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Minibeast Activity Pack
A 30 page pack of minibeast activities which includes:
Minibeast Writing sheets
Minibeast Labeling sheets
Minibeast pencil control sheets
Minibeast colouring sheets
Repeating Pattern Minibeasts
Minibeast Counting
Minibeast Number Line
Minibeast Hunt Checklist
Everything you need for your minibeast topic.

The Gingerbread Man Activity Pack
A 57 page pack of Gingerbread Man Activities for Early Years. A range of fun and brightly coloured resources, activities and worksheets to make your classroom stand out.
Number display
Put the correct number of buttons on the gingerbread man
Match the numbers to the number of buttons
Draw the correct number of buttons on the gingerbread man
Put the gingerbread men in number order
Gingerbread men/lady 5 frame mats
Gingerbread men/lady 10 frame mats
Gingerbread men/lady digit cards
Gingerbread men pattern sheets
Join the dots - gingerbread man/lady
Gingerbread man wanted poster
Gingerbread man drawing sheet/play dough mat
Gingerbread man sentence writing
Gingerbread man story sequencing
Gingerbread man vocabulary charts
Gingerbread man colouring picture
Gingerbread man letter cards

Ourselves - This is Me Pack - Early years Activities
A 30 page pack of activities to support in the delivery of the topic of ‘Ourselves’.
Reading words to label parts of the body
Writing words to label the parts of the body
Filling in the missing letters in words that label the parts of the body
This is me picture frame
Family trees for different sized families
Feelings worksheet
Feelings cards
When I grow up I want to be sheet
Directed drawing sheets - face and person
A birthday cake to decorate with the correct number of candles
A plate of favourite food
A missing body parts sheet
A sheet to celebrate differences
My morning sequencing cards

Jack and the Beanstalk Resources and Activities
A 40 page pack of Jack and the Beanstalk Activities for Early Years. A range of fun and brightly coloured resources, activities and worksheets to make your classroom stand out.
Order the beanstalks by height
Beanstalk number line
Beanstalk number writing practise
Put the leaves in number order on the beanstalk
Count the golden eggs
Measure with beans
Jack and the beanstalk 10 frame
Jack and the beanstalk 5 frame
Jack and the beanstalk counting
Jack and the beanstalk counting game to 10
Jack and the beanstalk counting game to 15
Count and clip cards to 6
Jack and the beanstalk writing
Jack and the beanstalk story telling cards
Jack and the beanstalk pencil control sheet
Jack and the beanstalk colouring pictures
Jack and the beanstalk vocabulary cards

Reading Resources for Reading Assessment Booklet
Use these reading resources in conjunction with the reading assessment booklet to assess rhyme and alliteration.

Reading Baseline Assessment Development Matters 2021
An assessment booklet for reading based on the new Development Matters 2021 document.
There are questions and activities for the children to complete linking to the criteria in the document.
Download the free reading assessment resources to use with the assessment.

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears Activity Pack
Goldilocks and the 3 Bears is a great story to use with young children and gives the opportunity to visit a whole range of concepts in a variety of curriculum areas. Link every area in your continuous provision to Goldilocks and the 3 Bears using my activity pack to completely immerse children in the story and develop their curiosity and imagination.
The pack includes 45 pages of activities which includes:
Ten Frame
Five Frame
Number cards
Vocabulary cards
Ordering by Size activities
Counting Worksheets
Colouring Pictures
Join the dots pictures
Display pictures
Pattern Worksheets
Goldilocks and the three bears game
Tasting porridge activity
Count and clip cards
Directed drawing - bears
Writing Sheets

Communication and Language EYFS - Positional Language
This booklet supports children with understanding positional language in, on and under. The book is made to be very interactive with movable pictures which the children can use to follow the instructions given. Children remove the correct picture and put it in the correct place. There are several different pictures with lots of different possibilities for instructions giving children lots of opportunities to consolidate their understanding of positional language. In the booklet there are also ideas for lots more practical activities and advice on how to complete them.

Communication and Language EYFS - Booklet Bundle
Three printable booklets to support children’s communication and language development. Activities to support children with positional language - in, on and under in one booklet. Activities to support children with following 3 word level instructions in another booklet and a booklet to encourage children to use ‘ing’ at the end of words.
2 of the booklets are designed to be interactive with movable pictures to be placed in the correct position while the third booklet has quality photographs to share and discuss.
All booklets give ideas for practical activities which can also be used with the children to develop these skills further.

Communication and Language EYFS - 3 word level instructions
This booklet supports children with following 3 word level instructions. The book is made to be very interactive with movable pictures which the children can use to follow the instructions given. Children remove the correct picture and put it in the correct place. There are several different pictures with lots of different possibilities for instructions giving children lots of opportunities to consolidate their understanding of 3 word level instructions. In the booklet there are also ideas for lots more practical activities and advice on how to complete them.

Communication and Language EYFS - Words ending in 'ing'
This booklet encourages children to use words ending in ‘ing’ with lots of practical activities and action pictures to discuss. There are several different pictures giving children lots of opportunities to consolidate their understanding of verbs ending in ‘ing’. In the booklet there are also ideas for lots more practical activities and advice on how to complete them.

