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Restless Earth Revision Booklet

Restless Earth Revision Booklet

This is a revision booklet for the Restless Earth topic in AQA A spec. The booklet has a repeat remind revise approach and is very effective in embedding key processes and case study content. This booklet gives small pieces of information and then immediately has an activity for pupils to complete. It has shown excellent results in exams for pupil who have not studied restless earth since the start of year 10. It can also be used to recap on certain sections. I find best to print out in a small A5 booklet. Topics Structure of the earth Plate boundaries (Types and examples) Fold Mountain Formation Andes Fold Mountain case study - Challenges / Solutions / Land Uses Type of Volcanoes (Descriptions / Formations) MT ST Helens Case study - Causes, Responses Effects Super Volcano - Yellowstone (Formation, Effects) Earthquake (Formation) Kobe Case Study Effects / Responses Haiti Case Study Effects / Responses MEDC Vs LEDC Earthquake Tsunami Formation Boxing Day Tsunami Effects / Responses