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SPANISH FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER SPANISH CHRISTMAS TASK CARDS NUMBERS 0-31 This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. These Spanish Christmas Numbers 0-31 task cards are perfect for beginner Spanish learners, and really do help to create a lively language learning environment. I’ve found that lessons around the Christmas period are a great time for revisiting and practicing language and structures we’ve looked at over the semester. The questions are entirely in Spanish, and students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their developing knowledge of Spanish in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. They have a bonus multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling. They’re great for helping students familiarise themselves with, and develop competence in, speaking, reading, writing and spelling in Spanish in general, and certainly in Spanish numbers and Spanish Christmas vocabulary in particular. The questions range in complexity and challenge, not only in terms of calculation, but also in terms of the level of Spanish - they are aimed at advanced beginner Spanish learners, rather than new or recent beginners. Most learners will be able to infer meaning from context and images, which have a real Spanish Christmas theme, such as el turrón and las uvas, with vocabulary and structures repeated throughout, giving learners a chance to familiarise themselves really well with them. Nonetheless, it can be useful to read through the questions with the whole class first to check everyone is able to access the language, and therefore the activity, successfully. Students really do benefit in terms of language learning if they have regular and frequent opportunities to work with the cards, rather than simply working with them in a single lesson. The Spanish Christmas vocabulary provides a really useful springboard for discussion about Christmas customs and traditions in Spain, Spanish regions, and other Spanish-speaking countries too, comparing and contrasting these to other Christmas practices students may know. The resource comprises the following non-editable files: = 48 differentiated question cards = answer recording sheet & answer key = question card template Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including Spanish dollar deals, special offer bundles, and freebies. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y FELIZ NAVIDAD!


BEGINNER SPANISH DOMINOES ADVANCED BEGINNER SPANISH DOMINOES INTERMEDIATE SPANISH DOMINOES Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom, in whole or in part, in any way. The license is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. 99 high-frequency Spanish verbs in the infinitive form, along with the corresponding English verbs. Students can work happily challenging themselves and each other to create a perfect domino bilingual verb sequence, on the classroom floor, or on a long(ish) table, by matching the Spanish and English verbs. The game has a bonus multi-focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, and reading, and also helps students identify cognates and words that may look similar to English, but mean something different. There are three games, each with a different level of challenge: Challenge One features the verbs in alphabetical order, Spanish to English Challenge Two features the verbs in random order, also Spanish to English Challenge Three again features the verbs in random order, but this time from English to Spanish, which works a little different in terms of vocab recall There’s a full alphabetical Spanish-English verb list, which students find really useful as they begin to build and embed their verb vocabulary - we find it useful to have a quick look through the list prior to playing for the first time. Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources and freebies. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN APRENDIZAJE!


6 Resources
DAZ DAF BEGINNER GERMAN INTERMEDIATE GERMAN REGULAR VERBS CONJUGATION PRACTICE 3 workbooks @ $1.50 each in the bundle Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The bundle is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom, in whole or in part, in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. The tenses are present tense (Präsens) perfect tense (Perfekt) imperfect tense (Präteritum) featuring 25 high-frequency regular German verbs, 150 conjugations in each workbook, 450 conjugations in total, answer keys and verb lists ideal for advanced KS3 German students who are beginning to work with compound sentences and longer texts, and KS4 German students who are working with more complex language and texts, including a range of tenses. The workbooks focus on the correct conjugation of verbs, rather than usage, but I definitely find it useful to remind students of a number of things when focusing on or revising tense and verb conjugation. For example, with the German present tense, I encourage students to look for patterns across all the verbs, such as the singular pronouns, including the pronoun man form being identical, pointing out also that man is commonly used in German, often also meaning we, unlike the pronoun one in English. Students do often try to conflate what they know about conjugation, and with those whose first language is English, I frequently see attempts such as ich bin machen for I am doing / making or similarly ich mache arbeiten for I do work. I refer frequently the difference in usage between English and German, and this is important particularly when explaining when and in which contexts to use the simple present and the continuous / progressive present tense. Each set has the following structure: Two alphabetical verb reference lists: German-English and English-German. Three conjugation challenges, each with 50 individual conjugations: Conjugation Challenge 1: each verb conjugated in German across a range of pronouns, with students writing the corresponding English verb conjugation. Conjugation Challenge 2: gives the infinitive of each verb in German, specifying the target pronoun. Students write the corresponding verb conjugation in German. Conjugation Challenge 3: students write the corresponding German verb conjugation, and its infinitive, from an English prompt. Notes and Next Steps sheet, which encourages students to think about how their understanding of German conjugation works, what progress they have made, what their targets for improvement might realistically be, and what they might reasonably do in order to meet those targets. Students also note down any new verbs they discover, which enables them to build up a really sound verb vocabulary bank. We also use this to guide our whole-group discussions about conjugation and German grammar, and learning and progress in general - this is a really successful and popular activity. answer key: there are 6 pages in the answer key book - for me, answer keys are an essential and integral part of learning with these kinds of workbooks - they give my students an additional opportunity to engage with language, they certainly help them develop more independence in their learning, and they genuinely enjoy ‘correcting’ their own, and especially each other’s work. Have a browse in my store for more German conjugation and grammar activities, and a wide range of other German teaching and learning resources, with dollar, deals, special offer bundles and lots of freebies - I’ve included a couple here for you to try. VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß BEIM KONJUGIEREN!