Little Red Riding Hood Activity Pack
Little Red Riding Hood is a great story to use with young children and gives the opportunity to visit a whole range of concepts in a variety of curriculum areas. Link every area in your continuous provision Little Red Riding Hood using my Little Red Riding Hood EYFS Activities to completely immerse children in the story and develop their curiosity and imagination.
The pack includes:
Healthy and unhealthy food sorting into baskets
Ten Frame
Five Frame
Number cards
Vocabulary cards
Ordering by Size activities
Counting Worksheets
Colouring Pictures
Join the dots pictures
Display pictures
Pattern Worksheets
Goldilocks and the three bears game
Tasting porridge activity
Count and clip cards
Directed drawing - bears
Writing Sheets
Fine motor skills activity
Cutting skills activity
Character Clipart

3 Little Pigs Activity Pack
The 3 Little Pigs is a great story to use with young children and gives the opportunity to visit a whole range of concepts in a variety of curriculum areas. Link every area in your continuous provision to The 3 Little Pigs using my activity pack to completely immerse children in the story and develop their curiosity and imagination.
The pack includes 35 pages of activities which includes:
Ten Frame
Five Frame
Number cards
Vocabulary cards
Ordering activities
Number mats
Colouring Pictures
Design your house sheet
Mud puddle, number cards and pigs
Counting Sheet
Count and Clip Cards
Feelings Worksheets
Directed drawing - pig
Cutting Activity
Pencil Control Activity
Pig and piglets photo

Traditional Tales Bundle
Get all of my traditional tales in one bundle pack and save money.
The 3 Little Pigs is a great story to use with young children and gives the opportunity to visit a whole range of concepts in a variety of curriculum areas. Link every area in your continuous provision to The 3 Little Pigs using my activity pack to completely immerse children in the story and develop their curiosity and imagination.
The pack includes 31 pages of activities which includes:
Ten Frame
Five Frame
Number cards
Vocabulary cards
Ordering activities
Number mats
Colouring Pictures
Design your house sheet
Mud puddle, number cards and pigs
Feelings Worksheets
Directed drawing - pig
Pig and piglets photo
A 57 page pack of Gingerbread Man Activities for Early Years. A range of fun and brightly coloured resources, activities and worksheets to make your classroom stand out.
Number display
Put the correct number of buttons on the gingerbread man
Match the numbers to the number of buttons
Draw the correct number of buttons on the gingerbread man
Put the gingerbread men in number order
Gingerbread men/lady 5 frame mats
Gingerbread men/lady 10 frame mats
Gingerbread men/lady digit cards
Gingerbread men pattern sheets
Join the dots - gingerbread man/lady
Gingerbread man wanted poster
Gingerbread man drawing sheet/play dough mat
Gingerbread man sentence writing
Gingerbread man story sequencing
Gingerbread man vocabulary charts
Gingerbread man colouring picture
Gingerbread man letter cards
Goldilocks and the 3 Bears is a great story to use with young children and gives the opportunity to visit a whole range of concepts in a variety of curriculum areas. Link every area in your continuous provision to Goldilocks and the 3 Bears using my activity pack to completely immerse children in the story and develop their curiosity and imagination.
The pack includes 45 pages of activities which includes:
Ten Frame
Five Frame
Number cards
Vocabulary cards
Ordering by Size activities
Counting Worksheets
Colouring Pictures
Join the dots pictures
Display pictures
Pattern Worksheets
Goldilocks and the three bears game
Tasting porridge activity
Count and clip cards
Directed drawing - bears
Writing Sheets
A 40 page pack of Jack and the Beanstalk Activities for Early Years. A range of fun and brightly coloured resources, activities and worksheets to make your classroom stand out.
Order the beanstalks by height
Beanstalk number line
Beanstalk number writing practise
Put the leaves in number order on the beanstalk
Count the golden eggs
Measure with beans
Jack and the beanstalk 10 frame
Jack and the beanstalk 5 frame
Jack and the beanstalk counting
Jack and the beanstalk counting game to 10
Jack and the beanstalk counting game to 15
Count and clip cards to 6
Jack and the beanstalk writing
Jack and the beanstalk story telling cards
Jack and the beanstalk pencil control sheet
Jack and the beanstalk colouring pictures
Jack and the beanstalk vocabulary cards

Sorting Activities
A pack of sorting activities to teach children how to sort. Children sort objects onto the cute jar sorting mats. The jars have different lids to specify or depict the criteria used. You can also choose your own criteria using the blank lids provided. You can either use real objects or cut out and laminate the buttons and socks provided. There are also a number of worksheets which the children can use to demonstrate their understanding of sets of objects. These slowly increase in complexity.

Spots and Stripes Pattern Play dough Mats
8 play dough mats to reinforce the concept of pattern. Children use play dough to make spots or stripes to decorate the pictures. The small inset picture shows the illustration as it should look once the spots and stripes have been added. There is a party hat, bee, ladybird, pair of socks, dog, face and t-shirt that need decorating. Children will develop fine motor control as they manipulate the play dough into spots and stripes.

Maths Assessment Booklet for Reception
This handy booklet has a range of activities to assess children’s ability levels in Mathematics in relation to the ‘Development Matters 2021’ document. Each activity is linked to a development matters statement up to and including the Early Learning Goal statement. It allows you to assess where children are at in relation to Mathematics when they start school and at different times throughout the year to demonstrate progress. It will also be useful to assess the ability of children entering Year 1 and for SEN children who may not be able to access their own curriculum. The gaps in knowledge displayed in the booklet identify children’s next steps and also inform your planning in terms of delivery.