This lesson plan includes an ActivInspire flipchart with template for science experiment write up, visual examples of how magnets work and discussion points.
A lovely gift to give your pupils to treasure forever. 8 A5 pages to fill with their own drawings and opinions on their year in your class.
Includes: Self-Portrait, Topic headers (to write about favourite activities they have done and draw pictures), Favourite class book you’ve used this year (mini review and picture) and space for the class to write little messages to each other (thank you for being my talk partner, thanks for playing with me at lunch, I’ll miss you in summer, etc)
Fractions unit on ActivInspire - focusing on what is a fraction? equal/non-equal parts, finding fractions of shapes, finding fractions of amounts using bar modellings and identifying mixed numbers and counting forward and backwards in halves and quarters. Includes differentiated questions for pupils to answer when finding fractions of amounts.
2 weeks of planning and activities for writing a letter based on the book, ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. This planning includes an ActivInspire Flipchart and a less interactive PowerPoint version of the resource.
It includes two SPAG lessons on sentence types and contractions, modelled examples and checklist for pupils to self-assess against. Inspired by the book, pupils will write as an object from the classroom (gluestick, ruler, pencil sharpener etc.) and explain the problems they have and asking if the class can help fix those problems! Includes a day for cold write and a day for ‘celebration writing’ or final edit written up neatly.
Over a weeks worth of lesson material from a flipchart including links to audio inspiration and a documentary on the Amazon River. ActivInspire flipchart with modelled examples and activities. This journal has a sensory and descriptive focus with more typical chronological journal features including opinions, time adverbials and structure.
Now includes a Powerpoint Version
Three weeks of Fractions planning including success criteria, objectives, mastery challenges. Works well with Abacus Maths planning. Including examples for questions and ActivInspire flipcharts to support learning.
A week of planning and ActivInspire flipchart full of resources for a Persuasive letter asking Lord Farquaard for Shrek’s swamp back. Focusses on having reasons and backing them up with evidence - some from the film and others made up using fairy-tales that we know.
These resources go with the medium term plan for Dinosaurs. Includes three ActivInspire flipcharts, worksheets for some of the lessons and a title page for their books.
A whole term’s worth of lessons which refer to the national curriculum’s year 2 objectives for history, geography, art and D+T. This bundle includes resources such as ActivInspire flipcharts, worksheets and success criteria.
Multiplying 2 or 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers
Multiplying 2 digit by 2 digit numbers
ActiveInspire flipcharts using CPA mastery approach using contextual examples to support learning.
Refers to the national curriculum objectives for history, geography, art and D+T. This bundle includes a terms worth of topic lessons and resources including ActivInspire flipcharts and worksheets with success criteria.