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I have been developing resources for teachers for over 15 years and teaching for almost 20 years.




I have been developing resources for teachers for over 15 years and teaching for almost 20 years.
Shays Rebellion Debate: Were Shays and his men rebels or freedom fighters!

Shays Rebellion Debate: Were Shays and his men rebels or freedom fighters!

Students will debate the Shays Rebellion based on the following question: Were Shays and his men rebels or freedom fighters! In the packet students will analyze 3 primary sources from different perspectives and then split off into groups to prepare for their debate. There is a two page guide to help them prepare for the debate with a few probing questions as well. This product comes in both PDF and Microsoft Word so that it can be easily edited to meet your needs
MOCK TRIAL: Babysitter Contract Violation

MOCK TRIAL: Babysitter Contract Violation

This packet will guide students through a fun and engaging mock trial. This packet sets up an issue that deals with a babysitting contract that may have been violated and guides the students through a mock trial
Shays Rebellion Essay with Primary Sources

Shays Rebellion Essay with Primary Sources

This packet analyzes the Shays Rebellion through 3 primary sources where students will make judgments on the writings. Students will then determine whether or not Shays and his men were rebels or freedom fighters in an essay. Here is what is in the packet: 3 primary source documents on Shays Rebellion from different perspectives. A how to write your essay guide. A helpful writing tips guide for struggling writers. Essay writing doc with the essential question. This packet is in a Word doc that is editable as well as a PDF file.
Mary Surratt: Was she involved in the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln?

Mary Surratt: Was she involved in the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln?

Students will attempt to solve the mystery as to whether or not Mary Surratt was involved in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Essential Question: Did Mary Surratt conspire with John Wilkes booth and other Confederate sympathizers to kill Abraham Lincoln? Here is what is in the packet: Lesson plan There are 9 different clues to include pictures, videos and primary source readings. Detective log with probing questions and a spot to write final judgement as to whether or not Mary Surratt was guilty. The packet is in Microsoft word so you can edit it as well as PDF.
The Creation of Adam Painting Art History by Michelangelo

The Creation of Adam Painting Art History by Michelangelo

This lesson looks at The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo and the influences that may have influenced his painting. The reading pays special attention to a new theory that God is painted with the backdrop of a atomically correct human brain. It also mentions other influential theories and ideas within the painting as well. Here is what is in the resource: A one page read on the history of The Creation of Adam painting and the theories that influenced its design. A worksheet that looks at the influences of Michelangelo with several questions and pictures. I have made a copy in color as well as black and white for the packet. The resource is in a PDF as well as a Word Doc if you need to edit it.
Salem Witch Trials: Primary Source Activity

Salem Witch Trials: Primary Source Activity

The Salem Witch Trials packet contains the following items: A worksheet that explains how to identify a witch and how to get out of being accused of witchcraft. Includes answer key. A Historical Detective Log that has questions for students to answer as they examine the primary sources of the Salem Witch Craft Trials. There are 3 primary source documents that look at three different people tried in Salem of witchcraft that include their fates. There is a video link with questions to a modern day theory as to why people in Salem acted so weird at the time. There are 9 pages of resources in total.
App Design Process Journal with App Lab Project: Create an App!

App Design Process Journal with App Lab Project: Create an App!

Students will use the design process Journal and App Lab to create an App that helps someone in society. The design process Journal is in PowerPoint that will help guide the students through the design process, developing ideas and creating an app. There is also links to Introduction to App Lab so students can learn the program and App Lab where the students will create their app. App Lab is a simple program where students can design and create apps. There is also links to a few help videos as well. Objective: Students will create an App that solves a problem in society using the Design Process Journal and App Lab to design, build and record the results of the App they created.
September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack and The Day of Infamy: Compare The Speeches

September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack and The Day of Infamy: Compare The Speeches

This activity looks at the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks by looking at president Bushes address to the nation and comparing it to the FDR’s speech when Pearl Harbor was attacked. The pack includes the following: Teacher guide/Lesson Plan Links to short videos of the events of Sept 11, and Pearl Harbor to build background knowledge. Primary source speech: President Bushes address to the nation Sept 11, 2001 with follow up questions. Primary source speech: FDRs Day of Infamy speech with follow up questions. Links to the speeches of each president. Speech writing activity.
Salem Witch Trials Puppet Show with Primary Sources