FSL FLE ADVANCED BEGINNER FRENCH INTERMEDIATE FRENCH VERBS DOMINOES Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. French verbs dominoes games: 3 games and challenges are a lively alternative to more traditional grammar & vocabulary ‘drilling’ activities. They will help students build up and embed their vocabulary and knowledge of common French verbs in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. There are 99 high-frequency French verbs in the infinitive form, along with the corresponding English verbs. Students can work happily challenging themselves and each other to create a perfect domino bilingual verb sequence, on the classroom floor, or on a long(ish) table, by matching the French and English verbs. The game has a bonus multi-focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, and reading, and also helps students identify cognates and words that may look similar to English, but mean something different. There are three games, each with a different level of challenge: Challenge One features the verbs in alphabetical order, French to English Challenge Two features the verbs in random order, also French to English Challenge Three again features the verbs in random order, but this time from English to French, which works a little different in terms of vocab recall There’s a full alphabetical French-English verb list, which students find really useful as they begin to build and embed their verb vocabulary - we find it useful to have a quick look through the list prior to playing for the first time, and it’s also really good for some additional whole-group pronunciation practice. Each challenge is on a different background, so that they can be easily identified. To ensure successful learning, play regularly as you work with verbs and vocabulary - against a timer in teams works well to map both improved recall and word recognition, as well as increasing confidence - students genuinely enjoy seeing if they can beat their own time record. There’s definitely prep involved - printing and cutting out. I always laminate my dominoes games, as they’re far more learner-friendly, and they last for absolutely years, so once you’re prepped the set or several sets, you will never have to prep the games again. Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including French dollar deals, special offer bundles, and freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !


PRIMARY FRENCH IMMERSION BEGINNER FRENCH CHRISTMAS BINGO GAMES* Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed in any way outside your own classroom. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. An ideal multi-skill language learning activity for developing listening, speaking, reading, writing and spelling skills for French language learners of all ages - in my experience, adult learners really enjoy a few competitive games of bingo too! I’ve described the games as not grade-specific, as the general goal for me is not to learn a lot of French Christmas vocabulary as such, but to work quite specifically on French language skills development. There are 100 grids in total, in both color & BW. The color grids definitely look really good, but can prove expensive to prep - I have sets that I’ve laminated, and students use wipe-free pens, so that the grids can be used many times. Younger learners do tend to prefer the BW grids, taking some additional time to color them in themselves. I often combine that activity with revision of colors, which can work really well too. The games are designed for players to cross off all the words or pictures on their grids in order to win the game. This set comprises the following: 40 picture-only bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) You can give students a random selection of pages, with students selecting the order of grids they play from. You can also cut out the grids, and place them in a small bowl or similar object on tables. Students then select grids randomly from the bowl. For additional challenge, students can play all four grids in a single game. Color and BW 40 words & pictures bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) Color & BW 10 picture-only 30-square grids (A4 portrait format) Distribute the grids among students, several grids per student, which they choose randomly for every game. There should be several winners per game, depending on the size of the group. Color & BW 10 words & pictures 30-square grids (A4 portrait format) Color & BW Calling card, featuring 32 French Christmas words. Print or photocopy double-sided to minimise prep. There are 8 check columns per page, so that you can really get the most from each card - call the words randomly, ticking them off as you go, so that you can check the winning grids. You can vary the use of the definite and indefinite article, singular or plural. Students should also be the bingo caller, rather than always the teacher. Calling card, featuring the English translation of the French Christmas words. This is great for additional challenge - students hear the English word, and translate it quickly, looking for it in writing in French in the grid JOYEUX NOËL ET BONNE ANNÉE !


