I am an English teacher with over 16 years' experience. My high quality resources will save you time and offer creative and purposeful activities for your students.
For commissions, questions or feedback, please e-mail me at jpresourcesuk@gmail.com
I am an English teacher with over 16 years' experience. My high quality resources will save you time and offer creative and purposeful activities for your students.
For commissions, questions or feedback, please e-mail me at jpresourcesuk@gmail.com
Two detailed lessons exploring 'My Father Would Not Show Us’ by Ingrid de Kok from the Relationships cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'Love’s Dog’ by Jen Hadfield from the Relationships cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The PowerPoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
A complete set of seven ‘Learning Checkpoint’ sheets for A Level AQA English Language.
Included are templates for every section of each exam paper.
The sheets allow you to set a short task or paragraph response with pre-filled lines for students to write on. Students write in their own graded target. All you need to do is to tick the appropriate box as to whether they met their target and highlight or underline any of the pre-populated targets appropriate for that task or response.
You can easily mark a class set of responses in 10 to 20 minutes and students quickly receive appropriate targets/feedback. I use these every other lesson in the run up to mocks or exam season and they are a game changer.
Easily adaptable for your own targets, these low stakes templates will reduce your workload.
Language and Gender
Language and Region
Language and Power and Occupation
Language and Global and World Englishes
Language Change
Language and Technology
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Social Groups
Language Discourses
Child Language Acquisition - Speech
Child Language Acquisition - Reading and Writing
AQA Language Discourses - Paper 2 Question 3
AQA Language Discourses - Paper 2 Question 4
Language Levels Bundle
Lexis and Semantics
Phonetics, Phonology and Prosodics
Discourse - Spoken Language
AQA Paper 2 Revision
Two detailed lessons exploring 'Sunday Dip’ by John Clare from the Belonging cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'To My Sister’ by William Wordsworth from the Belonging cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'Captain Cook (To My Brother)’ by Letitia Elizabeth Landon from the Belonging cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'A century later’ by Imtiaz Dharker from the Worlds and Lives Cluster in the AQA GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'Peckham Rye Lane’ by A.K. Blakemore from the Belonging cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'Clear and Gentle Stream’ by Robert Bridges from the Belonging cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'We Refugees’ by Benjamin Zephaniah from the Belonging cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'Mild the Mist Upon the Hill’ by Emily Brontë from the Belonging cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'England in 1819’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley from the Worlds and Lives Cluster in the AQA GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
A revision lesson (or lessons if you want to do more with the initial card revision activity) for the AQA Worlds and Lives cluster question for GCSE English Literature.
Students will use the enclosed resources to briefly revise the poems from the cluster before identifying the four or five key poems they should revise for the examination. This encourages analytical and evaluative connections. This is best used once the students know the poems well and understand the requirements of this question.
Blank revision cards for a starter activity which can be extended into a whole lesson activity (with one card modelled)
Poem linking and choice grid with ten example exam questions
Lesson PowerPoint
Lesson plan with guidance as to how to adapt this activity across two lessons
Please check out my individual PowerPoints for each of the poems in the Worlds and Lives Cluster: Worlds and Lives Individual PowerPoints
Two detailed lessons exploring 'Like an Heiress’ by Grace Nichols from the Worlds and Lives Cluster in the AQA GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'Jamaican British’ by Raymond Antrobus from the Belonging cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'Kumukanda’ by Kayo Chingonyi from the Belonging cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'I Remember, I Remember’ by Thomas Hood from the Belonging cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'pot’ by shamshad khan from the Worlds and Lives Cluster in the AQA GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'In a London Drawingroom’ by George Eliot from the Worlds and Lives Cluster in the AQA GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!
Two detailed lessons exploring 'In Wales, wanting to be Italian’ by Imtiaz Dharker from the Belonging cluster in the Edexcel GCSE English Literature poetry anthology.
The Powerpoint guides students through the poem in the first lesson with detailed annotation guidance, contextual information and detailed questions. The second lesson guides students through an analysis of the poem based on an exam-style question.
The lessons will challenge, extend and engage students. Also suitable for students targeting very high grades.
Lesson plan included!