Salem Witch Trials Puppet Show with Primary Sources

This is a fun activity for students to learn about the Salem Witch Trials. Here is what is in the packet: -There are 3 different Priamry source scripts for the puppet shows: · Testimony of Tituba a Slave from the Island of Barbados: Salem Court Trial May 1692 · Testimony of Rebecca Nurse: March 1692 · George Jacobs Jr. May 1692 Testimony in Court -Worksheet to analyze primary source document -Teachers guide -Rubric -There is a parent letter to get puppet show donations -BONUS! Additional resource that is fun! Worksheet on how to identify a witch. NOTE: This product is in both PDF and Microsoft Word so you can edit it.
American Revolution Smallpox Pandemic: How George Washington Defeats Smallpox

American Revolution Smallpox Pandemic: How George Washington Defeats Smallpox

In this packet students will look at 6 different primary sources in order to determine if the British used smallpox against the American colonists during the American Revolution and what George Washington did to defeat smallpox before he could defeat the British. This packet includes the following items: A worksheet explaining the effects of smallpox, how a person was infected, and interesting facts about the disease with questions. 6 primary source documents A historical detective log to answer questions about the primary sources. A final judgement worksheet. Answer Key This packet is in both Microsoft Word so it can be edited as well as PDF.
Salem Witch Trial Trivia Game

Salem Witch Trial Trivia Game

Have fun learning or reviewing the Salem Witch Trial playing a fun trivia game. This game is in PowerPoint and can easily be edited if you want to change a question or two.
Spanish Flu 1918 to 1919

Spanish Flu 1918 to 1919

Here is what is in the packet: Informational worksheet about the causes and effects of the Spanish Flu. 5 primary sources on the Spanish Flu. A Historical Detective Log that logs the evidence of the Spanish Flu from the primary sources with follow up questions. Final judgement worksheet. Answer Key.
Internet Safety, Stop Cyber Bullying, Online Safety

Internet Safety, Stop Cyber Bullying, Online Safety

This online safety packet contains the following items: Internet safety quiz with answer key Anti-cyberbullying brochure with instructions and rubric. Online safety quiz with answer key Cyberbullying activity Online safety interactions worksheet Anti-cyberbullying comic creation worksheet Anti-cyberbullying wristband activity Anti-cyberbullying class activity Stop cyberbullying short story with questions worksheet Taking action against cyberbullying worksheet A total of 17 pages!
Design a Locker: Design Process Journal

Design a Locker: Design Process Journal

Students will use the attached design process journal to redesign their locker. There is an extension as well to pitch their product. Instructions: Use the design process to create a design of a locker. Fill out the steps to the design process below before creating your prototype. Your locker should have new accessories and features and be designed as the locker of the future! Objective: Students will create a locker design that is designed by them using the design process journal. Total of 10 pages.
AI Worksheets: Artificial Intelligence

AI Worksheets: Artificial Intelligence

This packet looks at the pros and cons of artificial intelligence and what computers can do well and what they struggle with. Packet includes: A 1 page read on “The Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence” with questions. A 1 page read on “What Computers Can’t Do” with questions.
Design Process Journal: Design a Website

Design Process Journal: Design a Website

DESIGN PROCESS JOURNAL Instructions: Use the design process to create a website that addresses a worldwide problem. Examples could be trash in our oceans, a disease like cancer, saving the turtles, pollution, clean drinking water, deforestation, world hunger, or other world wide concern. Fill out the steps to the design process below in the design process journal before creating your prototype. Your website should address the world wide issue you choose and give solutions to address the problem. There is a lesson extension that explains to students how to create a pitch and then pitch their product. GOOGLE CLASSROOM READY!


Students will learn the design process by creating an app using the design process journal. This 10 page packet directs students through the entire design process to build a better product. This project is modeled after the IB design process. It also has an extension to pitch the product.