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Palmer's Language Services

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My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.




My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.
Mandarin Chinese Year 1:  Stage 1: Telling the time - O'clock

Mandarin Chinese Year 1: Stage 1: Telling the time - O'clock

Welcome to Stage 1 of telling the time in Mandarin Chinese! This pack instructs learners how to tell the time in Mandarin Chinese using only o'clock. There is an explicit powerpoint which provides good instructions followed by interactive activities. There are also accompanying differentiated workbook for learners of all levels. Happy teaching and learning!
Mandarin Chinese Year 1: Stage 5: Telling the time - the whole hour

Mandarin Chinese Year 1: Stage 5: Telling the time - the whole hour

Welcome to Stage 5 of telling the time in Mandarin Chinese! This pack instructs learners how to tell the time in Mandarin Chinese in the whole hour. There is an explicit powerpoint which provides good instructions followed by interactive activities. There are also accompanying differentiated workbooks for learners of all levels. Happy teaching and learning!
French: Expressing distance

French: Expressing distance

Here is a useful worksheet to express distance in French. There are differentiated questions available. This activity is geared towards learners of IGCSE French and A-Level French. Happy teaching and learning!
Primary French: Breakfast (Part 1)

Primary French: Breakfast (Part 1)

Here is part 1 of breakfast items in French. The powerpoint introduces differentiated vocabulary for different levels, followed by various activities and a quiz. This pack also contains differentiated workbooks for different levels where children colour in the words blue, as it only contains masculine nouns (and they can colour in the pictures too!). This is ideal for Key Stage 1 and 2 French. New vocabulary: Le café Le pain grillé Des oeufs Le beurre Le jus d'orange Differentiated vocabulary: Des oeufs brouillés (scrambled eggs) Un oeuf à la coque (a boiled egg)
French: 'Venir de' in the imperfect form + the infinitive

French: 'Venir de' in the imperfect form + the infinitive

A very tricky concept to master but hopefully this powerpoint with subsequent activities will reduce any difficulties your students may have when attempting to grasp this concept. Students who are studying the IGCSE / A-Level / IB French programme will definitely become acquainted with this concept at some point. Happy teaching and learning!
Etre verbs poster

Etre verbs poster

A useful poster that can be put up on classroom walls and displays and good revision for verbs that take etre as the auxiliary verb. It can be printed out and blown up to A3 size and then laminated!
The passive - Higher level

The passive - Higher level

Worksheet based on the passive which is really useful for either IGCSE, A-Level or IB level. Students study the pronouns and the verbs and then write sentences using the passive in the past and the future. They need to pay close attention to agreement as necessary.
Mandarin Chinese:  Months of the year and dates (higher level)

Mandarin Chinese: Months of the year and dates (higher level)

This attractive colouring in workbook is designed for learners of Mandarin Chinese who are learning Mandarin for the first time. After having coloured in the twelve pictures and practised their character writing, they can do the subsequent exercises which follow, including dates in Chinese. This workbook is geared towards students of a stronger ability, gifted and talented students and students whose native tongue is Cantonese or who have been exposed to traditional characters.
Primary and Secondary French:  Numbers 1-100 picture pairs

Primary and Secondary French: Numbers 1-100 picture pairs

Picture pairs numbers 1-100 in French. This is ideal for Key Stage level 2-3 French and also for learners of a stronger ability or gifted and talented learners. There is also a differentiated version available. Instructions: Print off each slide and them laminate them. Cut along the black line to separate them and begin playing! Happy playing and learning!
Primary French:  Numbers 1-10 picture pairs

Primary French: Numbers 1-10 picture pairs

Picture pairs numbers 1-10 in French. This is ideal for Key Stage level 1-2 French. Instructions: Print off each slide and them laminate them. Cut along the black line to separate them and begin playing! Happy playing and learning!
Primary French: Numbers 1-20 picture pairs

Primary French: Numbers 1-20 picture pairs

Picture pairs numbers 1-20 in French. This is ideal for Key Stage level 1-2 French. Instructions: Print off each slide and them laminate them. Cut along the black line to separate them and begin playing! Happy playing and learning!
French: Quiz on probability

French: Quiz on probability

If you are teaching words such as ‘certainement’, ‘sans doute’, ‘jamais’, probablement’ and ‘peut-etre’, the completion of this quiz might do the trick! There is also a differentiated version for IGCSE level or native speakers of French, which is in French. This resource is free! Help yourself and happy teaching and learning!
Mandarin Chinese Year 1: Lesson 2-2: Animals, numbers 1-10 and age

Mandarin Chinese Year 1: Lesson 2-2: Animals, numbers 1-10 and age

Unit 2: Animals Lesson 2-2: Animals, numbers 1-10, age Vocabulary: 岁 (measure word for age),兔子 (rabbit),鸡 (chicken),鱼 (fish),六 (6),七 (7),八 (8),九 (9),十 (10) (total: 39 words) (total number of characters: 41) Differentiation: 牛 (cow), (total: 42 words) (total number of characters: 53) Objective 1: Recall a total of six animals studied (seven for more able speakers) Objective 2: Recall the numbers from 1-10 in Mandarin Chinese Objective 3: Recall how to express one's age in Mandarin Chinese Present each item of vocabulary and the students repeat each item. There are games and exercises which follow. Happy teaching and learning!
Mandarin Chinese Year 1: Activity 2-1 (higher level version): Animals and numbers 1-5

Mandarin Chinese Year 1: Activity 2-1 (higher level version): Animals and numbers 1-5

Unit 2: Animals Activity 2-1: Animals and numbers 1-5 This activity is designed for children in their first year studying Mandarin Chinese. This is a higher level version geared towards gifted and talented students, native Mandarin speakers and students whose mother tongue is Cantonese. Listening: Listen and circle three items as they are called out and listening comprehension (for the listening comprehension, you will need to create your own voice recording as this website won't allow me to upload a sound file) : 狗, 猫,鸟,绵羊,山羊,有,没有 Writing: Write and repeat several times the following vocabulary: 狗, 猫,鸟,有,山羊,绵羊,没有, 一, 二, 两, 三, 四, 五 Writing extension: Write the vocabulary associated with the pictures aided/unaided Happy teaching and learning!
Mandarin Chinese Year 1 (lower level version): Activity 2-1: Animals and Numbers 1-5

Mandarin Chinese Year 1 (lower level version): Activity 2-1: Animals and Numbers 1-5

Unit 2: Animals Activity 2-1: Animals and numbers 1-5 This activity is designed for children in their first year studying Mandarin Chinese Listening: Listen and circle three items as they are called out and listening comprehension (for the listening comprehension, you will need to create your own voice recording as this website won't allow me to upload a sound file) : 狗, 猫,鸟,有,没有 Writing: Write and repeat several times the following vocabulary: 狗, 猫,鸟,有,没有, 一, 二, 两, 三, 四, 五 Writing extension: Write the vocabulary associated with the pictures aided/unaided If there are any students (i.e. Cantonese speaking students, mother-tongue students, gifted and talented) who you deem capable of going beyond this range of vocabulary, there is a differentiated work book available.
French: Comparatives (higher level version)

French: Comparatives (higher level version)

Comparatives are necessary when students are studying the Key Stage 3, GCSE and IGCSE programme. This powerpoint depicts and explains the formation of comparatives in general. It starts off depicting very basic examples such as using numbers and then progresses onto more complex material. This powerpoint is designed towards native French speakers and gifted and talented students. There is a quiz at the end of the powerpoint based on general knowledge. There is also a lower level differentiated version available for students of a lower ability. Happy teaching and learning!