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A Level Natural Hazards Information Sheets

A Level Natural Hazards Information Sheets

Formation of Earthquakes Formation of Volcanoes Types of Volcanoes Volcano Hazard and Case Studies Comparing Responses to volcanic eruptions/ Risk Perception Earthquake hazards and tsunamis Haiti and Christchurch Managing Earthquakes Causes of mass movements Examples of mass movements Landslides and impacts on lives and property Avalanches Impacts and Solutions to Avalanches Predicting, Preparing and Monitoring Mass Movements Tropical Storms Hazards associated with tropical storms Hurricane Katrina Tornadoes and formation Tornado impacts and management Sustainable management of hazards
Hazards Resulting from Tectonic Processes Class Powerpoints

Hazards Resulting from Tectonic Processes Class Powerpoints

Class Notes Lesson 1 Earthquake Distribution and Formation Lesson 2 Volcanoes Distribution and Formation Lesson 3 Earthquake Hazards Lesson 4 Managing Earthquake Hazards and case studies Lesson 5 Volcanic Hazards Lesson 6 Managing Volcanic Hazards and case studies Lesson 7 Living with Volcanoes
Population AS Level  20 hours Full Scheme of Work. Lessons and Work booklet.

Population AS Level 20 hours Full Scheme of Work. Lessons and Work booklet.

The package includes: Population Intro Births and Fertility Death Rates Life Expectancy Population Structure Demographic Transition Changes in Demographic Indies Ageing Population Youthful Population Population and Development Food Security Technology in Food Production Constraints in Sustaining Populations Carrying Capacity Over Population The Management of Natural Increase Anti-Natal One Child Policy China Workbooks x3 Revision Templates Key Terms
AS Cambridge 4.1 Natural Increase as a component of population Change. 5LESSONS AND WORKBOOK

AS Cambridge 4.1 Natural Increase as a component of population Change. 5LESSONS AND WORKBOOK

Lesson 1- Population Introduction Lesson 2- Births and Fertility Lesson 3- Death Rates Lesson 4- Life Expectancy Lesson 5- Population Structure Work booklet for all. Please note there is no scheme of work attached. The idea is to make use of the power points with the work booklet. Some tasks are explained, others would be discussion or using common sense to create your own. A very detailed template to get started. Thanks
FairTrade 9 Hours Worth of Content. Murder Mystery and Persuasive Speech

FairTrade 9 Hours Worth of Content. Murder Mystery and Persuasive Speech

Split into 5 lessons this series of Fairtrade content offers 9 hours of quality teaching. Lessons 1-3 look at the climate required to growing cocoa beans, involves work with climate graphs, maps and weather. Lesson 4 is a real life murder investigation of a French Journalist in Ivory Coast and Ghana as a resulting of reporting about Child Slaves from Burkina Faso used to harvest cocoa beans. Pupils then try to solve unresolved mystery of who was responsible for this death. Lesson 5- Introduces Fair Trade as a solution. Pupils investigate Kuapa KoKoo organisation and use this information to write a persuasive speech to buy Fair Trade Products. Youtube videos required are Spilling the Beans, Kuapa Kokoo and Panorama’s Dark Side of Chocolate. No SOW instructions but all content and tasks are explained on the power points. Easy to use and adapt to suit your own lessons.
Can Eating Insects Save The Planet?

Can Eating Insects Save The Planet?

An excellent stand alone to inspire and provoke alternative thinking in your classes. This lesson examines the though of eating insect and the potential benefits that coincide. Watch your pupils squirm and change their ideas on what could be served as lunch.
Year 9 Mysterious World

Year 9 Mysterious World

An imaginative and creative small SOW perfect for inspiring the wonders of the world. The content includes: Lesson 1- Easter Island Lesson 2 - Bermuda Triangle Lesson 3- The Lost City of Atlantis Lesson 4- Sliding Rocks Mystery
KS3 The Geography of Crime

KS3 The Geography of Crime

These lessons examine the geography of crime beginning at a local level moving to national and international. The lessons build up to the heroin trade in Afghanistan where pupils are required to evaluate the best method in shutting it down.


3 Resources
Bargain. Three schemes of work aimed for KS3 but can easily be adapted for KS4. Each scheme uses imaginative and creative teaching strategies and have assessments built in. Climate Change Global Inequality The Future of food
Climate Change Scheme of work -  outstanding ofsted

Climate Change Scheme of work - outstanding ofsted

This is a topic that I have updated recently as a result of significant media attention. The lessons follow a logical structure and offer imaginative and creative ideas to help pupils understand all corners of the topic. Not only do pupils understand the causes and effects, they examine evidence as to whether or not climate change is real or a hoax. The lessons are as follows: Lesson 1- Intro to climate change Lesson 2- Climate Change, real or hoax Lesson 3- The Ice Age Debate Lesson 4- Worst Case Scenario Lesson 5,6- Impacts of Climate Change Lesson 7- Impacts on the UK This content is suitable for year 9 but is taught to a high level and is more than suitable to use for GCSE. Most content is taken from our GCSE lessons
Brazils world cup

Brazils world cup

This lesson examines the recent developments in Brazil following the world cup. The objective of the lesson is to decide whether or not the world cup benefited or caused the country problems problems . It uses a range of AFL techniques and creative tasks for the students to complete. I was seen teaching this lesson during an oftsed inspection and was given OUTSTANDING.