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Geography and Sociology resource and lesson shop

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I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!




I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!
Antarctica extreme tourism with differentiated task sheets GCSE (two lessons)

Antarctica extreme tourism with differentiated task sheets GCSE (two lessons)

This lesson covers two lesson regarding introducing extreme tourism and the case study of Antarctica. Students have to complete a variety of tasks regarding management and reasons for visitor numbers in addition to what extreme tourism is and why people go there. There are three task sheets that are differentiated according to ability (Pink A*/A/B), Blue (C/S borderline) and Yellow E and below. All resources are attached and need to be printed and the task sheets work best printed as A3. There are exam questions and opportunities for peer assessment and formative assessment throughout.
Social development - Malaria and HIV, Malawi, sub-Saharan Africa with case studies and exam homework

Social development - Malaria and HIV, Malawi, sub-Saharan Africa with case studies and exam homework

This lesson considers the issues associated with malaria ad HIV/AIDS in Malawi sub-Saharan Africa, both case studies are delivered separately and there are materials for both. Students examine the reasons for the patterns in the health, the issues with the spread of the diseases and management at local and global scales. Students then complete an examination question for homework and link in other information that they completed about Malawi as part of their response. See shop for previous lessons in this sequence or to purchase as a bundle.
AQA AS & A2 Skills revision (charts, presentation, analysis and cartographic examples)

AQA AS & A2 Skills revision (charts, presentation, analysis and cartographic examples)

This document covers all of the skills as specified in the examination for the Unit 2 and 4a examinations, it gives examples, visuals descriptions and evaluates the use and suggests an application for each of the presentation methods. Really good as a revision took for skills as students struggle to apply revision to these examinations. The skills and statistical techniques for A2 only are highlighted on the grid.
AQA GCSE Geography paper 2 home learning pack

AQA GCSE Geography paper 2 home learning pack

This booklet contains an extensive set of question and answers for Paper 2 with water being the optional unit (it does not have food or energy). The purpose of these booklets is so that students can put them onto flash cards as well as parents using the book to test their child. This resource has been compiled for students to access and use as an additional tool if they are working from home prior to the examinations.
Housing crisis and Garden cities - Rural and urban links, population change - Eduqas & AQA

Housing crisis and Garden cities - Rural and urban links, population change - Eduqas & AQA

This is the following lesson in the sequence after Population and migration in the UK - Causes and impacts which is also available. Students have to attempt another data presentation skill with some extension work of selecting an appropriate scale and justifying the technique as well as completing the technique using the map and data provided (see additional resources attached). Students then make links between the housing crisis and population growth building on from the previous lessons. Students investigate what a garden city is and if it is the answer to the housing crisis. They have to categorize a series of information about garden cities and have to review what the appropriate categories would be. The lesson is then completed with a consolidation task at the end of the lesson or as a homework extension on an examination question.
Rural and Urban links (Theme 2): Issues in rural areas and rural decline (Eduqas and AQA)

Rural and Urban links (Theme 2): Issues in rural areas and rural decline (Eduqas and AQA)

Students have the opportunity to identify links between rural areas and deprivation in Wales. Students have to use the sources to make links and annotate the maps. Following on there is a flow chart to organise in order to understand what causes rural deprivation and link this onto the issues of health care provision and education. Students then have a writing frame to complete an analysis style question using the opinions and sources. All resources are attached to be printed. This can be completed as 1 or 2 lessons.
UK Population change and ageing population (Theme 2 Eduqas/WJEC) suitable AQA and Edexcel

UK Population change and ageing population (Theme 2 Eduqas/WJEC) suitable AQA and Edexcel

This is the following lesson in the sequence after Urban and Rural links (can be purchased from my shop as individual lessons or bundle for the first key question of theme 2). Students have a variety of tasks to complete about why the population of the UK is changing and explain the reasons that they have been given. Students start to look at an ageing population more closely with a discussion image. And then followed by a sorting exercise regarding the positives and negatives of an ageing population. Lastly the learning for this lesson and the previous learning is then consolidated in a series of exam questions with shared planning. The 8 mark question can also be used as a homework task.
Social development (HDI, indicators, child labour and refugee crisis) with homework AQA & Eduqas

Social development (HDI, indicators, child labour and refugee crisis) with homework AQA & Eduqas

This is the first lesson in the Social development unit, it is a double lesson and has the addition of homework and consolidation exercise with an exam question. The start of the lesson looks at the different ways in ehich social development can be regarded and classified, focusing on education and health and then looking at HDI and comparing the indicators (there are support sheets to go with this). Students then start to look for patterns in economic and social development data and evaluate which is preferable to give a representation of development. Students then look at other factors that can directly impact development such as child labour and the refugee crisis (homework). There are clips that have been added and resources for the revision guide that I have included into the lesson (a full copy of the revision guide can be found in my shop. All resources attached, just need to print.
Coasts (sand dunes and transects) field work booklet Eduqas and AQA

Coasts (sand dunes and transects) field work booklet Eduqas and AQA

This booklet has the hypothesis, method, geographical application of a transect, instructions, equipment list and recording charts for students to complete this task in the field. Students can use this for any suitable location where there are sand dunes and there is also a vegetation analysis chart that has been added for species identification purposes.
China Population and Geography Skills

China Population and Geography Skills

This is a two part lesson that follows on from the Introduction lesson and the second lesson inn the scheme of work. Students have the opportunity to understand more about the population of China and population pyramids. In addition students learn skills of completing a chloropleth map and make comparisons between China's population and the UK over time. This lesson is the preparation for the 'One Child Policy'.
Introduction to tectonics including plate tectonics jigsaw!