5 Resources
ELEMENTARY SPANISH FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER SPANISH Numbers 0-10 & 0-20 two sets of ten word searches @ $2.25 each: 20 differentiated word searches with answer keys Files are non-editable in a zipped format. Please read the Terms of Use carefully: this resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Sopas de letras are a fabulous way of encouraging learners to engage with the written word in Spanish, refreshing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This mini-bundle features two sets of 10 differentiated word searches & answer keys, with each consecutive grid increasing in challenge. The focus is on key beginner Spanish vocabulary: los números 0-10 en español : Numbers 0-10 in Spanish los números 0-20 en español : Numbers 0-20 in Spanish In each set, there are 5 Spanish to Spanish grids, where students are prompted with Spanish words, and look for them in Spanish in the grid. For additional consolidation and practice, each grid also features an English word list that they have to complete, really putting their knowledge to the test. There are also 5 English to Spanish grids, where the prompt words are given in English, and students have to find the Spanish equivalent in the grid. For additional consolidation and practice in writing in Spanish, they also complete the Spanish word list on each page. Students can tell in which direction the words are written by looking at the arrow key on each grid. As students work through the word searches, there is an increasing number of directions, making the grids more challenging. answer keys The word searches are really versatile too - I use them for sub lessons, as starters, refreshers, plenaries or fun-time fillers at any time during the school year, as well as when I’m introducing this particular target language in Spanish. Try this Spanish Fruits Word Search freebie - the format is the same as these word searches, and you can see whether they will work for your learners: SPANISH FRUITS WORD SEARCH FREEBIE https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-fruits-word-search-freebie-12486094 Have a browse in my store for more Spanish word searches, and a wide range of other Spanish teaching & learning materials, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too - I’ve included a couple here for you to try. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN APRENDIZAJE!


FSL FLE FRENCH IMMERSION BEGINNER FRENCH PRESENT TENSE RE VERBS CONJUGATION PRACTICE TASK CARDS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. Focus on conjugating French RE verbs in the present tense. The challenge cards are perfect for advanced beginner French and students preparing for intermediate French students, who are really getting to grips with the concept of conjugation. This kind of activity really does help to create a lively language learning environment. Students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their conjugation skills in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. The questions have a bonus multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling. They’re great for helping students familiarize themselves with, and develop competence in, speaking, reading, writing and spelling in French in general, and certainly in conjugating French RE verbs in the present tense in particular. To get the most from the questions, I frequently look at the multiple-choice questions as a whole-group, identifying not only why there is a single correct response, but what the errors are in the other choices - identifying errors, and explaining precisely why something is inaccurate or incorrect, helps students to think about language a little more laterally, and ensures that they are thinking concepts through, rather than simply relying on learned responses. The set comprises the following non-editable files: set of 48 differentiated question cards answer key: answer keys are integral to this kind of learning activity - they provide students with additional opportunity to engage with language and help them develop more independence in their learning. question cards template: creating new language enables learners to apply language practically, and gives them opportunity to think about how language works answer recording sheet Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including French dollar deals, special offer bundles, and freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BONNE CONJUGAISON !


