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Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

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I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike. If you buy a resource and are happy with it - leave a review and get a resource of your choice for free! Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and your chosen free resource (up to the value of your purchased resource).


This resource contains two differentiated worksheets on onomatopoeia. You may also be interested in: Onomatopoeia – Set of 22 Worksheets This resource contains a set of 22 worksheets on the literary device of onomatopoeia. Tasks include identifying onomatopoeic words in sentences and literature, using onomatopoeia in sentences, using onomatopeaia to describe scenes and to create adverts. Onomatopoeia PowerPoint Lesson This resource contains an engaging 75-slide PowerPoint lesson on onomatopoeia. The PowerPoint includes: A explanation and definition of onomatopoeia. Why it is used. Examples of onomatopoeia from poetry, literature, adverts and comics -including The Ancient Mariner (Samuel Taylor Coleridge), The Highwayman (Alfred Noyes), The Charge of the Light Brigade (Alfred Tennyson), The Lake Isle of Innisfree (W. B. Yeats), The Bells (Edgar Allan Poe), The Tempest (William Shakespeare) and For Whom the Bell Tolls (Ernest Hemingway). Challenges and opportunities within the PowerPoint for pupils to identify and use onomatopoeia. Images to stimulate students to compose their own onomatopoeic words. The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to a short, entertaining video on onomatopoeia; some adverts containing onomatopoeia and a recitation by Roger McGough of his poem ‘The Sound Collector’. Onomatopoeia – Set of 30 Posters This resource contains a set of 30 colourful posters on the literary device of onomatopoeia. Save money and buy all three resources in a bundle at s discounted rate: Onomatopoeia Bundle Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 1 - Numbers to 20

Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 1 - Numbers to 20

This is a worksheet designed for students working towards Functional Skills Maths qualifications working at Entry Level 1 (Edexcel-Pearson, NCFE, City and Guilds, AQA, Highfield Qualifications, NOCN, Open Awards). The worksheet focuses on number recognition, reading and writing numbers to 20 and simple word problems. You may also be interested in: Functional Skills Maths - Entry Level 1 - Numbers 1-20 Workbook This resource contains an age-appropriate, 17-page workbook with progress check, certificate of achievement and answers for- using numbers and the number system – whole numbers. Learning Outcomes: Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 20 Use whole numbers to count up to 20 items including zero Tasks and activities include: Reading Numbers to 20 Writing Numbers to 20 Ordering Numbers to 20 Comparing Numbers to 20 Counting up to 20 items Solving word problems involving numbers up to 20 Other Entry Level maths can be viewed in the following bundles: Entry Level 3 Maths 10 Workbooks Bundle This bundle contains 13 workbooks with answers, study notes, progress checks and certificates of achievement. Component 1: Properties of Numbers Component 2: Addition Component 2: Subtraction Component 2: Multiplication Component 2: Division Component 2: Estimation Component 2: Mixed Operation Word Problems Component 3 Ratio Component 4: Money Component 5: Time Component 6: Measure Component 7: Geometry Component 8 Statistics Entry Level 2 Maths 10 Workbooks Bundle This bundle contains 10 workbooks. Component 1: Properties of Numbers Component 2: Operations - Addition to 100 Component 2: Operations - Subtraction to 100 Component 2: Operations - Multiplication Component 3 Ratio Component 4: Money Component 5: Time Component 6: Measure Component 8 Statistics Entry Level 1 Maths 10 Workbooks Bundle The bundle contains 10 workbooks. Component 1: Properties of Numbers Component 2: Addition and Subtraction to 20 Component 3 Ratio - Fractions – Halves Component 4: Money Component 5: Time Component 6: Measures: Length and Height Component 6: Measures: Weight Component 6: Measures: Volume Component 7: Geometry Component 8 Statistics More Functional Skills Maths Resources Entry Level English Resources
Capital Letters and Full Stops: Worksheets

Capital Letters and Full Stops: Worksheets

This resource contains worksheets on using full stops and capital letters accurately in sentence demarcation. Tasks include inserting full stops and capital letters in correct places, simple comprehension - pupils answer in full sentences, writing about a character. You may also be interested in: Literacy Resource Pack The resource includes a set of 14 exercises/ tasks to enable students to use full stops and capital letters accurately in sentence demarcation. Task 1 - Pupils rewrite a short paragraph (about 100 words) placing full stops and capital letters in the correct places. The content is designed to be engaging and about different characters who the pupils ought to be able to identify with. Task 2 - Pupils complete a short comprehension about the paragraph answering in full sentences with a capital letter at the beginning and full stop at the end. Task 3 - Involves pupils writing a short paragraph about a stimulating featured character. These worksheets are ideal to give pupils practice at using capital letters and full stops in their writing to reinforce and consolidate this skill. This resource is also appropriate for SEND pupils and older pupils who find sentence demarcation challenging. . More Free English Worksheets Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide. How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step by Step Guide
Capital Letters and Full Stops Worksheets