Introduction to tectonics including plate tectonics jigsaw!

These two lessons are an excellent starter to plate tectonics and give students the opportunity to learn about all of the key elements including convection currents, plate tectonics and the structure of the earth. There are printable activities on the power point and the jigsaw is attached as a pdf. This lesson can be differentiated up or down for KS3 or the introduction to a topic at KS4 with more interactive learning.
Changing patterns of retailing in the UK (2 lessons) - Theme 2 Eduqas (Lesson, resources &homework)

Changing patterns of retailing in the UK (2 lessons) - Theme 2 Eduqas (Lesson, resources &homework)

This pack spans over two lessons, there are several different resources to be printed and all contained in the pack in addition there is a homework task that has structure of an examination style question writing frame. There are a variety of activities and skills needed that follow the specification and cover the last part in the sequence of lessons (see other lessons or bundle) for Population and Urban change.
Q & A booklet of all topics for Component 2 - Geography flashcard revision questions

Q & A booklet of all topics for Component 2 - Geography flashcard revision questions

This booklet contains question and answer for all of the topics that are contained in component 2 for Eduqas and also suitable for AQA GCSE Geography. The following topics are covered: Climate change Extreme weather (Hurricanes and Drought) Extreme weather in the UK (anticyclones and depressions) Ecosystems and biomes Managing ecosystems (tropical rainforests and semi-arid grasslands) Development gap Development continuum Aid and management Health and development Regional development - North South divide This booklet was used to distribute to parents in order to assist parents quiz their child to revise, parents that did not attend were sent the packs home (I have included the instructions on the front). These booklets are also used for students to test each other and make their own flash cards. There is a booklet for component 1 also - please see my shop.
Coastal landforms and types of coastline (sand dunes, LSD and unconsolidated) Eduqas/AQA

Coastal landforms and types of coastline (sand dunes, LSD and unconsolidated) Eduqas/AQA

This lesson covers 2-3 lessons regarding the way in which different coastlines are eroded as a result of geology of the cliffs and slopes. Students compare two coastlines and identify factors responsible. In addition this then goes on to show the formation of spits and the process of LSD as well as sand dunes. All activities are included to print and are stand alone without the need for a text book. These lessons fit in with the other coasts lessons for landforms and processes.
Weather & climate, aspect, altitude, depressions and anticyclones (Eduqas and AQA)

Weather & climate, aspect, altitude, depressions and anticyclones (Eduqas and AQA)

Lesson, resources and homework all included. This is a double lesson that has a range of activities with all resources attached in addition to homework tasks that cover exam technique and retention. Students learn and apply their understanding of anticyclones and depressions with application to real life examples. This is lesson is in a sequence of lessons for this topic so please see other resources in the series.
Population and migration homework bundle

Population and migration homework bundle

A variety of worksheets for mix and match homework's to compliment a series of population lessons. The tasks differ depending on their level of skill, effort and knowledge. The tasks are standalone and there are enough tasks for 6 weeks of homework once per week. No planning needed all sheets are prepared.
Flooding in Bangladesh, cause and effect with consolidation exam question! (Part 1) Eduqas and AQA

Flooding in Bangladesh, cause and effect with consolidation exam question! (Part 1) Eduqas and AQA

This lesson follows a typical examination structure of looking at causes and effects of flooding in a less developed country, Bangladesh. There are a variety of tasks and skills that are all planned and need to be printed directly from the power point or are attached. Students have to categorize, make decisions, evaluate and write an exam response using the information in the lesson. This lesson works really well as a comparison lesson for students after completing the River Severn Part 1 and 2.
Q & A booklet of all topics for Component 1 - Geography flashcard revision questions

Q & A booklet of all topics for Component 1 - Geography flashcard revision questions

This booklet contains question and answer for all of the topics that are contained in component 1 for Eduqas and also suitable for AQA GCSE Geography. The following topics are covered: Distinctive landscapes River landscapes, landforms and flooding Coastal landscapes, landforms and processes Urban and rural links Urban challenges and sustainability Rural challenged and sustainability UK population including ageing populations Coastal vulnerability Coastal management (with case studies) SIDS and LECZ’s with case studies This booklet was used to distribute to parents in order to assist parents quiz their child to revise, parents that did not attend were sent the packs home (I have included the instructions on the front). These booklets are also used for students to test each other and make their own flash cards. There is a booklet for component 2 also - please see my shop.