FSL FLE PRIMARY FRENCH IMMERSION BEGINNER FRENCH VOCABULARY CARDS The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. This is a set of 198 matching French and English games cards with a recall and write workbook, focusing on 99 beginner French words and phrases. The vocabulary topics are: = Les salutations = Les jours de la semaine = Les mois et les saisons de l’année = Les nombres 0-20 = Ma famille = Mots fréquents = Le français pour la salle de classe = Questions et réponses My students really like to work independently, in pairs and in small groups, and these vocabulary cards enable them to do that. There are lots of games and activities to play, and I’ve described several that are successful with my groups. I’ve found that giving students regular and frequent opportunities to play with the cards, not only when we’re focusing on these particular vocab groups, but across the school year, and even when they’re far more advanced in their learning - all learners benefit from going back to the start! There’s definitely some prep involved - printing, laminating and cutting out - laminating is certainly worth the effort, as the cards are a lot more learner-friendly, and do last for years. Students don’t have to play with full sets - they can work with selected vocab groups. The 18-page workbook gives students a different way of consolidating their vocabulary - writing it out really helps to embed language, and is great for spelling too. There are 3 differentiated recall and write challenges, as well as a full alphabetical French-English vocabulary list, which works well as a longer-term reference resource too. My students learn a lot from applying their French practically with the game card templates - they enjoy creating cards for each other. I use the workbook for homework, holiday work, practice and revision or sub lessons - they’re really versatile. Written Recall Challenge One: students write the English word /phrase from a French prompt, with all the words and phrases grouped together in the same category Written Recall Challenge Two: with this challenge, students write the words/phrases in French from an English prompt, and again, they’re all group together in the same category Written Recall Challenge Three: this final challenge ‘switches’ at each question from French to English, and lists words and phrases randomly from each category - I’ve found that this really does encourage my students to think hard about their French vocabulary. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !


FSL FLE PRIMARY FRENCH IMMERSION BEGINNER FRENCH VOCABULARY CARDS The resource consists of two non-editable files in a zipped format. Please read the Terms of Use - the resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. 99 Beginner French words & phrases, 198 matching French & English vocabulary cards, 18-page Reference & Vocabulary Memorization Workbook, 3 differentiated written recall challenges Writing out vocab really does help students consolidate their French. The vocabulary is listed French-English alphabetically in vocab groups at the front of the workbook, and this works really well as a longer-term reference resource. The vocabulary groups are: = les salutations = les couleurs (masculine and feminine) = les parties du corps (singular and plural) = le temps = les nombres 21-40 = les phrases pour la salle de classe = questions et réponses Written Recall Challenge One: students write the English word /phrase from a French prompt, with all the words and phrases grouped together in the same category Written Recall Challenge Two: with this challenge, students write the words/phrases in French from an English prompt, and again, they’re all group together in the same category Written Recall Challenge Three: this final challenge ‘switches’ at each question from French to English, and lists words and phrases randomly from each category - I’ve found that this really does encourage my students to think hard about their French vocab. My students love to play the games and work through the workbook on a regular basis, not just when I introduce the particular vocab - in that way, they feel they can really practice and embed the vocab. They like to create quiz/games cards for each other, and that’s a great chance to apply their knowledge a little more practically. I always laminate my games cards, because it’s well worth the time and effort - they’re definitely easier to work with in the classroom, and they last for years and years. Have a browse in my store for more French independent learning activities, and a wide range of other French teaching and learning resources, with dollar deals, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies too! MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !


FSL FLE BEGINNER FRENCH VOCABULARY Great for Beginner French - 99 introductory French words and phrases - matching French and English vocabulary cards . The resource consists of two non-editable files in a zipped format. Please read the Terms of Use - the resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. The vocabulary groups are as follows: = Le français pour la salle de classe = Les animaux - definite & indefinite article = Les matières scolaires = Les fruits et légumes = Les nombres 41-60 = Bavarder ensemble ! There are 198 cards in total. There are lots of games and activities which students really enjoy - I’ve described some of the ones that my students love. We don’t always use the entire set at once - sometimes we choose particular vocab groups to focus on - it’s entirely up to you. It’s good to let students work and learn independently, and we use these not only when we’re introducing these particular vocab groups, but at regular intervals during the school year (and beyond!), as this is a really good way to ensure that students are consolidating their vocab. Although there are a lot of cards, I always laminate them - they are better to use, and really do last for years and years. I like to give my students workbooks too, along with a full vocab reference, which I’ve included at the front of the 18-page workbook. There are 3 differentiated recall and write challenges, and both the workbook and cards are versatile - we use them in directed class time, for free-choice time, for homework or during the holidays, for cover lessons and so on - students can simply get on with things together. They can also be a bit more creative, and apply their vocab practically by creating game or quiz cards for each other using the card template. Written Recall Challenge One: students write the English word /phrase from a French prompt, with all the words and phrases grouped together in the same category Written Recall Challenge Two: with this challenge, students write the words/phrases in French from an English prompt, and again, they’re all group together in the same category Written Recall Challenge Three: this final challenge ‘switches’ at each question from French to English, and lists words and phrases randomly from each category - I’ve found that this really does encourage my students to think hard about their French vocabulary. Have a browse in my store for more French independent learning activities, and a wide range of other French teaching and learning resources, with French dollar deals, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !


DAZ DAF GERMAN FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER GERMAN VOCABULARY CARDS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. The games and activities help students to develop and embed their beginner German vocabulary in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way. They’re ideal for independent learning, and perfect for pair and small-group work. Students can quiz/test themselves and each other on a regular basis - they’re a very popular alternative to more traditional vocabulary ‘drilling tasks’, and really do help create a lively language learning environment. This set features 99 Beginner German Words & Phrases in the following vocabulary groups: Begrüßungen die Farben der Körper / die Körperteile (singular & plural) die Zahlen 21-40 das Wetter Deutsch im Klassenzimmer Fragen und Antworten Files are non-editable in a zipped format: German and English game cards, with all the words and phrases to use in a variety of games and activities - I’ve suggested a range of games and activities that have worked well for me. The game card template encourages your students to apply their developing knowledge of German practically and creatively, which is essential for successful language learning. Reference, Recall & Write Workbook - all the words and phrases are listed German-English in language categories. There are 3 differentiated recall challenges to help students really practise and review the vocabulary: Written Recall Challenge One: students write from memory all the words and phrases in English from a German prompt Written Recall Challenge Two: students write from memory all the words and phrases in German from an English prompt - again, all the words and phrases are in their language category Written Recall Challenge Three: all the words and phrases appear in random order, and switch from German to English at each question - this really does put students’ memories to the test Encourage students to complete the Notes and Next Steps template, which helps them to reflect on their learning, and to set progress targets. Have a browse in my store for more German language cards, and a wide range of other German teaching and learning materials, with German resource boxes, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß BEIM LERNEN!


DAZ DAF GERMAN FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER GERMAN VOCABULARY CARDS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. The games and activities help students to develop and embed their beginner German vocabulary in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way. They’re ideal for independent learning, and perfect for pair and small-group work. Students can quiz/test themselves and each other on a regular basis - they’re a very popular alternative to more traditional vocabulary ‘drilling tasks’, and really do help create a lively language learning environment. This set features 99 Beginner German Words & Phrases in the following vocabulary groups: Deutsch im Klassenzimmer das Tierreich, definite and indefinite article die Schulfächer Obst und Gemüse die Zahlen 41-60 Fragen und Antworten Files are non-editable in a zipped format: German and English game cards, with all the words and phrases to use in a variety of games and activities - I’ve suggested a range of games and activities that have worked well for me. The game card template encourages your students to apply their developing knowledge of German practically and creatively, which is essential for successful language learning. Reference, Recall & Write Workbook - all the words and phrases are listed German-English in language categories. There are 3 differentiated recall challenges to help students really practise and review the vocabulary: Written Recall Challenge One: students write from memory all the words and phrases in English from a German prompt Written Recall Challenge Two: students write from memory all the words and phrases in German from an English prompt - again, all the words and phrases are in their language category Written Recall Challenge Three: all the words and phrases appear in random order, and switch from German to English at each question - this really does put students’ memories to the test Encourage students to complete the Notes and Next Steps template, which helps them to reflect on their learning, and to set progress targets. Have a browse in my store for more German language cards, and a wide range of other German teaching and learning materials, with German resource boxes, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß BEIM LERNEN!