Capital Letters and Full Stops Worksheets

This resource contains two worksheets about using capital letters and full stops in sentence demarcation. The tasks involves unscrambling sentences and inserting full stops and capital letters in the correct place and deciding where the full stops and capital letters should be. You may also be interested in: Full Stops and Capital Letters 15 Page Workbook The workbook contains 15 worksheets on using full stops to demarcate sentences. Answers are included. Tasks include: Placing full stops at the end of simple sentences Placing full stops in writing containing several sentences Placing full stops in short paragraphs Composing own sentences Correcting sentences in which the full stops have been incorrectly placed Full Stops - 55 Slide PowerPoint Lesson This resource contains a fully editable, 55 slide PowerPoint lesson presented by the punctuation character - the ‘Full Stop’ explaining how and when to use the full stop and why it is important to place it accurately in writing. It also clearly demonstrates that a capital letter is needed at the start of a sentence. Ample opportunities are provided throughout the PowerPoint for pupils to decide where the full stops and capital letters should go. It also contains a link to a short video on full stops. Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate: Full Stops - PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook More English Resources
Science Christmas Quiz

Science Christmas Quiz

This is a short Christmas-themed Science Quiz. You may also be interested in: Christmas Science Quiz - 50 Questions This is an editable, 50-question Christmas-themed Science PowerPoint quiz. It can be administered in a variety of ways - to individuals or teams. The answers can be found by clicking on the question mark image on the bottom right-hand corner of each slide. There are 3 possible answers for students to choose from making it accessible to a range of students. An answer sheet is provided to allow individuals/teams to record their answers. You may also be interested in: Christmas Quiz - 100 Questions Christmas History Quiz - 50 Questions Christmas Geography Quiz - 50 Questions Pub Style Printable Christmas Quiz – 12 rounds – 120 Questions Printable, Paper-Based Quiz and Puzzles Christmas Quiz – 100 Questions – It’s a Cracker! More Christmas Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
The Possessive Apostrophe / Apostrophe for Possession Worksheet

The Possessive Apostrophe / Apostrophe for Possession Worksheet

This resource contains two worksheets on the possessive apostrophe / apostrophe for possession . You may also be interested in: Possessive Apostrophe - 15 Page Workbook This resource contains a 15-page workbook (with answers) on using the possessive apostrophe / apostrophe for possession for both singular and plural nouns. It also contains an information sheet on how to use apostrophes for possession. Possessive Apostrophe - 60 Slide PowerPoint Lesson This resource contains an editable, 60-slide PowerPoint lesson on the possessive apostrophe. It explains how to use the apostrophe to show possession for singular and plural nouns. The PowerPoint provides lots of examples and opportunities for students to use the apostrophe appropriately. The presentation also includes a hyperlink to a short video on the apostrophe for possession. Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate: Possessive Apostrophe - PowerPoint Lesson and Set of Worksheets More English Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step by step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Place Value -Year 2

Place Value -Year 2

Two worksheets on using a place value chart and comparing numbers. You may also be interested in: Year 2: Autumn Term Year 2 Place Value Week 2 Maths Workbook To Support Delivery of White Rose Maths More Free Maths Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Three Quarters - Year 2 Fractions - Free Worksheet

Three Quarters - Year 2 Fractions - Free Worksheet

This resource contains a worksheet on Year 2 fractions - finding three quarters of quantities. You may also be interested in: Year 2 Fractions - Set 3- 18 Worksheets - Equivalence of 2/4 and 1/2, Finding Three Quarters, Count in Fractions Year 2 Fractions - Set 2 - 24 Worksheets - Thirds, Unit Fractions, Non-Unit Fractions Year 2 Fractions - Set 1 Halves and Quarters - Set of 24 Worksheets These resources contains worksheets / workbook (with answers and progress check) of mastery maths resources to support the delivery of the Year 2 Fractions - Block 4 - Spring Term White Rose (WRM) ‘small steps’ programme. These resources are for Week 8,9 and 10.The worksheets contain tasks (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the White Rose small steps with an emphasis on the mastery approach to learning advocated by the White Rose scheme and include reasoning and problem-solving tasks. The resources focus on the following objectives and small steps: Year 2 Maths National Curriculum Objectives Recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4 of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity. Write simple fractions for example, 1/2 of 6 = 3 Recognise the equivalence of 2/4 and 1/2 White Rose Small Steps Make equal parts Recognise a half Find a half Recognise a quarter Find a quarter Recognise a third Find a third Unit fractions Non-unit fractions Equivalence of 1/2 and 2/4 Find three quarters Count in fractions More Free Maths Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Full Stops and Capital Letters - SEN / ESL

