summary worksheet also reinforces the learning, prompting students to complete data tables and graphically display the findings from Milgram’s variations. Assessment Materials: Includes exam-style questions, such as evaluating the situational variables and understanding their impact on obedience, along with model answers and evaluation worksheets to support student exam preparation. Critical Evaluation: Students are guided to evaluate Milgram’s methodology, considering both strengths (like control and replicability) and limitations (such as ethical concerns and demand characteristics). The lesson also discusses the socially sensitive implications of situational explanations for obedience. This resource is ideal for classroom teaching and independent study, helping students deepen their understanding of obedience and the situational factors that influence human behaviour.
AQA A-Level Psychology - ASCH'S RESEARCH (1951; 1955) [Social Influence Topic]

AQA A-Level Psychology - ASCH'S RESEARCH (1951; 1955) [Social Influence Topic]

This fully editable lesson is designed for the AQA A-Level Specification (June 2019), focusing on Asch’s Research (1951, 1955) and its exploration of conformity. This resource offers students a detailed understanding of Asch’s experiments, key findings, and critical evaluation, including variations in group size, unanimity, and task difficulty. Through engaging activities, exam practice, and model answers, students will deepen their grasp of social influence and its real-world applications. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: Covers the methodology, findings, and conclusions of Asch’s research on conformity. Includes an in-depth look at variations in his experiments and their impact on conformity levels. Interactive Activities: Features a “Do Now” task on types of conformity, a “Think-Pair-Share” discussion on Asch’s findings, and the “Asch by Numbers” activity, where students connect key statistics to Asch’s research. Assessment Materials: Includes a practice exam question on the variables affecting conformity, such as group size and unanimity, with guidance on how Asch investigated these variables. Model answers and structured evaluation worksheets further reinforce understanding. Evaluation and Critical Thinking: Students are encouraged to critically evaluate Asch’s research by examining its strengths and limitations, including sample bias, ecological validity, and the impact of changing societal norms on conformity. This resource is ideal for both classroom teaching and independent learning, making it a valuable addition to your psychology lessons on social influence.
AQA A-Level Psychology - TYPES AND EXPLANATIONS OF CONFORMITY [Social Influence Topic]

AQA A-Level Psychology - TYPES AND EXPLANATIONS OF CONFORMITY [Social Influence Topic]

This fully editable lesson is designed for the AQA A-Level Specification (June 2019), focusing on types and explanations of conformity within the topic of social influence. It explores key concepts such as compliance, identification, and internalisation, as well as the main theoretical explanations of conformity (informational social influence and normative social influence). The lesson provides real-world applications, case studies, and interactive activities to enhance students’ understanding of social conformity. Key Features: Comprehensive Lesson Slides: Includes detailed explanations of different types of conformity and the factors influencing them, supported by real-life examples, such as peer pressure and workplace norms. Interactive Activities: Features a “Do Now” prompt to engage students, think-pair-share discussions, and a case study on the application of social influence theories. Assessment Materials: Offers practice exam questions related to conformity, with model answers provided to aid effective exam preparation. Activities include a key term matching exercise to consolidate learning on the topic of social influence. Evaluation Tasks: Incorporates opportunities for students to critically evaluate research studies, such as Lucas et al. (2006) and Asch’s experiments, with evaluation sheets to guide their analysis. This lesson provides an engaging approach to the topic of social influence, making it suitable for both classroom teaching and independent student learning.