FSL FLE PRIMARY FRENCH IMMERSION BEGINNER FRENCH VOCABULARY CARDS There are two non-editable files in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. 198 matching English and French cards which really give my students a great start with their French. I let my students work with them independently at frequent intervals, both during the introduction phase, and regularly afterwards, giving them maximum opportunity to consolidate the vocab. They like to create game/quiz cards for each other with the card template. The vocabulary groups are: = les pays = les nombres 61-80 = Quelle heure est-il ? (o’clock) = les adjectifs = la nourriture et les boissons = conversation There’s a reference workbook too - my students always benefit from the chance to write out vocab, which helps them practice and embed the vocab - there are 3 differentiated recall and write challenges, with an alphabetical French-English reference list - we use this as a year-round reference resource as well. The Notes & Next Steps template is really useful, not only to jot down new, related vocab, but also to track and map progress - we revisit this quite often, and also use it to guide and inform whole-group discussion about learning and progress in general, which my students find really useful too. Written Recall Challenge One: students write the English word /phrase from a French prompt, with all the words and phrases grouped together in the same category Written Recall Challenge Two: with this challenge, students write the words/phrases in French from an English prompt, and again, they’re all group together in the same category Written Recall Challenge Three: this final challenge ‘switches’ at each question from French to English, and lists words and phrases randomly from each category - I’ve found that this really does encourage my students to think hard about their French vocabulary. Have a browse in my store for more French independent learning activities, and a wide range of other French teaching and learning resources, with French dollar deals, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !


DAZ DAF GERMAN FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER GERMAN VOCABULARY CARDS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. The games and activities help students to develop and embed their beginner German vocabulary in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way. They’re ideal for independent learning, and perfect for pair and small-group work. Students can quiz/test themselves and each other on a regular basis - they’re a very popular alternative to more traditional vocabulary ‘drilling tasks’, and really do help create a lively language learning environment. This set features 99 Beginner German Words & Phrases in the following vocabulary groups: Länder die Zahlen 61-80 die Uhrzeit (o’clock) Adjektive Verbindungswörter Fragewörter Fragen und Antworten Files are non-editable in a zipped format: German and English game cards, with all the words and phrases to use in a variety of games and activities - I’ve suggested a range of games and activities that have worked well for me. The game card template encourages your students to apply their developing knowledge of German practically and creatively, which is essential for successful language learning. Reference, Recall & Write Workbook - all the words and phrases are listed German-English in language categories. There are 3 differentiated recall challenges to help students really practise and review the vocabulary: Written Recall Challenge One: students write from memory all the words and phrases in English from a German prompt Written Recall Challenge Two: students write from memory all the words and phrases in German from an English prompt - again, all the words and phrases are in their language category Written Recall Challenge Three: all the words and phrases appear in random order, and switch from German to English at each question - this really does put students’ memories to the test Encourage students to complete the Notes and Next Steps template, which helps them to reflect on their learning, and to set progress targets. Have a browse in my store for more German language cards, and a wide range of other German teaching and learning materials, with German dollar deals, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß BEIM LERNEN!


DAZ DAF GERMAN FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER GERMAN VOCABULARY CARDS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. The games and activities help students to develop and embed their beginner German vocabulary in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way. They’re ideal for independent learning, and perfect for pair and small-group work. Students can quiz/test themselves and each other on a regular basis - they’re a very popular alternative to more traditional vocabulary ‘drilling tasks’, and really do help create a lively language learning environment. This set features 99 Beginner German Words & Phrases in the following vocabulary groups: deutsche Verben die Zahlen 81-100 die Uhrzeit (half past) in der Stadt Adjektive Fragen und Antworten Files are non-editable in a zipped format: German and English game cards, with all the words and phrases to use in a variety of games and activities - I’ve suggested a range of games and activities that have worked well for me. The game card template encourages your students to apply their developing knowledge of German practically and creatively, which is essential for successful language learning. Reference, Recall & Write Workbook - all the words and phrases are listed German-English in language categories. There are 3 differentiated recall challenges to help students really practise and review the vocabulary: Written Recall Challenge One: students write from memory all the words and phrases in English from a German prompt Written Recall Challenge Two: students write from memory all the words and phrases in German from an English prompt - again, all the words and phrases are in their language category Written Recall Challenge Three: all the words and phrases appear in random order, and switch from German to English at each question - this really does put students’ memories to the test Encourage students to complete the Notes and Next Steps template, which helps them to reflect on their learning, and to set progress targets. Have a browse in my store for more German language cards, and a wide range of other German teaching and learning materials, with German dollar deals, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß BEIM LERNEN!