Full Stops and Capital Letters - SEN / ESL

This is a work sheet on using full stops and capital letters accurately in sentence demarcation. This resource is particularly aimed at SEN Entry Level pupils and pupils who older pupils who find sentence demarcation challenging. It is often difficult to get age appropriate material for older pupils who have yet to master the basics in punctuation and writing. You may also be interested in: Full Stops and Capital Letters Set of Worksheets The resource includes a set of 15 age appropriate writing tasks to enable older SEN students to use full stops and capital letters accurately in sentence demarcation. The content is based on pupils and teachers at Sunnydale Comprehensive School. Task 1 - Pupils rewrite a short paragraph (about 100 words) placing full stops and capital letters in the correct places. The content is designed to be engaging and about different characters who the pupils ought to be able to identify with. Task 2 - Pupils complete a short comprehension about the paragraph answering in full sentences with a capital letter at the beginning and full stop at the end. Task 3 - Involves pupils writing a short paragraph about a character. These worksheets are ideal to give pupils practice at using capital letters and full stops in their writing to reinforce and consolidate this skill. Full Stops - 40 Slide PowerPoint Lesson This resource contains a 40-slide PowerPoint lesson presented by the punctuation character - the ‘Full Stop’ explaining how and when to use the full stop and why it is important to place it accurately in writing. It also clearly demonstrates that a capital letter is needed at the start of a sentence. Ample opportunities are provided throughout the PowerPoint for pupils to decide where the full stops and capital letters should go. These resources are particularly aimed at SEN / ESL / Entry Level students who find sentence demarcation challenging. It is often difficult to get age appropriate material for older pupils who have yet to master the basics in punctuation and writing. More English Resources How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step by Step Guide
Subtraction : Year 2 Subtraction With Exchange FREE  Information Sheet and Worksheet

Subtraction : Year 2 Subtraction With Exchange FREE Information Sheet and Worksheet

Two worksheets on subtraction with exchange designed to support the delivery of the Year 2 Number: Addition and Subtraction Block 2 - Autumn Term White Rose (WRM) ‘small steps’ programme. Click on the link for more details. Year 2 Number: Addition and Subtraction Block 2 - Autumn Term Workbook 4 This resource contains a workbook (with answers and progress check) of mastery maths resources to support the delivery of the Year 2 Number: Addition and Subtraction Block 2 - Autumn Term White Rose (WRM) ‘small steps’ programme. These resources are for Week 2. The workbook contains 20 worksheets / activities (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the White Rose small steps with an emphasis on the mastery approach to learning advocated by the White Rose scheme and includes reasoning and problem-solving tasks. The workbooks are available in both PDF and word format to enable editing and personalisation of the workbook. The resources focus on the following objectives and small steps: Year 2 Maths’ National Curriculum Objectives Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently Derive and use related facts up to 100 Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally, including: a two-digit number and ones; a two-digit number and tens; two two-digit numbers; adding three one-digit numbers Show that the addition of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and subtraction of one number from another cannot. Solve problems with addition and subtraction: using concrete objects and pictorial representations, including those involving numbers, quantities and measures; applying their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods. Recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems. White Rose Small Steps Bonds to 100 (tens) Add and subtract 1s 10 more and 10 less Add and subtract 10s You may also be interested in More Free Maths Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step by Step Guide
ey words

ey words

This resource contains two worksheets on words ending in -ey that make the long ‘e’ sound. You may also be interested in: Set of 20 Differentiated Worksheets - Words Ending in -ey - The Long ‘e’ Sound This resource contains a set of 20 worksheets, some differentiated, on words ending in -ey at the end of a word with a long ‘e’ sound. Tasks include finding missing words, constructing sentences , word searches and spelling practice worksheets. PowerPoint Lesson - Words Ending in -ey This is a 55 slide PowerPoint lesson on words ending in -ey with the long ‘e’ sound. Words include journey, money, monkey, honey, jockey, abbey… It also explains that the plural of ‘ey’ words are formed by just adding the letter ‘s’. Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate: PowerPoint Lesson and Set of 20 Worksheets - Words Ending in -ey - The Long ‘e’ Sound These resources are appropriate for primary pupils and older SEN / ASL pupils who have yet to master the basics in phonics. More Free English Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide. How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Mixed Operation Word Problems - Entry Level Maths