DAZ DAF GERMAN FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER GERMAN VOCABULARY CARDS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. The games and activities help students to develop and embed their beginner German vocabulary in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way. They’re ideal for independent learning, and perfect for pair and small-group work. Students can quiz/test themselves and each other on a regular basis - they’re a very popular alternative to more traditional vocabulary ‘drilling tasks’, and really do help create a lively language learning environment. This set features 99 Beginner German Words & Phrases in the following vocabulary groups: Essen und Getränke die Uhrzeit (quarter past) die Sportarten deutsche Verben Zeitbegriffe Fragen und Antworten Files are non-editable in a zipped format: German and English game cards, with all the words and phrases to use in a variety of games and activities - I’ve suggested a range of games and activities that have worked well for me. The game card template encourages your students to apply their developing knowledge of German practically and creatively, which is essential for successful language learning. Reference, Recall & Write Workbook - all the words and phrases are listed German-English in language categories. There are 3 differentiated recall challenges to help students really practise and review the vocabulary: Written Recall Challenge One: students write from memory all the words and phrases in English from a German prompt Written Recall Challenge Two: students write from memory all the words and phrases in German from an English prompt - again, all the words and phrases are in their language category Written Recall Challenge Three: all the words and phrases appear in random order, and switch from German to English at each question - this really does put students’ memories to the test Encourage students to complete the Notes and Next Steps template, which helps them to reflect on their learning, and to set progress targets. Have a browse in my store for more German language cards, and a wide range of other German teaching and learning materials, with German resource boxes, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß BEIM LERNEN!


FSL FLE PRIMARY FRENCH IMMERSION BEGINNER FRENCH VOCABULARY CARDS 99 beginner French words and phrases that really get my students going with their French. There’s an accompanying 18-page reference and recall challenge workbook, with 3 differentiated recall challenges. Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It cannot be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. The words are in these vocabulary groups: = verbes français = nombres 81-100 = Quelle heure est-il ? (half past) = en ville = adjectifs = conversation / questions et réponses There are 198 cards in total, and although it’s time-consuming, it’s definitely worth the time to laminate the cards, as they’re far sturdier, and last for years! I give my students a vocab workbook too, and this one has 3 differentiated challenges, as well as a full alphabetical French-English list, which we use as a year-round reference resource as well. I often give multiple workbooks over a school year - it’s a really successful way of consolidating vocab, as well as practicing spelling. There’s a card template too - students enjoy creating game/quiz cards for each other, applying their knowledge in a different way. Written Recall Challenge One: students write the English word /phrase from a French prompt, with all the words and phrases grouped together in the same category Written Recall Challenge Two: with this challenge, students write the words/phrases in French from an English prompt, and again, they’re all group together in the same category Written Recall Challenge Three: this final challenge ‘switches’ at each question from French to English, and lists words and phrases randomly from each category - I’ve found that this really does encourage my students to think hard about their French vocabulary. Have a browse in my store for more French independent learning activities, and a wide range of other French teaching and learning resources, with French dollar deals, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !


ADVANCED BEGINNER SPANISH INTERMEDIATE SPANISH CONVERSATION TRANSLATION WORKSHEETS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. This set of Spanish conversation translation worksheets is a companion activity to Spanish Conversation Starters 1, though it works just as well as a standalone translation exercise for***advanced beginner Spanish*** and intermediate Spanish students. The content mirrors that of the conversation starters, and really does help students consolidate and embed essential advanced beginner Spanish to intermediate Spanish language across all key language skills. All the sentences are in question format. There are 200 translation questions in total: 100 from Spanish to English, and then repeated from English to Spanish. Translation is a specific skill that students need to work on carefully and gradually as they progress in their language learning. It’s quite common for beginner language learners to attempt to translate word for word from their first / home language, and though this will work occasionally, it frequently leads to errors. I remind students that there can be several ways to translate correctly: the important thing is to be sure that the original intent and meaning of the question is replicated in the translation. We discuss a range of possible translations, both into Spanish and into English, as a whole-group, which is a really popular and successful language learning activity. I always include dual translation, that is from Spanish to English, and then from English to Spanish, as this really encourages students to think about language, and to be creative with it. The questions focus largely on the present tense, with some examples of tenses such as preterite and conditional. I include tenses we may not have formally covered, as the activity is not solely about practicing language, but also actively learning it. I encourage students to look for cues and clues in the questions themselves, and this certainly enables them to engage with new or unknown language successfully, and to progress in their learning. The translations broadly address the following themes: = personal information = family & routines at home = hobbies & free time = likes & dislikes = local environment = food & drink = school & studies = sport & healthy living = countries & languages = weather & seasons Have a browse in my store for more Spanish independent learning activities, and a wide range of other Spanish teaching and learning materials, with Spanish dollar deals, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN APRENDIZAJE!