Mixed Operation Word Problems - Entry Level Maths

This resource contains two worksheets on one-step and two-step mixed operation word problems for Entry Level 3 Maths students. You may also be interested in: Mixed Operation Word Problems - Entry Level 3 maths This resource has been designed for students working towards the AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths who are working at Entry Level 3. It contains an age-appropriate, 15 page workbook (15 worksheets) with revision notes for solving one step and two step, mixed operation word problems (Component 2: The Four Operations). Tasks and activities have been designed to achieve the following outcome: 3.4 Use and interpret +, –, x ,÷ and = in real-life situations for solving problems Other AQA Entry Level Maths workbooks at Entry levels 1, 2 and 3 Entry are available and can be viewed in the following bundles: AQA Entry Level 3 Maths 10 Workbooks Bundle This bundle contains 13 highly visual and age-appropriate workbooks / worksheets with answers, study notes, progress checks and certificates of achievement. In total there are 319 worksheets that cover the entire specification and all the components: Component 1: Properties of Numbers (42 pages) Component 2: Addition (14 pages) Component 2: Subtraction ( 15 pages) Component 2: Multiplication ( 21 pages) Component 2: Division (25 pages) Component 2: Estimation (15 pages) Component 2: Mixed Operation Word Problems (15 pages) Component 3 Ratio (30 pages) Component 4: Money (32 pages) Component 5: Time (32 pages) Component 6: Measure (29 pages) Component 7: Geometry (31 pages) Component 8 Statistics (18 pages) AQA Entry Level 2 Maths 10 Workbooks Bundle This bundle contains 10 workbooks / 237 worksheets. Component 1: Properties of Numbers (20 pages) Component 2: Operations - Addition to 100 ( 20 pages) Component 2: Operations - Subtraction to 100 ( 20 pages) Component 2: Operations - Multiplication (28 pages) Component 3 Ratio (25 pages) Component 4: Money (35 pages) Component 5: Time (22 pages) Component 6: Measure (22 pages) Component 7: Geometry (25 pages) Component 8 Statistics (20 pages) AQA Entry Level 1 Maths 10 Workbooks Bundle The bundle contains 10 workbooks / 240 worksheets. Component 1: Properties of Numbers (20 pages) Component 2: Addition and Subtraction to 20 (36 pages) Component 3 Ratio - Fractions – Halves (25 pages) Component 4: Money – (35 pages) Component 5: Time (22 pages) Component 6: Measures: Length and Height (22 pages) Component 6: Measures: Weight (20 pages) Component 6: Measures: Volume (15 pages) Component 7: Geometry (25 pages) Component 8 Statistics (20 pages)
Shape and Position: Entry Level 1 Maths

Shape and Position: Entry Level 1 Maths

This resource contains two age-appropriate worksheets on shape and position for pupils working at Entry Level 1 in maths following AQA’s Entry Level Maths course. You may also be interested in: Shape, Size, Position Workbook: AQA Entry Level 1 Maths This resource has been designed for students working towards the AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths who are working at Entry Level 1. It contains an age-appropriate, 25 page workbook that includes 25 worksheets (with answers), 2 progress checks and a certificate of achievement on shape and space (Component 7 - Geometry). It is available in PDF and an editable PowerPoint version. It is ideal for classwork, homework, revision or as an independent learning pack. This resource will help pupils to achieve these outcomes: recognise and name common shapes - squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, cubes compare and order a group of shapes, pictures or similar shapes of different size recognise congruent shapes use and understand the key words - smaller, smallest, bigger, biggest, larger, largest, thinner, thinnest, narrower, narrowest, wider, widest, longer, longest, shorter, shortest use and understand positional vocabulary - left, right, between, inside, outside, middle, below, under, above, on top (of) Shape, Size, Position 110 Slide Powerpoint Lesson The editable PowerPoint lesson clearly explains how to identify 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. It also explains what an angle is and what a quarter turn, half turn, three quarter turn and full turn are. The PowerPoint provides many opportunities for the pupils to practice and apply their knowledge of shape and space. It also contains links to several short videos on shape and space and example exam questions. It is ideal for introducing students to the shape and space component of the specification and for revision purposes. AQA Entry Level 1 Maths Workbooks and PowerPoints Bundle AQA Entry Level 1 Maths Workbooks Bundle AQA Entry Level 2 Maths Workbooks Bundle AQA Entry Level 3 Maths Workbooks Bundle Entry Level English Resources
Speech Marks