SPANISH FOR CHILDREN NUMBERS 0-100 ELEMENTARY SPANISH NUMBERS 0-100 BEGINNER SPANISH NUMBERS 0-100 Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. Task cards help to create a lively language learning environment. Students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their knowledge of Spanish numbers in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. They have a bonus multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling. They’re great for helping students familiarize themselves with, and develop competence in, speaking, reading, writing and spelling longer words in Spanish. The cards are useful not only when you’re focusing on Spanish Numbers 0-100, but also for cover lessons, as an all-year-round starter, plenary and general ‘pick-me-up’ activity. All questions are in Spanish, and range in complexity and challenge, both in terms of language and number skills. I’ve used visual prompts such as math symbols to ensure all learners can engage with the questions, and this helps them to begin to infer meaning from context, and to decode cues and prompts to foster understanding. I don’t allow the use of calculators to increase the challenge a little. Some questions focus specifically on Spanish math language, which students do not always engage with very often. The question card template enables students to apply their knowledge of language and arithmetic creatively and practically, which is***integral to successful language learning***. My students also genuinely enjoy creating questions for each other. The set comprises the following non-editable files: 48 differentiated question cards, 6 per A4 (8.5 x 11) paper. Laminate if possible - it’s definitely worth the extra prep time and expense, as they’re far more learner-friendly and remain in excellent condition for years. answer key & recording sheet Try this freebie: SPANISH NUMBERS 0-100 TASK CARDS FREEBIE https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-numbers-0-100-task-cards-freebie-12903816 Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including Spanish dollar deals, special offer bundles, and freebies. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN APRENDIZAJE!


SPANISH FOR CHILDREN VEGETABLES WORD SEARCHES BEGINNER SPANISH VEGETABLES WORD SEARCHES WITH ANSWER KEYS The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. The license for purchase is a single-user license only - the resource is copyright, all rights reserved - it may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed in any way - please read the Terms of Use. Sopas de Letras are a fabulous way of encouraging learners to engage with the written word in Spanish, refreshing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This set features ten differentiated word searches, focusing on a range of vegetables in Spanish, with each consecutive grid increasing in challenge. The fruits include***masculine, feminine, singular and plural***, with a blend of definite and indefinite articles - this really helps students think a little more laterally about language, and their new vocabulary - they may learn la patata, and it’s useful to give students opportunity to think about grammatical concepts, and how la becomes una for example. I’ve selected high-frequency vegetables, such as potato or cabbage, and also vegetables which may be new to some learners, such as asparagus or artichoke. There are a range of phonemes and sounds too, such as the letter j (ajo)*, which is a sound particular to Spanish, and the letter ñ (champiñones), as the *tilde + n plays a very important role in Spanish pronunciation. There are 5 Spanish to Spanish grids, labelled with carrots, where learners are prompted with the Spanish words, and look for them in Spanish in the grid. For additional consolidation and practice, each grid also features an English word list that they have to complete, really putting their knowledge to the test. There are also 5 English to Spanish grids, labelled with a pepper, where the prompt words are given in English, and learners have to find the Spanish equivalent in the grid. For additional consolidation and practice in writing and spelling in Spanish, they also complete the Spanish word list on each page. Learners can tell in which direction the words are written by looking at the arrow key on each grid. Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources and freebies. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN PROVECHO!