Speech Marks

This resource contains a short presentation on how to use speech marks/ quotation marks / inverted commas for direct speech in writing. You may also be interested in: Inverted Commas - 75 Slide PowerPoint Lesson This resource contains an editable, 75-slide Powerpoint lesson on inverted commas.The PowerPoint demonstrates how to: use inverted commas to enclose direct speech punctuate reporting clauses and direct speech punctuate split speech set out direct speech in writing use interesting words to replace ‘said’ Many opportunities are provided within the PowerPoint for pupils to punctuate direct speech. Inverted Commas - 26-Page Workbook This resource contains a 22 page workbook on inverted commas (speech marks/quotation marks/direct speech). It is appropriate for pupils in Years 3, 4 and 5 and older, SEN pupils who have yet to master the basics in punctuation. The workbook contains four information/revision sheets, 17 worksheets and an answer booklet. Tasks include: using inverted commas to enclose direct speech punctuating reporting clauses and direct speech punctuating split speech setting out direct speech in dialogue using alternative words to ‘said’ in reporting clauses composing writing containing direct speech Save money and buy both resources in a bundle at a discounted rate: Inverted Commas PowerPoint Lesson and Worknbook More English Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step by step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Weight Year 1 Free Worksheets

Weight Year 1 Free Worksheets

These are worksheets on weight for year 1 pupils - heavier / lighter and heaviest / lightest. You may also be interested in: Weight - Year 1 - Set of 24 Worksheets This resource contains 24 worksheets / workbook (with answers and progress check) of mastery maths resources to support the delivery of the Year 1 Measurement - Block 4 - Spring Term White Rose (WRM) ‘small steps’ programme. These resources are for Week 10. The worksheets contain tasks (concrete, pictorial and abstract) linked to the White Rose small steps with an emphasis on the mastery approach to learning advocated by the White Rose scheme and include reasoning and problem-solving tasks. The resources focus on the following objectives and small steps: Year 1 Maths National Curriculum Objectives Measure and begin to record mass/weight Compare, describe and solve practical problems for mass/weight: White Rose Small Steps Introduce weight and mass Measure mass Compare mass The worksheets are designed to enable the pupils to achieve the following learning outcomes: Pupils use the following terms to describe and compare weight - heavier, lighter, heaviest, lightest, mass. Pupils use non-standard units such as cubes, bricks, pencils to measure and compare the weight and mass of objects. Pupils use reasoning and problem solving skills to work out solutions to weight and mass problems. You may also be interested in an accompanying PowerPoint lesson: Measurement: Year 1 Weight PowerPoint Lesson More Maths Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step by Step Guide To be kept informed of new resources click here and follow.
-cian suffix

-cian suffix

This resource contains two differentiated worksheets on words ending in the suffix - cian. You may also be interested in: Words Ending in -cian This resource includes a set of 14 differentiated worksheets on words ending in -cian. Tasks include: Inserting missing -cian words into sentences. (3 worksheets) Solving anagrams - (2 worksheets) Spelling practice (2 worksheets) Using -cian words in sentences (2 worksheets) Word searches (3 worksheets) -cian root words exercise (1 worksheet) Definition of -cian words ( 1 worksheet) PowerPoint Lesson On Words Ending in -cian This is an editable, 60-slide PowerPoint lesson - on words ending in -cian ( the phoneme /j/ dʒ/ sound spelt as ‘cian’ at the end of words National Ccurriculum , English Programmes of Study Year 2). The PowerPoint includes: Adding ‘cian’ to root words Spelling challenges Anagram challenge Missing letter challenge Guess the occupation Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate. Words Ending in -cian: PowerPoint Lesson and Set of 14 Worksheets More Free English Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide. How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide


This resource contains two worksheets on adjectives. You may also be interested in: Adjectives - 28 Page Workbook Tasks involve: Matching adjectives to pictures Using adjectives to describe objects Identifying adjectives in word searches Identifying adjectives in sentences Identifying adjectives and the noun they describe Identifying adjectives in poems and literature Choosing adjectives for nouns Choosing adjectives to describe pictures and images Inserting adjectives into sentences from a word bank Writing sentences with adjectives Sorting words into adjectives, nouns and verbs Adjectives - 80 Slide PowerPoint Lesson This is an editable, 80-slide PowerPoint lesson on adjectives. The PowerPoint includes: An explanation of what adjectives are Examples of adjectives Identifying adjectives tasks Using interesting adjectives tasks The PowerPoint also contains two hyperlinks to videos about adjectives. Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate: Adjectives PowerPoint Lesson and Workbook More English Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Winter Olympics Sports Worksheet - Beijing 2022

Winter Olympics Sports Worksheet - Beijing 2022

This resource contains two worksheets on Winter Olympic sports. You may also be interested in: The Winter Olympics Beijing 2022 Presentation The PowerPoint focuses on: The History of the Winter Olympics The events in the Winter Games GB's performances and achievements in past Olympics Eddie the Eagle GB's ten gold medallists Beijing 2022 The Venues and Stadiums The Beijing 2022 mascot Team GB and medal hopes for Beijing The presentation includes a number of the events taking place at the Games, GB's ice hockey gold medal, Eddie the Eagle's ski jumping, John Curry and Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean's ice-dances and the amazing snowboarders, Jamie Nicholls and Katie Ormerod, in action. The Winter Olympics 2018 - 50 Question PowerPoint Quiz This resource contains a fully editable, 50-question PowerPoint quiz on the Winter Olympics and the 2018 Olympic Winter Games at PyeongChang, Korea. Questions focus on: The History of the Winter Olympics The events in the Winter Games GB's performances and achievements in past Olympics PyeongChang 2018 The quiz contains 50 questions, with three possible answers. It can be administered in a variety of ways - to individuals or teams. Answers can be found by clicking on the snowboard image on the bottom right-hand corner of each slide. A question and answer sheet is provided to allow individuals/teams to record answers. The Winter Olympics Puzzle Pack - Word Searches, Anagrams and Winter Sports Puzzles This Winter Olympic themed puzzle pack contains: 3 differentiated word searches 3 differentiated anagram worksheets 3 differentiated winter sports puzzles It is an ideal resource to use during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Money Worksheets: AQA Entry Level 1 Maths

Money Worksheets: AQA Entry Level 1 Maths

This resource contains two age-appropriate worksheets on money for pupils working at Entry Level 1 in maths. You may be interested in: AQA - Money: Entry Level 1 Workbook This resource has been designed for students working towards the AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths who are working at Entry Level 1. It contains an age-appropriate, 35-page workbook that includes 35 worksheets (with answers), a progress check and a certificate of achievement on money: Component 4. This resource will help pupils to achieve these outcomes: Recognise coins and notes up to £20 Exchange money up to 20p for an equivalent amount in other denominations Add up to 20p in 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p coins Add up to £20 in £1 and £2 coins Apply knowledge of coins to solve real-life number problems The bundles below contain workbooks that cover all of the outcomes students are required to achieve at each level. AQA Entry Level 1 Maths - 11 Workbooks Bundle AQA Entry Level 2 Maths Bundle - 10 Workbooks AQA Entry Level 3 Maths Bundle - 11 Workbooks More Entry Level Maths Resources Entry Level English Resources
Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks

This is a short presentation about Rosa Parks. You may also be interested in: Rosa Parks Simple 65 Slide Text Presentation This is a fully editable, PowerPoint presentation on the life of Rosa Parks, the famous civil rights activist who refused to give up her seat to a white person on the Montgomery bus, which was the catalyst for the Montgomery Bus Boycott and subsequent civil rights campaigns that eventually led to major civil rights reforms for African -Americans in the United States. It is an ideal resource for Black History Month (African-American Month) that falls in October in the UK and February in the USA and will help students' Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development by learning about the history and heritage of communities and the lives of those that overcame the challenges they faced. The PowerPoint makes reference to: - Her parents and family - Her schooling and education - Her refusal to give up her seat to a white person on the Montgomery bus - Her arrest and its significance on the civil rights movement legislation - Her civil rights activities - Her awards and tributes The PowerPoint contains hyperlinks to Rosa receiving the Congressional Medal from President Clinton and a short video on her life and achievements. A more detailed version of this presentation, more appropriate for older pupils, is also available: Rosa Parks Presentation Civil Rights Posters 50 Question Black History Month Quiz Black History Month Presentation Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide